‹ Prequel: The Ties That Bind

Problems Are Better Left Unsaid

Chapter 7

My stomach clenched as the bus came to yet another stop. I've been like this for nearly two days straight and only left my bunk to go to the bathroom. Avoiding contact between everyone has been really easy, much easier that what others would think.

I felt someone tap at my curtain.

"Lin. Get up we're going out to eat."

He pulled back the curtain and tapped my shoulder.

"Aislinn get up now before I pull you out."

I looked at the wall not phased by what he was attempting to do because I know he would have never even tried. Of course I was mistaken.

He grabbed me by the waist and dragged me out of bed carrying me over his shoulder like he did when I was younger. I pounded on his back and screamed for him to put me down. We exited the bus and he set me down once reached the restaurant.

"Listen Lin, this is a really important day for me please just be nice tonight for me."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him and started looking for the table.

“Aislinn?! No one told me you would be gracing us with your presence.” Brent clapped and got up out of his seat.

Once I got close enough he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a big hug. My arms were stiff and practically plastered to my sides.

I was furious and no one could really change that. I just want to be home and sleeping in my bed.

I hear the front door open and a whole big group of guys come in and making a huge commotion while they were at it.

“WE ARE HERE!” One of them announced “The trip down here was insane.”

I rolled my eyes. Not as insane as my fucking week

I sat down at the furthest booth and cradled my head in my hands.

I looked up and saw the same guy in front of me again.

“Why hello there.” He grinned and took a seat across from me “What’s your name pretty lady?”

When I got a closer look at him I felt my heart skip a beat. He was around 5’8 had platinum blonde and brown eyes.

I blushed and looked down at my feet.

“Aislinn.” I say quietly

“Mine is Trent.” He then pointed to each member of his Band.

“That one right there is Alex, The tall awkward one is Charlie, but don’t worry the shyness should pass in a few days, and that guy there is Tom.”

“Cool, um I’m guessing you’re on tour with Boys Like Girls?”

“Yeah we’re opening the shows for them throughout the tour. You going to be at one of the shows?”

His green eyes were intoxicating.

“All of them actually.”

“I reeled you in already?” He winked and chuckled at me.

“Lin it’s time for you to come sit with us.” My Uncle glared at Trent “Your food is there.”

I got up and he smirked.

“Let me get your number.”

“545-649-8679” I smile at him and start walking up to the table.

“What are they doing here?” I heard Martin hiss

“Well I figured they should come along since we are all going to be together for a while we might as well start inviting them on our outings.” Uncle Bryan didn’t seem like he wanted to go any further with the subject.

He ran his hands through his hair.

“Well even though this is just a diner I kind of well…”

“Martin… what’s up?”

I hear the door open and look up. A woman walks in and I can’t help but be taken back by her features. She has long brown hair that sweeps down her back, strong cheek bones, and soft baby blue eyes. I can’t help but think she looks vaguely familiar.

“Gabby’s here.” I look over and see the biggest smile on his face.

“Hey.” She seemed a bit flustered and I couldn’t blame her, the rest of our table was basically sending out death glares.

Gabby takes the seat next to Martin and bites her lip.

“Um so basically I just wanted to let you all know at the same time that Gabby and I are getting married.”

“So now it went from ‘I’m moving back to Los Angeles’ to ‘I’m getting married.’” John looked him dead in the eye. “Don’t you think this is all just moving a little too fast?”

“John we’ve been dating for a year. And we’ve dated for five years before that.”

“She also left you for another guy while we were on tour after five years of dating you.”
I play with the food on my plate and continue to look down.

Gabby was looking down at her plate while playing with the cuff on her jacket.

“I’ve forgiven her and I want all of you to just drop it. It’s in the past.”

My head was spinning. There was so much new information that was being spewed out in the course of two minutes. I sat there and thought about how very little I actually knew about any of them in general.

I always knew Martin was my Mom’s best friend. She had a lot of fun growing up with him being a part of her life. This is why she made him my Godfather.

Uncle Bryan was obviously her brother, but I could sense the tension every time they are together in the room. I have no clue how it ever got that way. Come to think of it I’ve never met any of their family and I’ve never really bothered to ask.

John was the practical jokester and probably one of the best drummers I have and will ever know. He and my Uncle met in school and they both met Martin on a tour of some sort.

As I sat there trying to connect everything I realized something.

I didn’t even know anything about Paul.

The main person in my life that when I fell, would pick me right back up, and brush me off, I didn’t know one thing about. What made him stay with my Mother if I wasn’t his? I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it.