Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

Cause Nothing Can Compare In This World To You



“Hey Matty,” I mumbled into my phone. It’s fucking midnight and Matt is just calling me now. He’s pretty damn lucky that I love him.

“Hey Case, sorry for calling so late. Did I wake you?” Matt whispered, sounding wide awake. Oh no, I was wide awake. That’s why I sound half-dead.

“Yeah, you kind of did,” I murmured, still half asleep. I yawned loudly as Matt whispered again, “Sorry. I just wanted to see how you were doing and this was the only free time I got today.” I grinned a little when Matt said he was wanted to see how I was doing. He was one person who was always worried about me, no matter how fine I seemed. I began to hand brush my dark black hair for some reason. Matt can’t see me, why does it matter how I look?

“Matty…I miss you,” I told him, slowly waking up from my half dead phase. He chuckled a bit. Oh I can just see his smile and dimples now. “I miss you too,” He mumbled into the phone. Then there was silence. I stared at the small lamp where my light was coming from. I listened to Matt soft breathing through the phone and a cricket chirping outside. The calming rhythms of both of the noises started putting me asleep again.

“Case? You awake?” I hear Matt whisper into the phone. “Yeah,” I yawn. I hear Matt sigh on the other end of the phone and he asks, “Do you want to go to bed sweetie?” I smile when he said sweetie. He always called me that when we were dating.

“Can you call me later today?” I ask and he unsurely says, “I’ll see what I can do okay Case? No promises.” I frowned because I wanted to talk to Matt but I wanted to sleep also. And who knows how long it’ll be till I hear from Matt again.

“Okay goodnight Matty,” I tell him as I reach for the lamp switch. “Night Case,” He said and hung up. I set my phone back on the side table as my room went dark again. I climbed back under my covers again. I closed my eyes and began to dream about me and Matt being back together…



I absolutely have no idea why I am sitting on this plane right now. Brian told me to go visit Casey but honestly I don’t think she wants to see me. Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember her words loud and clear that she told me over two months ago, and she clearly told me she doesn’t want to see me.


“Casey, what’s wrong?” I asked as I heard her ball her eyes out over the phone. I just started the tour and she’s already falling apart.

“We’re over Zacky,” She plainly told me and hung up. What? We’re over? What did I do? All I ever did was love her!


I slammed my head against the back of the cushioned seat and I looked up at the top of the plane. An overweight lady that had way too much make up was sitting next to me and staring at me with confused eyes. I shook my head and ignored her. All I could think about was Casey.

What does she want from me?




What the hell was that?

I threw my bed covers off of me and ran to down the dark hallway to the living room where I thought the noise came from. My heart was beating fast. It’s just like in the horror movies. The girl goes to see what the noise was and she ends up getting killed. I was probably next. Me and my baby.

My eyes had trouble adjusting to the light but I used my ears to try to hear what was moving. But so far everything was dead quiet. I must of just have been hearing things.

That’s when I felt giant arms wrap around my stomach and I screamed. The arms immediately let go of me and I found myself running into the couch. I began to scramble into a ball, thinking this was the end, when I saw a small light come on from a lamp. Leaning up against the wall, with his hand on the light switch, was Zacky.

“Sh Case it’s just me. Amber said you needed to talk to me so I came to visit,” Zacky angrily whispered to me. I let a deep breath out when I realize I was going to live. Zacky walked over to the couch and helped me up. His eyes moved directly to my stomach, and I noticed him tense up. Oh, Amber pulled a fast one on me.

“Well…um…it seems you gained some weight since I left,” I mumbled and I angrily squeezed his hand quickly. Oh Zacky, you always know just what to say when it comes to making a woman happy. I rolled my eyes.

“Ha yeah…about that…” I trailed off. Okay, it was moment of truth time. Zacky was going to find out sometime, and I sure as hell knew he had the right to know. I could no longer hold it in.

“I’m pregnant. And I know the kid is yours,” I told him, looking down at my feet the whole time. I did not want to me his gaze at all. Who knows what disappointment that would bring?

“Seriously? I’m gonna be a dad?” He asked shocked. I nodded quickly and closed my eyes. I’m just waiting for Zacky to get all pissy at me. But then I felt a warm hand go across my stomach. I looked to see his hand stretched across it. I looked up into his bright green eyes, my blue eyes glistening with tears.

“That’s great news. I’ve always wanted to be dad deep down. And I’ll be having the kid with the best girl in the world,” He told me with a bright smile on his face. I couldn’t help but smile back, tears of joy flowed down my face. I wasn’t expecting that answer at all but it was the best news I’ve probably ever gotten.

I get up on my tip toes and I kiss Zacky on the lips, his snakebites going into my skin. Oh how I’ve missed kissing him. His tattooed arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer.

Eventually my toes got tired and I dropped down. I leaned my head against his chest and I listened to the steady beat of his heart. “I love you Zacky,” I whispered and I closed my eyes.

I felt Zacky’s lips press against the top of my head and I heard his whisper back, “I love you too Case.” He finally said it. He finally told me that he loved me. And he sounded like he meant it.

I smiled as he squeezed the hug tighter. I finally had the confidence again to say that everything was going to be alright. And that the baby inside of me was going to be born into one amazing family, with one amazing father.
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Two chapters in one day? Oh am I good? :) Thanks again to TwistedScars for every single comment she posts! :) Please keep commenting, reading, rating, and subscribing! After this chapter, it's going to skip around quite a bit, just so you all know. :)