Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

No Matter What, I Got Your Back



I honestly can say that these past few months have been the hardest ones of my life. I’ve had to deal with Casey crazy mood swings, throwing up, weird cravings and the stupid baby mush…and it’s driving me completely insane! Lacey’s going to be having her baby in about a month or two and Johnny can’t wait for that thing to come out. I have no idea how he does it. At first, I wanted to be a father really badly. But now, I dread for the day to come.

Casey’s belly has really swollen up. It’s not as swelled as Lacey, but they’re pretty damn close. Then again, Rose is only two months older than what are baby will be.

“Zack?” Casey asked me, breaking me from my trance. I looked down at the blue eye girl, who was in my arms and stared directly into her eyes. She had to most worried look in her eyes. It scared me too, because I was nervous too. We were watching some mushy romantic comedy that had to deal with a baby at my house. The parents in the movie were doing a horrible job of taking care of the baby, and the baby was crying 99% of the time. The realization hit us both that that could be us, struggling to take care of the kid that we both love so dearly.

“Casey, can we do this?” I asked, my voice trembling as the baby in the movie shrieked out again. It pierced my heart to hear that scream. That could be our baby. It hurt to know that our baby could be growing up with unfit parents and we end up fucking up the kid’s life. And that’s the last thing any parent wants for their kid.

“I don’t know Zacky,” Casey said as a tear slid down her cheek. I stared into her eyes that full of pain and worry and thought hard. Even though I was as scared as she was, I had to be strong. For her.

“Casey, this may be the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I’m just as scared as you. But the baby is going to be born into one hell of a family. And even though we might struggle at first, we have your brother and Lacey that will help us. And Amber, she could be like a second mother to the kid. Matt and Val are practically naturals at this. Jimmy and Leana will be able to make the kid smile no matter what. And Brian and Michelle will support us all the way. The kid couldn’t have better people to be around. And right now it may seem like we are making a big mistake, but I promise you that I will try my damn hardest to be the best dad to the kid. And I just know that you’ll be the best mom to the kid. I love you and I know that this is one challenge we can beat. And I promise to be with you every single step of the way.”

Casey cracked a smile as a few more tears fell from her eyes. “You really mean that Zacky?” she asked, her voice cracking. I nodded and pressed my lips against hers. I meant and believe in every single word I said. I just hope I could back up my words.

Casey pulled away from my lips with a big smile. “Thanks for that Zacky. I love you.” I smiled at those sweet words. She put her head back onto my shoulder and we continued to watch the movie.

I leaned my head against the top of hers and began to think about our baby. What is she/he going look like? What is she/he going to be like? Will she/he like me?

“Babe, what’s our baby’s name going to be?” I asked. After all these months we’ve never got to around to naming our baby or even find out the gender!

Casey smirked like she knew the answer already. “Zackie,” she simply said. I was confused. “Yeah?” I asked her but she shook her head. “No Zacky, I meant the baby’s name is going to be Zackie. Except instead of the ‘y’ at the end, it’s going to end with ‘ie’.” I was still really confused. Zackie, really?

“Um okay. But what if the kid is a girl? Zack is a guy’s name,” I pointed out, hoping to get a better name out of her. Honestly sometimes, I hated my own name.

“First off, the name’s Zackie, not Zack. Second, I don’t care. The kid’s name is going to be named Zackie no matter what the gender is,” Casey said forcefully as she stared down at her stomach. I still was confused about the name but I wasn’t about to argue with Casey. “I promise to go to the doctor’s office tomorrow to find out the gender, okay?” She told me and I just nodded.

God, I hope this baby is a boy. I’ll feel sorry for the baby if its name is Zackie and it’s a girl.
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Sorry for the extremely short chapter. But this story only has like three or four chapters left. I know sad. And this story has been getting more subscribers each day. Oh well, its not over yet! Keep reading, commenting and subscribing! BTW: you guys like the new layout? I do! :) Haha Vengeance is the answer! Make sure to check out my other story out. It's called You Can't Win This Fight. :)