Status: Hey, I'm losing hope in you.

In the End


“Allie! Its cold do we really have to go up onto the bridge? It’s getting dark; can’t we just go back to Carley’s?” Nikki complained, hugging her bare arms.

I glanced back at all of them; we were all in short shorts and tank tops, even though there was still snow on the ground in March. My birthday was in just a couple of days and I felt like I was on top of the world. I didn’t want to go back, I was on an adrenaline rush, and the only place I wanted to be was at the top of that bridge, looking at the stars.

“Come on, just for a little bit!” I shouted, ignoring their response and running up the hill, enjoying the prickling feeling of the cold biting my legs and arms.

As soon as we were at the top I could see all the stars, behind me I could hear my friends complaining about the cold and danger. I smiled and listened to the cars rushing below, curious, I leaned over the edge, craning my neck to see the highway below.

“Allie! Don’t lean over the edge! Are you retarded?!” shrieked Carley, staying far away from the walls of the bridge.

“Yeah, this is gay, and my brother might drive past!” Kim glared and then glanced longingly back toward Carley’s house. “This is so stupid.”

I rolled my eyes, they were so paranoid about anything fun. “I’ll be fine, relax.” I said, turning back around and sliding onto the wall of the bridge, sitting back and watching the stars.

“Allie!” Nikki and Carley screamed, running toward me, “Don’t fucking sit on the edge! Why are you such an idiot?”

“Relax!” I laughed, I was the idiot? Nothing’s going to happen.

But I didn’t hear their reply because someone was screaming and it’s all I could hear. Suddenly I couldn’t feel the bridge underneath me anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
BTW: We BOTH wrote this chapter :)
