Status: Almost finished! Currently writing the fifth (and last) part!

Kick Off Your Stilettos



I clicked the thumbnail to open the video and pressed play, causing the video to start and a pretty girl’s face to pop up. She started by straightening her hair, long and black with ‘coon stripes. Then she teased the roots and shaped it into a big poof, clipped in hair extensions and finished it off with a mushroom cloud of hairspray.
She put on foundation and blusher, explaining that she was accenting the hollows of her cheeks, and finally put on a swirl of interesting makeup – eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.
“Ugh, god, that scene queen bitch.” I groaned. “Look at this, she’s got all these youtube videos now and they’re all just her posing at the camera as she smears stuff all over her face.”
“Uh, Zacky?” Jimmy interjected. “That’s called a Makeup Tutorial.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. She’s a total poser. She even changed her name – Martha isn’t good enough for her now. She has to be ‘Matty Maggot’.”
“I think it’s pretty cool actually.” Johnny smirked, being honest, but obviously trying to piss me off. I smacked out at him and he backed away towards the door.
“If you hate her so much, then why are you watching all her stuff on Youtube?” Matt questioned, leaning on the arm of the chair I was sat in as I pulled disgusted faces at the screen.
“Because…” I stopped to think of something witty. “I’m gathering information about her… so I can murder her discreetly.”
Johnny laughed at me from the other side of the room and turned to walk out of the door, calling back over his shoulder. “Or get laid…”
I ran to the door and pulled him back by his collar. “Screw you Seward!” I paused and then added more quietly. “I bet you I could kill her if I wanted to.”
“Suuure you could, lover boy.”
I sighed loudly. “I bet you $50 I could kill Matty Maggot.”
Brian laughed awkwardly. “Dude, I think you’re taking this a bit too far.”
“No Syn.” Johnny interrupted. “I accept the bet. You have a week to kill Matty Maggot, your time starts now.”
“Wait. Wait Wait Wait.” Matt said warily. “You guys better be kidding. I don’t care if Zacky thinks she’s a bitch, you’d end up in prison!”
Johnny shrugged, “Okay, whatever. Zacky, you don’t have to kill her, just tie her up and cut off a few of her body parts or something.”
“It’ll be a pleasure.” I smiled widely.
The conversation quickly turned fanciful. How to kidnap her, what to use, where to keep her, what body parts to cut off and send to her family and how big a ransom to demand.
“My parents are on holiday.” Brian offered. “So we could hold her hostage in my basement if you want.”
We all agreed that this was the best plan.
I brought sleeping pills from the local chemists and stocked up on duct tape and ropes. I made a mental checklist of what I needed and then brought several envelopes and stamps for sending chopped up body parts to her parents. After a quick bit of thought I decided to buy a mask from a fancy dress shop, so it would be harder for her to recognise me.
Once I was certain that we had all the necessary supplies, I called the guys and told them to meet me on Warnaby street, the road Martha lived on.
I brought the kidnapping supplies with me and Matt brought his van, and ten minutes later we were all crouched in the shrubbery outside Matty's bungalow.
Matty was sitting on a bench in her garden, with a glass of water.
Hair hair had changed colour from the last video. She was now sporting horizontal blue stripes across her fringe instead of the usual blonde, and there were several clip in blonde extensions similar to the old colour blended in to the front of her jet black hair. How did she have time to dye her hair, like, every other day?!
She had a simple sky blue alice band holding her perfect locks in place and a few waves of hair were curled away from her face in that irritating way that scene kids try and be different when their different is just conforming with what all the other ‘different’ scene kids are doing.
She wore a rather low cut tank top, suitable for the sweltering weather and matching in the blue shade of her hair, and had a corset style belt squeezing in her waist. Over her legs were a pair of plain black skinny jeans, slung quite low on her hips, and a white and black studded belt slipping out of it’s place and over her thighs.
She brushed a perfectly painted blue and black pinstriped nail (she achieved this with a blue base and liquid eyeliner stripes, finishing with a clear varnish. I had watched the video.) over her long eyelashes, as if checking her bright blue and smokey makeup was still in place.
After a minute or so of watching, she got up and went inside, presumably to redo her makeup. As soon as the coast was clear, I gave the guys the thumbs up and ran over to the glass of water, in army mode. I crushed three pills into the drink, then ran back to the bush and ducked behind it just in time to catch Matty returning, her makeup looking slightly fresher. She sat down on the bench again and picked up the glass of water, taking a long sip. She seemed confused by the taste, but kept drinking until she was finished. She picked up a book from beside her on the bench and sat there reading it for a few minutes. She picked up the finished glass to take it inside, but just as she stood up, her legs buckled underneath her and she crumpled onto the floor. We all laughed and high-fived, then, when we were certain she was totally unconscious, we ran over and carried her into Matt’s van. We drove the van over to Brian’s house and took her down to the basement, where we tied her to a chair, making sure to not just die her body, but tie her hands and feet too. I pulled a sleep-mask over her head and fastened duct tape over her mouth.
“Ok, Zack. We’ve done our part, now we leave you to do whatever the hell you want with her.” Johnny winked suggestively.
“Which will mostly be chopping her up.” I frowned.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Synyster grinned as they walked away, “We’ll be at the beach if you need us. There are plenty of condoms in the back of my sock draw.”


I walked back outside and sat down, taking a refreshing sip of water. The water tasted a little odd, but I assumed it was just the heat messing with me and continued to drink. I finished the water and picked up my book- Animal Farm, crazy for me to read something non-glossy, picture-free and longer than 100 pages, I know… I put the book down relatively quickly as I felt too tired to keep reading and I just couldn’t stick with the plot. I assumed I was just too hot and dehydrated, so I got up to get myself another glass of water. Suddenly, the heat seemed to grow and I detected a sweet taste on the tip of my tongue. My vision grew dimmer and dimmer as I felt myself sinking into the ground.
And then it all went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading chapter one, hope you enjoyed, I must admit it's fun writing about scene kids, you really must try it some time...
Many thanks to the ridiculous music that is inspirational in my writing this, Scene Kidz by Geoffrey Paris and Fer Sure by Medic Droid- listening on repeat to get into the right frame of mind!