Status: Hey, I'm losing hope in you.

In the End

Carley: Life isn't easy for anyone, but sometimes it's worse for one compared to others, and nothing seems to ever happen her way. It's not her fault, but sometimes you'll lose things you can never get back, and this is one of them.

Allie: With her whole life ahead of her, she takes a chance and before she knows it, the only thing she has and will ever have is her past.

Nikki: Sometimes, you chose to lose something by giving it up. Once you reach a certain point, no one can hold it in anymore and you just have to.

Kim: Surrounded by paper tigers, she can still survive even if her world is crumbling down around her, and everyone she knows and loves is giving up.

Four best friends, one terrible night, brought closure together because of tragedy - can they make it through or will they give up hope and just... let go?