Status: progressing

A Girl's Biggest Secret

Harlow McKinley used to be a normal girl. She had semi-normal parents, a semi-normal lifestyle and semi-normal friends. Her best friend was and always will be Jada Kent. Jada is and never was a normal girl. She was wild, she was out there, she was attracting to anyone and everyone.

Harlow couldn't cold herself back.

She was a normal girl, until she fell in love with her best friend. That's when everything began to change. She never looked at boys or girls the same. She began hiding in her shell. She thought things, saw things, she had never seen before and all the while all she could think about was Jada.

Read this interesting story based on true events and the emotional rollarcoaster that makes up a teen lesbian relationship. Its a story you'll love if you've ever had a best friend, been a girl, or a lesbian. :) About those friends who just never fit as just friends.
  1. Why I Like Jada Kent
  2. Laughable Love
    Harlow's Dilema
  3. Boyfriend Brigade
  4. Butterflies
    Harlow prepares for her first date
  5. Upskirt Surprise
    Almost Rape