Entering The World Of Pokemon

Ari - Pewter City

I drummed my fingers against my forehead, figuring out what to do next. I leaned against the outer wall of the Pewter City Gym, having just beaten the gym leader and winning my first badge. The battle wasn't to hard with Teenie, my Dratini, battling against the rock types.

"Cue." Kimi muttered beside me. I looked at him. He was as beautiful as a Cubone could be. Flawless, polished white skull and caring a large bone in his left hand. I didn't get a starter pokemon like most kids. I should've started my adventure three years ago, but while I was making my way to Professer Oak's lab, I got into a battle with an angry Charzard.

End result: I was in a coma for three years.

When I awoke, it wasn't long before I realized that my father was the head of a terrible corporation determined to stealing others pokemon. I set out with the Cubone my mother's Marowak had given birth too while I was in my coma. We actually gotten along great and we became fast friends. It wasn't long before I caught the next addition to our team: Epic, my Ponyta.

"Yeah. Soon." I couldn't actually talk to pokemon, but Kimi and I had an understanding of each other. He suggested we go and get food and that didn't sound to bad of an idea. Epic and Teenie could use some healing at the Pokemon Center as well. I was about to get up from my spot when I saw a group of four wandering my way. It made me wonder how they made it to Pewter City.

My journey wasn't so great. Lots of battles, preparing myself to be ready for this gym- and to become the greatest pokemon master ever. If I could become a pokemon master, I could eventually beat my father and stop his evil doings.

A little heroic of me, I know. But, I had strong feelings about it.

Back to reality. The four approached the gym, all looking determined. On boy was trying to stay in the lighted areas, so I quickly identified that he was afraid of the dark. I was good about things like this. I tipped my hat as they walked past. One girl with black hair stopped.

"Hello." I muttered and she frowned.

"Who are you?" I just shook my head, Kimi stepping in front of me, brandishing his bone.

"Cue!" He growled and the group stepped back lightly. I couldn't help but laugh at the idea. He wouldn't do anything without command, but he didn't like strangers.

"Calm yourself, Kimi." I looked at the four again. They were ready for the battle that was ahead of them and I had no doubt that they'd win. I smiled. "Me?"

"Yeah, you."

"I'm Ariadne." I paused, but continued shortly after. "Ari, for short."

"Did you just win?" The black haired girl asked. I could tell she was leading the group.

"Yeah, I did. Good luck." I smiled and headed off toward the Pokemon Center.