Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

You Were Hard To Read

Shyla’s POV

I reached forward and caught him as he stumbled forward. I guided him to the ground and he gripped onto me like iron welded to itself. He was in pain and looked to be crying. I told him if he’d let me go I could call help.

He motioned to his pocket. I reached for it and pulled out his cell phone. I called for help and convinced William to give me the address. I did my best to help William. I never wanted to hurt him and well now he probably was going to die on me.


He looked up at me and rolled over onto his back. He was holding onto his stomach as the blood just started to seep through. His hands where shaking violently and slightly loosing their color.

I reached forward and pulled him close, “You’re going to be ok.”

He tried to say no but it never really came out. This felt unreal. He was in front of me staining the floor and I could hear sirens start to come. He would be ok. I know he would. It wasn’t that deep he was just in shock.

I heard the door bring opened and someone called out. I returned with a call of where we were. I told them it was an accident and they kind of shoved me out of the way. They did ask me his name and a few other questions.

One of the EMT’s pulled William’s hands away and lifted his shirt, “We have a laceration here. It’s not too bad. Bleeding. I don’t think its hit any organs but we better get him out of here.”

It didn’t take long for them to get him up and out of here. I cleaned the mess quickly because the cops were coming back to talk to me and the family would be coming home eventually. By the time the cops came through the door I was out the back. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to them. I had been missing for the past few days.

I slipped through the fence in the backyard and was meeting with another backyard. I moved as quietly and secretively as I could out of their yard and on to the streets. I would need to see Jeremy. I needed to confirm some kind of story.

So if William was telling the truth he would be at the police station. A part of me tugged me towards the hospital. I wanted to see how William was. I wanted to make sure my kidnapper was ok. Yeah, I was as crazy as he was.

So instead of heading to the police station I headed to our local hospital. I kind of snuck around the streets kind afraid of everyone. I was tense and the adrenaline was running through my veins. I was scared. I didn’t want to get nailed with killing William. He had to be alive. He couldn’t be dead. Then I would have a death on my case.

I made it to the hospital after a long journey of walking and starting asking about him. He was stable. Said he was up in the trauma ward on the eighth floor. I kind of snuck away before they could ask me anymore questions.

I entered the elevator at the end of the hall and pressed the button I needed. What was I going to say to him? I stabbed him. I was hoping he wasn’t going to panic or something. I zoned back into the world when the elevator dinged and opened. I stepped out and it was really quiet around the floor.

I walked past a board that had all the room numbers on the wall. I looked for William’s name. I found it and started following the directions of the room numbers. When I found William’s room I stopped.

I didn’t know if I could go in there or not.

I opened the door and William was sitting up. He looked over at me and smiled. I slipped into the room and closed the door softly behind me. William motioned me over and I slowly sauntered over to him.

“You doing ok?”

He nodded, “Yeah, you didn’t do much damage. They’re just keeping me here for the night.”

“I’m so sorry William. I didn’t want to hurt you. It was only for defense if you–”

He cut me off, “I told you I-I-I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“I know but I was scared William. Can you blame me?”

He looked away from me, “I thought you trusted me.”

I groaned, “Obviously I do since I’m here and I avoided the cops.”

He looked back at me and glared, “You hurt me Shyla.”

I really didn’t like the look he gave me. If looked were meant to kill I would be six feet under. He lost the glare and smiled quickly. Whatever he was planning I wasn’t excited for. He fumbled with his fingers and I moved a little closer. I was in need of saving my ass.

“William. I really didn’t mean to.”

He nodded, “I-I know.”

“Does it hurt?”

He shrugged and moved his blanket. He moved a part of his hospital gown to show the stitches and the small bandages on the side. He said the pain pills were helping and it didn’t hurt too much. He said it would probably hurt more later.

He leaned forward and hissed as he tried to get the blankets off of him. I went over and helped him. It was the least that I could do. He thanked me and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He wasn’t really attached to anything so I wasn’t worried about him pulling anything out.

“I want to go now.”

I shook my head, “If they said you had to stay you have to stay.”

He rolled his eyes and snapped at me, “No I don’t.”


He cut me off as he stood up, “You’re just afraid of me. You want me to stay so it can give you a chance to tell the whole story to the cops.”

I reached forward to place my hands on his chest, “No. I’m not. That stays in between me and you. Like I promised.”

He reached forward and I swear he snarled at me. He grabbed onto my hands and forced me all the way back against the door. He had me pinned to it and slipped a leg in between my own to hold me closer to the door.

He spoke softly, “You owe me.”

I nodded as I pretty much shook with fear, “I know. That’s why I’m not going to tell anyone.”

He shook his head and smirked, “You have no idea what’s coming to you as soon as I get out of here.”

I felt my heart drop as he leaned down. He pecked his lips against my own and I wiggled under him. He released my hands and placed his on the door. I tried to push him off but he wasn’t moving.

When he did pull away there was a knock at the door. He moved away from me and moved to go sit back down. I moved out of the way of the door and a lady with a food tray came in with his lunch. I excused myself before she even got into the room. I was too scared to be in there with William right now.

Who knew what his plans were.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks to all who leave awesome comments except for Shyla's death threat. XD That was scary. But none the less it was a comment.

Guess what I did last night:
Isn't it pretty? I look far away but I could reach Ray's mic stand if I wanted to. XD