Status: Coauthored and Active!:)

Lips Like Morphine

The Encounter

I made my way towards my pole and looked over for my sister,she made her way next towards me as we started to dance earning money to get thrown at us.

I walked into the dressing room tired as fuck.
"Cross?" I looked over at my twin,she was getting dressed right next to me.
"Yeah?" I smiled at her.
"You hungry?" She nodded,I quickly put on my clothes and followed her to our car. This guy walked up to us,we both quickly walked faster to our car.
"Yeah sweeties do you want to go have a good time?" we both opened our doors and I quickly drove out of the parking lot.
"I hate when they do that!" Cross was staring at me.
"Piper,we're strippers,they're going to do that." i sighed and nodded,I just wish I didnt bring her into this.

I walked out to see Cross fixing her hair,I love it completely to bits. It's black and her left side of her head is shaved off and it looks like it shimmers blue. I looked at myself in the mirror and put in my nose and tongue piercing.
"Ready?" I looked over towards her.
"Yep!" i smiled as I got into the car driving to where the next car race was at. Living with your twin sister isn't bad when you get pretty good money. Right then and there my phone rang,I opened it and sighed.
"Cross,we have to go work." Her blue and green eyes looked annoyed like mine do.

I started to walk to a sucluded room,the boss knows I hate to be alone. I walked in and saw Cross and a man that had black hair that was in a mohawk. I looked towards my right and saw a man with black corn rolls,i got goose bumps as our eyes made eye contact,he gave off this aura,it made you want to run away. I walked towards him, I quickly started to dance,he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him.
"You're perfect." I shivered as he grinded against me. I dont like this much physical contact. I tried to push him away,he only pulled me closer. I felt someone pull me away from this unkown man.
"Piper lets go." I looked at Cross and we both ran out of the room. That was close,I was probably going to get raped. We both ran to the car with our clothes in hand,we made it home safe and sound.
"I hope they never come back." I nodded in a agreement.

I woke up to another day,L.A. was fun and it was time to party! I smiled and looked at the clock,I read 7:37P.M. I smiled and got up,perfect time wake up. We both did have long shifts and last night was exhausting.
"Cross,Do you want to go out tonight?" I saw her head pop out from the door frame.
"Yes!" She smiled and jumped up and down.

We both walked into the club,people were dancing and drinking.
"Damn it!" Cross looked at me.
"No drinking!" I sighed.
"Ok." She was such a killjoy,she knows I love to party! I saw her get us 2 drinks.
"Here,its Dr. Pepper." I looked at her with wide eyes.
"You know I despise this!" She started to laugh.
"It's Pepsi." I smiled at her.
"That's better." I started to chuck the pepsi like there was no tomorrow.
"Ready?" I smiled and nodded,we made our way to the dance floor and started to dance with each other. We started to get guys and girls whopping. We danced for what seemed like forever.
"Hey,honey,do you want to go dance?" I looked up to see a girl in a bright pink dress.
"Sorry,I don't roll that way." She huffed and walked away.
"Damn,they always go for you!" Cross was grinning like crazy.
"I know,it gets very annoying." She laughed and I started to play with my tongue piercing. I looked at my phone,shit!
"Hey,time to go,racing is going to start soon." Cross nodded looking excited.

I pulled the car over and got out. Cross was right next to me. We started to walk the next block. You could hear music being played and people laughing. I saw an amazing silver Audi. I looked at Cross who was also starting at another,which was black.
"Oh my god! They're amazing!" We both squealed and clapped our hands together.
"Hey,Cross,Piper!" I looked over and saw Chris. He was part of a smaller gang,he was really nice though.
"Chris,what's up?" I smiled as he smiled.
"Nothing,going to kick some ass at racing some other gang!" I laughed,he always said that,but it was true,he hasn't lost yet,to anyone. I laughed,ok,I may have a small crush on him.
I saw a shadow come up from behind us,meaning Cross and I. We both turned around and saw the guy with the mohawk and corn rolls.
"Hallo,again Piper and Cross." We both froze up as Chris started to talk.
"Hi,boss,I see you met the girls,what makes you come here?" Chris came up in front of us and it seemed like he was doing it in a protective manner.
"Oh nothing,Chris just came to race." They both we're staring at us,we both wanted to move but we were stuck frozen.
"Tom,why come and race small gangs like us?" The man,Tom,smiled and pointed at the other cars that where coming.
"Oh it's just not going to be you guys,it's also going to be mine." Chris looked at him with wide eyes.
"So what money do you have to bet?" Tom was smiling.
"I have none." Chris looked down at the ground.
"Then bet something,gott damn it!" Cross pulled on my sleeve.
"Let's go." I nodded and we both tried to sneak away without being noticed,we fail epicly.
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Hii I'm Co authoring with Jaussefina!:) She's amazing,I hope you like the 1st chapter,comments also?:D ~Becca~