‹ Prequel: The Ties That Bind

Problems Are Better Left Unsaid

Chpter 9


"How did she find out?" Gabby asked softly.

Martin took the seat next to her and wrapped his arm around her. She leaned in closer to him resting her head on his chest. Bryan and John took a seat near the table.

"She found out a few days ago on her birthday."

"You guys haven't told her everything. I think he should tell her."

"And you have the right to tell him that?" Bryan scoffed.

"I'll never get the last 17 years of my life back and I'm really sorry for that. I wish I would have been there for her like I should have been. She needs someone now and I'm here for her."

"Why should she trust you of all people?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked back at her.

"I'm not going to keep any secrets from her. That's what she needs someone who hasn't wronged her in her mind. When she's ready she'll be a little less hostile."

"And what exactly is he supposed to say about the bastard?"

"He'll figure it out."

Aislinn's POV

Early the next morning I get a text from Trent. My face turns a light shade of pink when I read "Good Morning Sweetheart ;)".

I flip open my phone and quickly type up a message.

What's up?

Now that's a really naughty question ;). Meet me by the stage at 12?

I laugh quietly to myself and look at the time on my phone. 11:30.

Sure see you then

I roll out of my bunk and rummage through my bag. I pull out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and push the door to the bathroom open.

I turn on the shower and quickly lather myself up and let it roll off. After 20 minutes I turn off the water and hop out pulling on my fresh clothes.

I run to the door and slip out thankfully without anyone noticing.

It was blistering hot out and I was regretting even stepping out.

As I turn the corner without looking at where I was going I run straight into something very big and very solid.

"Oh god I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's alright." I take his hand and he pulls me up onto my feet again. "Wait a minute you're Charlie right?"

"Um yeah" He shifted around nervously on his feet. "Who are you?"

"I'm with Boys Like Girl's. I'm Paul--Um I'm Bryan's niece."

He seemed awkward in his own skin even though he really had no reason to be. He stands at roughly 6'5 with shaggy brown hair and had the most gorgeous blue eyes.

"Oh cool."

"I was wondering where Trent was..."

"Oh he's on the left side of the stage."

"Thanks" I smile and start to walk off but stop mid step and turn back to him watching him walk off slowly.

"Charlie" I called out to him and he spun around I motion to my fore head and make a scissor with two fingers. "Cut your bangs a bit you’re covering really beautiful eyes."

I smile at him again and wave.

I see Trent from the corner of my eye and walk over.

"Well hello there." He smirks and licks his lips.

"So why exactly am I here?"

"I don't know why did you come?"

"I guess because you asked me to."

"I want to show you something."

He stretches his hand out and I grab it. He picks me up and places me on the stage takes my hand and leads me to the back. He backs me up against the wall, his hands find their way on to my hips, and he starts kissing my neck.

I let out a soft moan.

Normally I would never let any guy touch me like this, especially not one that I just met the day before.

He bites down on the nape of my neck and I groan raking my hands through his hair.

"Trent..." His lips make their way up to my mouth and I wrap my hands around his neck as he traces his tongue past my lower lip.

Martin's POV

"Gabby" I call out softly as I feel her head move further into my chest.

"mmmph." She lets out a groan

There is a tap at our curtain and I pull it aside.

"Martin have you seen Lin?"

"No we've been in here all night. Why?"

"She isn't in her bunk or on the bus. I would have thought that she would have told someone." Paul's voice cracked.

"Don't worry about it she probably went out to grab a bite. Try calling her."

Paul pulls out his phone and presses it to his ear. Two seconds later we hear vibrations come from the bunk over my head.

"What's her phone doing up here?"

"That happened to be the bunk she slept in last night.” I rub my eyes and pull nudge Gabby out of the way as I push myself out and onto the floor.

Paul flips open the phone and starts to scroll through it.

“Dude you really shouldn’t do that. I mean it’s not really fair…”

“After the trouble she got herself into before we rolled out of Boston I don’t think she deserves privacy.”

“Ok. I’m sure there is nothing so bad.” Gabby gets up and wraps her arms around my stomach.

“How well do you know that Trent guy?” He closes the phone and sticks it in his pocket.

His left hand clenches into a fist while running his other hand through his hair.

“Not well.”

“He’s trying to get way to close to her. Fucking texting her and telling her to meet him by the stage.”

“Paul chill out man. She’s a good girl she’ll steer clear of him.”

“No. Good girls don’t steer clear of players. You of all people should know.”

“Hey! I wasn’t that bad!”

Gabby and Paul looked at me accusingly.


“Martin, he has a valid point. You were no angel and when it came to women you were a major flirt and a man whore.”

“I was 19/20 at the time!”
“This is all fine and dandy until it’s your daughter.”

Gabby’s head darts up and she rolls her hands down the side of her stomach.

“Are you okay Gab?”

She brings her hands up and rolls them through her hair.

“Yeah… Paul I know with everything that happened all that time ago you probably won’t agree with this but you really should tell her the truth about everything.”

He looks down at his feet, paces for a few seconds, and then walks out of the bus

Paul’s POV

I start making my way to the stage and try my best to calm down. It was so hot and humid I could feel the material of my shirt cling to me. I turn the corner and shove my hands in my pockets.

I see Aislinn coming down the narrow walk way.

“Where the hell were you?”

Her face is bright red and her hand makes its way to her neck.

“I was just looking around…” Her voice trails off as I start to tap my foot.

“The side of the stage with Trent.” I look her in the eye and she starts to slouch.


I pull out her phone.

“You read my text messages?” She snatches the phone out of my hand, “You have no right looking through my phone.”

“I have every right to look through anything of yours if it has to do with your well-being. You don’t leave that bus unless you have permission from one of us and we will tell you how long you can stay out.”

“Don’t ACT like you’re my Father. You can stop pretending now. I’ll go where I want when I want.”

She brushes past me and stomps all the way down to the bus.