‹ Prequel: The Ties That Bind

Problems Are Better Left Unsaid

Chapter 11

"Martin and I were really into each other. I never left him for another guy" She took a deep breath and let out a sigh,"We were doing really well. And then I..."

I look at her and see the perplexed look in her eyes.

"I got pregnant. I was so happy and excited but the day I was going to tell him. I just didn't"

"Why not?"

"I walked in on him talking with Paul and he was saying how he'd never want to have kids. That it would change his lifestyle and that he didn't want that to change. So I just left."

"What happened to the baby?"

She looked at me and her eyes looked slightly more puffy and red.

"I had twins" Tears formed in her eyes " A boy who I gave up for adoption. And a little girl.."

I look at her intently.

"She was born deformed and unable to breathe. Her heart gave out after an half an hour...I didn't even get to hold her... If she would have lived she would have been in extreme amounts of pain. Unable to walk or feed herself."

"Why are you telling me this?,

"I know you're hurting and it will subside because you will always have a mother and a father, blood or not, that will always love you. I'm never going to get a second chance."

She walks out tears rolling down her face.

I look down at my feet.


Charlie's POV

I'm standing from a distance just watching Trent hit on this other girl.

"How about you come back to my bus and have a little fun." He grins and strokes her side.

She giggles and nods her head while holding onto his arm.

He grabs her and makes her walk in front.

"I'll be right in." He slaps her ass and she shrieks, giggling even louder as she enters the bus.

"Dude you can't tell Lin." He holds a finger up to my bangs and flips them. "Since I'm looking to fuck her she can't know I'm fucking a bimbo. It isn't exactly going to make her spread her legs. So do me a solid."

He pats my shoulder and I scoff.

I walk away towards BLG's bus and tap on it.

"Hey Man!" Martin escorts me into the bus.

"Company! Whats up Charlie?"

"Same old shit. Nervous about the show."

"Don't be you guys are going to do great."

He hands me his acoustic.

"Lets hear something"

I hesitate and strum it lightly singing the words to a song.

"Dude are you playing that at the show?"

"No I wrote this one on my own. Its not Trent's thing."

"Screw Trent and play it anyway."

"He'd kill me. The songs not finished yet anyway."

"Jesus Christ Martin do you ever stop singing just like for once!"

John comes out of the back and outstretches his arms.

"That was Charlie."

"Damn...you two sound a lot a like. Please tell me you don't have the same attitude?" He laughs.

"Um what?" I look up at him and then back at Martin.

"Dude you two have the same complexion...same eye color...height...and jaw line. Is it possible you two can be related?"

I shrugged.

"I mean I was raised in foster care so it's possible we could be distant cousins or something. I don't know much about my biological family."

"No kidding? Musically inclined foster family?"

"I never lived with a family. I was just bounced around from place to place. Mainly in Cali. I was adopted once when I was 8 but then the adoptive family found out they were about to have a kid so they brought me back. Stayed in East LA until I hit 16 and became legally emancipated. I found music through school and friends. I taught myself how to play the guitar and I was set."

"I'm sorry man. I didn't ..."

"It's okay. Trust me."

Lin comes out from the bunk area. She walks up to us and takes a seat.

"Hey Charlie."

"Hey..." I feel the words stuck in my throat. They just won't come out.

She is absolutely beautiful.

"Hold on one second." She runs back to her bunk and comes out seconds later with a pair of shear scissors in her hand.

"Lin what are you doing with those?" Martin sounds hesitant and sits up a little more in his seat.

"I'm cutting his bangs." She states simply.

"Okay..." I say hesitantly

She puts her knee in between my legs and leans over while carefully measuring out the lengths and snipping away.

John looks at me as if he's about to burst out laughing and Martin shakes his head while she dusts off my head.

"All done. Now people can finally see your eyes."

She puts the scissors in her bag and smiles.

"Well see you guys later. I'm heading to your bus to see if Trent is there."

"Lin.." She stops and I hesitate.

"The door should be open, He's probably in his bunk."