‹ Prequel: The Ties That Bind

Problems Are Better Left Unsaid

Chapter 10

"HEY HOT STUFF" I whip my head around to the alley way.

"Man you haven't changed one bit." I groan

"And as for you...well I see a lil grey!" He pulls me in for a hug and I let out a sigh. "It's been years. How have you been?"

"I've had better days." I look down and see a slight glint coming from his left hand. "You're married? The Alex Gaskarth is a married man?"

He chuckled and played around with his ring.

"Yeah man seven years in August. How long have you been?"

I hold up my hand.

"Never been."

"Really? I thought you and Les would stay together."

"Oh we still are. We've always been together."

"You never thought about popping the question."

"It never really came up and raising Aislinn was our main priority."

"Aislinn...How old is she now? I haven’t seen her since she was a baby.”

“She’s 17. And not talking to me. She found out.”

“No kidding? Man I’m sorry but you couldn’t keep that all to yourself. It’s best she knows now. Does she know about him?”

“No” I snapped “And I don’t want her to.”

“Paul relax” He raises his hands up to defend himself “I may not know the situation too well or how to help with this situation but I know she’s probably hurting more than she is mad at you.”

“I think it’s pretty much the same thing.”

Trent and Alex walking up to us, smirks plastered on their faces.

“Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low, wow, I’m Trent and this is Alex. We’re opening for you guys for the rest of the tour.”

“Ah yeah…” He trailed off shaking their hands “How about we get to chatting over some beers in the bus.”

They nodded their heads and he turned to me.

“You coming Poolie?”

“No I rather not. I’ll see you later though.” I walked off and back to my own bus.
“Back so soon?” John was sitting on the couch flipping through some stations and I let out a heavy sigh.

“Yeah I can tell neither one of you are very happy with each other right now.”

“I’m just worried that’s all. Seeing her do that just reminded me of her mother.”

He laughed.

“Les was never an easy child and the stunts she pulled were far worse and more dangerous.”

“I remember. The one thing I wish I would have done sooner was make her mine.”

“You still have time…”

“What are you talking about she and I have been together for nearly 17 going on 18 years.”

“I mean put a ring on it.”

“This is the second time this topic has come up in the past ten minutes.”

“Really now?”

“Yeah Alex from All Time Low got married and he asked how long I’ve been and well…”

“Dude like I said still have time but the fact that Alex beat you too it is a bit sad.” He chuckles.
Martin walks into the room hand in hand with Gabby and they take the seat opposite John.

“Dude go for it. It’s a great idea you two have been together forever and are about to have your second kid together.”

“Les is pregnant!? Since when?”

“She’s about three months along.” I sighed “A little girl.”

Gabby seemed to force out a half smile and congratulations while walking quickly to the back of the bus.
“Is she okay?”
“Yeah why do you ask?” Martin grabbed the box of cereal and poured some into a bowl.
“It’s just that… every time I mention stuff about babies she gets weirded out…Martin she isn’t…”
“NOOOO way.” He laughed “That ship has sailed. No kids now and perfectly happy that way
“Lin…” I hear Gabby’s voice ring out softly
“Mhm” I sigh
“I want us to be able to trust each other and be honest so I want to tell you something.”
After a few moments of silence she started.
“I didn’t leave Martin for another guy…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time no write! Comments please :D