‹ Prequel: The Ties That Bind

Problems Are Better Left Unsaid

Chapter 12

I started to walk towards the bus when I felt someone tug on my arm.

"Lin I can't let you go in there."

"Why not?"

Charlie's eyes were begging me not to but my body just kept on going and I stepped on to his bands bus. I heard shuffling and shifting and as edged closer to the bunks I heard moaning. I didn't have to go any further to know who it was so I backed out and ran off the bus.

"You were just going to let me run in on that?" I screamed at him and he looked down at my feet.

"At first...I figured you wouldn't believe me if I told you...but then I thought about it and you didn't deserve it or him." He looked up at me his crystal blue eyes bearing into mine.

I look up at him shocked.

"No girl deserves it." He walks past me and towards the arena

For a slight moment I felt my heart flutter. Those eyes were hypnotizing.

I watch him stagger off into the venue and turned back on my heels entering the bus again.

"Hey is Charlie okay? He sort of just darted out of here." Martins chipper tone wasn't hard to miss "I like that kid."

I look at him puzzled for a moment.

"You know...I swear you two...." I sigh and shrug my shoulders "Never mind."

He looks at me confused.

I plopped down in front of my computer and decided to log on to my facebook. I scrolled through some messages and tagged photos from the party. One in particular caught my eye...dear god I was kissing Patricia. I slammed my head against the table. I can NEVER get that wasted ever again.

I scroll into the search box and scroll down to Trent's name. I went into his friends page and typed in Charlie. Charlie. Charlie Johnson?

This couldn't just be a weird coincidence.

I looked at his pictures and replayed what he had said to me in my head again. Was there a possibility he liked me? I found one picture of him sitting down with his guitar and pen in hand, staring down at the chicken scratch scrawled across the paper. He looked like the spitting image of Martin.

"Gabby!" I croaked

She darted into the room looking flustered.

"What's wrong Aislinn? Did something happen?"

"Look at this and tell me what you see?"

I turn the computer to face towards her. It took a few seconds for it to register. Her face went ghostly white and her eyes hollowed.

"Lin...I." She looked down at me "I don't know... I mean I never picked out his name...I don't know it... I mean I only left his Last name...Just in case I..."

"Gabby babe what's wrong?" Martin storms in and examens her intently.

"Martin...Nothing umm just nothing."

"No it's not." I state bluntly. "You need to tell him."

Her eyes darted toward me and she looked like a deer in the headlights.

"What do I need to know?" He looks at her intently.

"Why I left Martin... I didn't leave you for a guy."

"Are you trying to tell me you're bisexual? Because if you are I don't see an issue with that." He chuckled.

"No... Martin I left you because I was pregnant."

He looked at her blankly.

"I had twins Martin." She took a deep breath and her hands started shaking "June 1st, 2012 I...We had a set of twins."

He looks down at her.

"Where are they?" he spoke very calmly but I could tell that he was broken.

"A boy and a girl. I put the boy up for adoption. The little girl died."

"How?" he was barely audible

"She was born deformed....and the umbilical chord was wrapped around her neck." She sniffled

He patted his knee and she stumbled over taking a seat.

"Where is he?"

"There is a slight possibility we know where..." I say softly "He may be on tour with you."

"Charlie?" He breathed out. He shook his head "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you leave?"

"I walked in on you talking once and you said you didn't want children because they would alter your lifestyle."

"Gab... I said that at the time because I was pretty sure thats what I wanted. I said it then because I wasn't ready for it but if you would have told me I would have gotten over it. By the time I was ready it was too late. I already had Aislinn and Candy in my life and it filled up that void of not having a kid because it was like I already had them. Gab you shouldn't have waited so long. Let's go clear this up."
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Sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've had a bit of writers block :/ it's just a bit of a filler while I'm typing up the next chapter.