Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

I Got A Bad Liver And A Broken Heart



I laid my head on Andy's broad shoulder and scooted closer to him. His arm swung around and rested on my shoulder. I smiled as I closed my eyes and buried my face in his shirt. Oh how I loved this man. He makes me so happy. How could I end up with a gorgeous man like him?

I felt him rub my shoulder.

"You're not into this movie are you?" I heard him whisper. I shook my head and giggled. It was a Friday night and we decided to stay home and watch Titanic. Not our best idea, but whatever. As long as I was with Andy, I was happy.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "I love you Amber Rose Beirsack."

I lifted my head and looked right into his deep blue eyes. "I love you Andy Dennis Beirsack."
And I meant that with all my heart. We've been married for almost two years and I'm still crazy for this man. I am truely blessed to have a man like him.

"So babe, if you don't want to watch Titanic, what do you want to do?" He said with the biggest grin on his face. I knew what he was thinking, but he wasn't going to get lucky this early.

"I'm hungry, lets have something to eat!" I quickly said. Andy chuckled. "Fine." I knew he was a little disappointed that I didn't give the answer he wanted,but I knew he would get over it.
Andy slowly got up from the couch and I watched him go into the kitchen. I tucked up into a little ball and wrapped my arms around my knees. I continued to watch Titanic, but it didn't get anymore interesting. I finally turned off the TV and laid down onto the couch. I began to close my eyesand fall asleep. I could smell the chicken Andy was cooking in the kitchen. I grinned. Oh, I can't wait to eat.

Sleep began to overtake me, and I was slowly giving into it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Sweetie, could you get that?" I heard Andy yelled from the kitchen. I groaned and very slowly got up. Who would be at the door at this hour?

I stumbled toward the door and yanked it open.

"Amber I need your help..." There standing in front of me was my best friend, Casey.
"Oh my God Casey, you look awful. What the hell happened?"

"I lost my house Amber. I have no where to go. They took everything!" Casey collasped to the ground and balled her eyes out. Her make-up was running down her face. I knelt down next to her and held her close.

"I'm sorry to hear that Casey..." I whispered to her. I heard a rumble of thunder in distance. Her bags were all around her, filled with clothes and few extra things.

I stood up and then I helped Casey up.

"Casey, please come inside. Let's talk," I told her softy and grabbed her bags. She mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't hear and then she stepped inside my house. I followed her inside and set her bags down by the door. She sat down on the couch and sat down right next to her.

"Casey, tell me what happened..." I pleaded her.
She looked down at her feet and softy spoke to me.

"I got fired from my bartender job today and I already five months behind on my house payment. They just came in and kicked me out. I have nowhere else to go! I just packed my clothes and left. I've been wandering the streets all day. I didn't want to bother you but I had no other choice...." She began choking on her words. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. Andy must of heard Casey crying because he came dashing into the living room.

"Casey what's wrong?" Andy asked frantically. Casey jut cried harder and I motioned Andy to leave the room. He took my hint and went back into the kitchen.

I looked back at my best friend. I felt bad for her. She just was just getting over her alcoholism and this wasn't helping her. I have to do something, I have to do something....
"Casey, why don't you stay withus for awhile?" I asked without thinking. She looked at me with sad eyes. "I can't do that-" She began to say but I interrupted her again, "It's nothing really. Please, let me help you."

Casey stared at me blankly and then I felt arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Andy standing over me, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Please stay Casey, we want to help you..." I heard Andy softly say over my shoulder.
Casey's eyes brighten a little. Andy was Casey's closest friend, even closer than me. Casey sighed and finally said, "Fine." The she cracked a small smile and me and Andy hugged her tight.

I was really happy to help Casey. Shewas my best friend and as long as she was happy, I was happy...


"Amber, wake up babe. We need to talk..." I heard a soft voice say to me. I gentlely opened my eyes and looked over to see Andy leaning over me.

"What Andy?" I mumbled, still half asleep. He stared at with frustrated eyes.

"It's about Casey, Amber..." He sighed. Oh no, what did she do now?

I sat up and looked into Andy's pale blue eyes. His gaze left mine and he stared at our bedroom door.

"Amber, she kept me up all night with her constant crying and drinking. I wanted to help her but I knew it would make it worse.She's passed out now. I went in the living room to check on her. Five bottles of Jack were on the ground, empty. Amber, dammit, she's killing herself. She hasn't been looking for a job and she been drinking more than ever. AA meetings aren't helping and interventions make it worse. What are we going to do?" He said that all without looking at me. I looked down to see his fists were clenched. I sighed.

"I could try to help her get a job." I suggested.

"That's a good idea babe. I'm going on tour soon and I don't want you dealing with Casey alone..." Wait, Andy said he was going on tour soon. What tour?

Andy kissed my cheek and quickly dashed out the door, leaving it open. Then I heard a small thud and Casey's groan. "Andy...why'd ya kick me..?" Her voice was severely slurred. Then I heard Andy's stern voice say, "Get up Case. You're getting a job today." Then I heard Casey groan again.

Oh this wasn't going to be fun....
♠ ♠ ♠
Listen I'm sorry if the story is missing a few spaces here and there. This story was originally posted on Quizilla, but it wasn't getting a lot of views. I hoping posting it on here, it would get more views. I'm also sorry if this isn't the best story you've ever read. I'm trying to get better so if you have any suggestions to make my writing better, leave me a comment! Thanks!