Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures


Last night when I received the call from Bella telling me about how the Cullen's were no longer going to Seattle to see about a vampire problem... that the vampire problem, an army of newborns were coming to Forks-- I wasn't expecting what had to take place today. We have three days now, counting today, until the newborns arrive according to the future seer's visions.

I immediately rounded up the guys--er and one girl, last night and we went on a patrol...we couldn't sleep after I informed them of the impending danger and that we absolutely had to meet with the Cullen's in the morning. It was now, the morning...

When we arrived I had expected to get straight into business but I realized one of the family was missing, Alice. "She's at the airport and will be back soon," Carlisle informed us. "I apologize for not wanting to go any further until she brings our guest."

Of course, that struck me as a little odd. Why would they be bringing in a guest to fight an arm---, then it dawned on me. It must be someone who has a lot of experience with newborn vampires. I most definitely wasn't expecting what came walking through the door.

"Everyone, this is Buffy. The Vampire Slayer," Alice introduced her to the family once they'd walked into the living room. My eyes widened somewhat, breath faltering in my chest. Embry looked over to me and spoke, "Jake, you look as if you've seen a ghost?" He offered and I heard him, but his voice didn't matter anymore. He didn't matter anymore.

The only person that mattered, was Buffy. "She's human," I pointed out kind of startled... I take it that Edward had been reading my thoughts because when I glanced over towards he and Bella, who surprisingly didn't matter to me anymore either... Edward's eyes were somewhat wide. He covered up though, I'm guessing, for what he read within my mind and answered the human question.

"They've been Slayers for as long as there have been werewolves and vampires, Jacob." Edward said softly and walked with Bella over to Buffy, giving her hand a curt shake. I could see Buffy jump somewhat, I was about to question when Edward read her mind.

"She's not used to cold vampires, they really are quite different down there aren't they?" He questioned and she nodded, smiling a little and shaking Bella's hand, feeling the warmth. "You're human?" Buffy asked and she sighed, "for now," I heard the faint whisper.

Normally, I'd have gotten so upset about Bella and her wanting to become a vampire... But it didn't matter to me anymore. Nothing did. Nothing but Buffy. "Are these the wolves you were talking about, Carlisle?" Buffy asked as she looked over in our direction. Sam of course stepped forward-- after all, I did let him be alpha.

"We aren't usually ones to be so fond of vampires," Sam extended his hand to shake Buffy's and she laughed a bit, "at least that hasn't changed. Wolves and vampires dislike one another in Sunnydale, too. Granted, the wolves down there don't look nearly as good as you all do..." the Slayer blushed and I found myself blushing somewhat, wanting to run to her, take her into my arms..

We all sat down there in the Cullen's living room; for some reason I was not nearly dreading this the way I was just a short hour ago. I'd have never been so... relaxed here, without my thoughts circling around Buffy. We hadn't even said a word to one another, yet.

"Newborn vampires are different from anything you've probably ever faced," Jasper started and Buffy laughed a bit, "you mean newly risen?" The term took Jasper off guard. For these vampires, you didn't rise. Buffy had to explain,

"In Sunnydale, vamps must have a different process. Blood exchange. You die for three days, typically long enough for a burial and then you rise from the grave. Hence why most of my hunting is done in the city cemetery," she explained. The Cullen's looked so very intrigued, truly they must be different vampires than the cold ones... they sounded it to me anyway.

"They aren't stronger, though. The older ones, are stronger. My... Angel, he's over two hundred years old.. he's strong. Stronger than me," she admitted. "His sire, Darla, next to the Master she was the hardest vampire I ever tried to kill." Carlisle of course began questioning Buffy on who the Master and Darla and even Angel were.

"The Master was this age old vampire... he wanted to say perhaps he was the first vampire," Buffy shrugged at that. I took that as, perhaps, she didn't think it was a fact. "Apparently he sired Darla, back in the seventeenth century. I'm gonna guess like 1610?" Buffy offered and again shrugged just slightly. I found myself mesmerized with her actions..the way her blonde hair sat on her shoulder and she moved it occasionally... where it would go behind her and sway down her back.

"Darla sired, Angelus." Buffy started and Carlisle interrupted, "the scourge of Europe. I'd heard of him in my time. You see I was changed in 1663.. I knew the name Darla as well sounded familiar. I ran into her several times in Italy. I know for a fact she's known of the Volturi...she and Aro had a love affair."

That shocked not just Buffy, who'd never heard of the Volturi, but also Edward. Bella hadn't told me much of the Volturi, she'd left me messages after she got back from Italy, saving prince vampire from killing himself.. well, the Volturi killing him. All I had gathered were that the Volturi were Gods, to vampires so to speak.

"That was during my time with the Volturi." Carlisle went on to explain and Buffy nodded some, "it had to have been before Angelus, as well. He was turned in 1753." She informed the doctor and he nodded, "Yes.. I was still with them on and off then-- but Darla was indeed gone." He corroborated her story.

"Anyhow, Angelus... he got cursed with a soul, by gypsies in the late 1800's. 1898, I believe. He's had it up until recent... now... now he's Angelus again," her voice was quiet. I could tell it bothered her and Edward read her thoughts I supposed, because he summed up her pain.

"They were lovers," he let us all in on it. Carlisle's eyes widened a bit and he gasped, "A vampire in love with the Slayer?" To him it sounded so impossible..but here I was, a mythological creature as well... and I knew I was in love with her. It didn't sound impossible to me...
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Word Count: 1,115