Entering The World Of Pokemon

Kris- Virdian Forest

“Come on Fury Please get into your Pokeball ” I begged my new Psyduck. Yes, new. While Professor Oak and I were discussing travels and walking around we found a random Psyduck by the water. It was using confusion on a Tentacruel, which surprised me. I used Hoshi to catch it but now I realized that it was a big mistake. Fury did not like being in a Pokeball. She would pop out of it every time and then confuse me afterward. “Fine.” I told Fury, sitting down by her. “Have it your way.” I learned that Fury was a girl from Nurse Joy. I don’t know how she knows but thankfully she did. I got tackled every time I called Fury a “him”. I had traveled from Pallet town to the forest, wanting to get out before nightfall. This was not a good place to be stuck at during the night.

I glanced to my side, intending to be stubborn when I saw three people walk up. “Haven’t I seen you before?” I asked one of the girls.

“Earlier this morning.” She replied.

“Oh, wow. Sorry.” I said, touching the back of my neck. “I have a bed memory...” I glanced at Fury as she sat content on the rock. “I’m Kris. I just came from Cinnabar Island.”

“Kari.” The black haired girl said, shaking my hand firmly.

“I’m Star.” The girl I recognized said, nodding.

“And I am Leo.” Glancing at Leo I knew that he was going to be work.

“It’s nice to meet you all. Where are you all headed?”

“Pewter City.” Kari said, then glanced at the others. “Or at least I am. I’m headed for the gym there. I was going to defeat the one in Virdian, but that one burned down.”

“I saw that. It’s a shame.” I said, shaking my head. “I was headed to the gym in Pewter too. Want to travel together? ‘Cause we should really head out of this forest soon. It’ll be dark soon, and though it’s full of bug Pokemon it’s dangerous at night.”
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