Status: Hey, I'm losing hope in you.

In the End


We're having a sleepover at my house, and my mom isn't home from work yet. So here we are, running around the streets like crazy people. Stupidly wearing tank tops and short shorts even though its really cold outside.

“Allie! Its cold do we really have to go up onto the bridge? It’s getting dark; can’t we just go back to Carley’s?” Nikki whined.

Yeah this really was stupid, its dark, its cold, and my mom will be home anytime. We shouldn't even be out here really.

“Come on, just for a little bit!” Allie said, and began to run up the street towards the bridge. We followed, not wanting to just leave her there. The cold night wind tingled against my skin as I made my way to the bridge, along with Kim and Nikki.

By the time we reached the bridge, Allie was starting to lean over the edge, to see the highway better. Oh god shes going to fall.

“Allie! Don’t lean over the edge! Are you retarded?!” I screamed, while concentrating on staying in the very center of the bridge, being super afraid of the edge. Kim and Nikki were heading towards Allie, both looking as nervous as I felt.

“Yeah, this is gay, and my brother might drive past!” Kim complained, staring back at the street leading to my house. Allie rolled her eyes at us, giving us her "sweet" smile.

“I’ll be fine, relax.” She huffed, turning around and sitting up on the edge of the bridge, then tilting her face towards the sky, staring up into the stars. Oh my fucking god. How is she so stupid!? I can just see her slipping and falling...

My stomach did a flip.

"Allie!" Nikki and I shrieked at the same time, running towards her; me completely forgetting about staying in the middle of the bridge.

“Don’t fucking sit on the edge! Why are you such an idiot?” I exclaimed, angry that she would do something so utterly idiotic.

"Relax!" She laughed, smiling wider. Her hand moved slightly, making her lose balance. I blinked and she wasn't sitting on the bridge anymore....

As if on cue, all three of us began screaming. We could hear Allie screaming too, but it was only a second or two before she became silent. Too afraid to look, I just stood there shaking, tears filling my eyes.

After a moment of silence, Nikki was of course the first to speak. She is usually the one who takes control of things.

"We..We have to go look you guys.. We can't just stand here." She whispered in a hoarse voice.

"I know.." I replied, soft sobs escaping my lips.

Nikki began walking to the edge slowly. I hesitated but started to follow. Except Kim wasn't moving. She just stood there with a fierce look on her face, her eyes staring at nothing.

"Kim?..." I asked, touching her arm. She didn't even blink."Fucking snap out of it Kim your scaring the shit out of me!" I shook her by the shoulders. Nothing.

"Kim what the fuck?!" I said, my voice taking a harsher tone. She narrowed her eyes.

"Shes dead. Shes fucking dead. How the hell could she be so stupid?! Sitting on the edge of a bridge?? Its like she wanted to die! What the fuck? What.... The.. Fuck?!?" She screamed, angry tears spilling from her eyes.

I carefully wrapped my arms around her, knowing she would push me away. She never hugs anyone. But she didn't; she stayed completely still.

"You guys I know its hard... But we have to look.. Come on." Nikki pleaded. We followed her to the edge. We grabbed hands and peered over. After taking in the bloody mess, I immediately turned around; all the pizza I had eaten earlier spilled out, littering the pavement.

I felt disgusting but I couldn't help it. I'd never seen anything like that outside of a movie before. I got onto my knees and sobbed, while trying to spit out the nasty taste of vomit.

"We have to call the police." Nikki said firmly.
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