Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

There's Nothing Wrong With Just A Taste Of What You've Paid For



I felt hot breath going down my neck as I woke from the peacefulness of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and I began to realize there was a little pressure on my stomach. And not the kind of pressure from the baby. Is something wrong? I reached down under my bed covers and I found a soft hand resting on my stomach. I sighed in relief as I realized what was going on. I grabbed the hand and intertwined with mine, and I began to close my eyes again.

“Ah how I’ve missed waking up to this sight,” a familiar voice murmured sleepily behind me. I felt a smile come up behind my neck as the person behind me pulled me closer to him. I twisted over in my bed and I found myself face-to-face with the green-eyed sweetheart that is Zacky Baker.

I smiled against his lips and snakebites. He gave a quick peck at my noise and then he passionately kissed my lips. His hands rubbed my lower back as he tried to pull me even closer to him. My arms wrapped around his neck. He finally pulled away, breathless, and he placed his hand back on my swollen stomach.

“Damn…I still can’t believe this little tike is mine….” He mumbled as he looked down at my belly. I rested my hand on top of his and softly reassured him, “Oh he/she is yours alright. And I know that this kid will be born into the perfect family with the perfect father.” He bright green eyes met my blue ones and he kissed me one more time on the lips. My heart fluttered like all times he has kissed me.

He pulled away and he finally got up from the bed. For once, he was actually fully dressed. We were both so tired last night after our meeting; we just jumped into my bed and went to sleep. Yup, we aren’t even married and that is already happening to our relationship.

The sun peeked through the curtains in my room and glisten off of Zacky’s shiny black hair. He rubbed the back of his head and messed up his hair. I sat up in my bed and I held out my arms like a five year old so Zacky could help pull me up. He rolled his eyes but yet smiled and grabbed me by my hands and he pulled me up. He grunted as I finally got myself on my two feet.

“Geez, you’re getting heavy. Already,” he chucked as he wrapped his tattooed arm around my waist. I pushed him lightly and giggled. “Wow thanks for making me feel better about myself,” I sarcastically said to him. He chuckled as we stepped out of my room. Immediately, I could smell lunch cooking in the kitchen. Then I could hear Lacey and Amber laughing about something. Oh shit, did I wake them last night with my screaming?


I heard footsteps walk down the hallway, one heavier than the other. I gave a small smile as I continued to work on the lunch we were preparing. To be quite honest, I had no idea what the hell Lacey had made me cook, but I sure hoped that it tasted good. I’m fucking starved.

“Sleeping beauty and the beast are awake,” I heard Lacey say quietly and we both smiled. Lacey stomach has now become extremely noticeable that she was pregnant. She had said that later next week, she was going to find out the baby’s gender. I heard about the names they picked out and they were all very sweet. Especially Nate.

“Good morning,” Casey’s high pitch morning voice called from behind me. I turned around and found Zacky had his arm around her waist. Their eyes were as bright as the sun and they both had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Lacey looked like she was about to burst and squeal out at them. I just smiled and open my mouth to say something but Casey quickly said, “I’m sorry if I woke you guys up last night.” Lacey and I glance at each other and grinned. We both knew Zacky was over and that he was going to try to surprise Case. That’s why we didn’t run when we heard Casey scream. Actually, we both burst out laughing last night after she did scream. Damn, did Zacky get her good!

“Nah, it was fine,” I told her and she seemed to relax. That’s when Lacey burst, and she yelled out, “So how did it go? Did you tell him?” We all giggled but nobody said a thing. But Zacky was smiling ear-to-ear and that’s when Lacey squealed with glee. I had to join in with her. We jumped around, squealing. Zacky and Casey just smiled, uncomfortably.

Lacey and I quit having our moment a few seconds later and we went over to the couple to give them a hug.

“Congrads Case. I know you’ll be a great mother,” I whispered into her ear as I was giving a tight hug. I could feel her smile. She hugged tighter and put her face into my shoulder. I could still tell she was nervous, but she had no reason to be.

As long as she stayed sober, she would be one hell of mother.

As long as she could stay sober.


Zacky, Casey, Lacey, and I were all sitting on the couch, watching some dumbass movie. It felt good to have the boys back from their tour. Especially Brian. He was sitting in a recliner chair with Michelle sitting on his lap, her arms around his neck. I glance over by him and he looked right back. His brown eyes softly stared into mine. My heart pounded and a pang of jealously came over me. I hate the fact that I love Brian and that he is married. If only…

Johnny came from the hallway and his eyes went directly to Zacky and Casey. His eyes darken and he snorted as he walked into the kitchen where Matt and Val were. Yeah, he was still pissed about Casey being pregnant with Zacky’s baby. We were all scared when he found out, mostly afraid for Zacky’s life. Johnny took it bad, but not as bad as we thought he would. Sure he was pissed as hell, but he mostly just screamed at Zacky. If it wasn’t for Casey stepping in, Zacky would have probably gotten his ass kicked again.

Well like or not, Johnny-boy, Casey is having that baby whether you like it or not.

“I’m sorry about Jonathan guys. I’ll talk to him later,” Lacey apologized to Zacky and Casey. Casey looked at Lacey, thankfully. Lacey looked down at her stomach, where a baby Rose was growing. Oh yeah, it was a girl and Johnny couldn’t be any happier when he found out. And they both agreed that they both just loved the name Rose the most.

“Excuse me Chelle, I need to go out for a smoke,” Brian said as he patted Michelle’s leg. She stood up and let Brian go. I felt the need to go with him, so I came up with an excuse and I followed him.

“Oh hey Amber,” Brian said as he lit up a cigarette and took a drag. I bit my lip as he took a drag, trying to think of what to say. Why am I having trouble talking to him? He’s like my fucking brother!

“Hey Bri…” I murmured, looking down at my feet. “Hey Amber, is something wrong?” Brian asked me, suddenly sounding concern. I couldn’t find the words to say. How could I tell him that I love him?

I say his feet suddenly appear next to mine, and I felt his fingertips touch my chin. He titled my head up and he pressed his lips to mine. At first, I couldn’t believe it. But I eventually myself get into the passion of his kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I stood on my tiptoes so he didn’t have to lean over. He put his hands on my mid back, which was the signal that he wanted more. Unfortunately, he pulled away and stepped back.

Taking a deep breath he said, “You have no idea how long I waited to do that.” I smiled and nodded in agreement. But then the pang of guiltiness hit me. Brian is fucking married! And he kissed me!

Brian shushed the cigarette into the patio railing and walked inside the house. I just stood there, in shock. I betrayed one of my best friends! I shouldn’t have kissed back! Michelle hasn’t done anything to hurt me! And…and…

“Amber, you coming back inside?” Matt asked, interrupting my thoughts. I saw him holding the glass door open as he poked his head out the door. I nodded quickly and headed inside with Matt. My lips still tingled from the kiss.

And even though I hated the guilt, I wanted more of Brian. I wanted him to be mine.
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HORRIBLE CHAPTER I KNOW! I'M SO SORRY! I promise the next chapter will be soo much better! But this story is almost over, so it's kind of whinding down. IDK how many chapters will be left, just continue to read, comment, and subscribe. Again thanks to TwistedScars for the comment! BTW: The new Zacky story I'm writing is now up! It's a shitty prologue but all story start out bad right? :P Tell me if you like it.