Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

Welcome To The Family



I stared at myself in the mirror and adjusted my bright red tie. I smiled as I stared into my own blue eyes. Sober eyes. I pulled up my tux sleeve and I looked the middle of my arm. The track marks were almost completely gone. All that was left with the ink of that tattoos I had.

I felt soft hands rub against my chest. I grin and turned my head to see my sweet wife standing next to me. She had bright red lipstick on her light brown hair was tied back in a tight pony-tail. She was wearing a black and pink/purple dress. Her dark brown eyes looked up at me, smiling. Ah, did it feel good to have her back.

“You look nice,” I murmured and she smiled. She looked down at my tie and began adjusting it. “You do too,” She said as she brushed off my coat and looked up at me. I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “You have no idea how much I missed doing that,” she said as I pulled away from her lips. I chuckled and grabbed my glasses.

“Ha just think. In a month or two, you won’t need to wear those things again,” She happily said to me as she poked at my glasses and stared into the mirror in our room. It was true. Sometime in the next couple months I was going to go into the doctor’s office to get laser eye surgery so I don’t have to fucking wear these glasses again. Thank God.

“Yup. You ready to go?” I asked and she nodded, taking a step towards the door. “Yeah, hold on let me go grab my coat,” she said as she stepped out of our room. Perfect.

I grabbed the pain medication that was on the dresser and popped the bottle open. The cap fell to the ground as I shook out five small, white pills into my hand and threw them into my mouth. Yeah, I quit my addiction to illegal drugs…but I found a new quick rush. And this one Leana can’t catch me doing.

“Jimmy!” I heard Leana call from downstairs. I swallowed the pills quickly and I dashed out of the bedroom. The pills hurt when the scratched down my throat. But the buzz nearly started immediately and I was all jacked up. I got to the bottom of the stairs, where I found my beautiful wife stand. I hooked my arm with her as we both began to walk out the door. My vision began to blur and colors blend together. Stupid side effects.

I tried to shake it off as I open our front door for Leana, being the gentleman that I am. She stepped onto our front step with her high heels. I followed her out the door and hooked arms with her again once we were outside. My vision was still severely fucked up. I tried shaking it off again, but it seemed to get worse. Shit, I have to drive too.

“Hey Leana! Jimmy! Wanna hitch a ride with us?” I heard a familiar voice call. My eyesight was so fucked up; I couldn’t see who was talking to us. “Oh yeah sure Matt!” Leana called as she began to run to the black truck. I began to get dragged behind as she suddenly took off. My feet finally caught up and we both began to run. Ah thank God for Matt showing up. I’m sure as hell not in any condition for driving.

We got to the truck and I found the handle and open the car door for my wife. She hopped into the car like an excited child and slid over to the right side of car. I sat down next to her as I took a seat in Matt’s truck. “Hey Jimmy, what’s up?” Matt asked me, looking through his rearview mirror at me. I shrugged and Matt did the same. I felt the truck begin to back up as my vision began to clear up. Leana and Val were already gabbing away. Matt had gotten onto the road and began driving down it. Eventually, me and Matt got to talking. He and Val were all dressed up like me and Leana were. Matt was in a similar tux to mine and Val was in a light blue dress. Her blonde hair was pulled back like Leana’s was. Of course, we were all going to the same thing.

Johnny and Lacey were holding a Halloween party at a local restaurant they rented out. Of course all the guys and their girls were going to be there but I wasn’t too thrilled on going. We had to get all gussy up and dressed in actual nice clothes. God, I hate getting dressed up for shit like this. But whatever…it’s a night out with the boys. I’ll live.


“Zacky! Come on! Get your ass moving! We are going to be late!” I called up to our bedroom. Yup, I finally moved into Zacky’s home. We were going to be starting a family soon and it was kind of hard to get ready for the baby at Johnny home since he taken care of getting ready for his own baby. Amber even moved out. Surprisingly, she made a deal with Brian and Michelle and she was now staying with them. I was beginning to think about Amber and Brian. They seem to be spending a lot of time together. Whatever. I’ll worry about that later.

“I’m coming!” I heard Zacky call from the bedroom. I looked down at the black dress I was wearing, trying to adjust it. It was a velvet dress was streaked with blue sparkly strips. The dress was supposed to go down past my knees but thanks to my ginormous stomach, it only came up to my mid-thigh. I flattened down the dress around my stomach and I felt my baby girl kick. Yep, Zackie was a baby girl. Zacky wasn’t too thrilled to hear that news but he’s just going to deal with it.

Finally I heard footsteps running from upstairs and I saw my sweet boyfriend slide down the stair railing, trying to button up his tux. He reached the bottom and I smiled as he still struggled to get his tux coat buttoned. I stepped over by him and pushed his hands away from the buttons.

“Here, let me do it,” I told him as I got his first button. He smirked as he looked down at what I was doing. He was wearing a simple black tux-white undershirt with a bold dark blue tie. It really brought out his bright green eyes.

“You look nice,” he murmured as he looked down at my chest. Yeah he was enjoying what was growing on my body during this pregnancy. I get told stuff that all the time…mostly when we are in bed.

I finished buttoning his coat and lightly slapped him on the arm. “Eyes up here buddy.” His eyes slowly made their way up to mine, his smiling getting bigger as he titled his head higher. When his eyes met mine, I told him, “Thanks. You look nice too.” I began fixing this coat collar as his hands move onto my hips. I finished fixing his tux and then I wrapped my arms around his neck. I stood on my tiptoes so I could kiss his lips. His snakebites pressed against my skin and his hands move to my lower back. Oh, if only we didn’t have to go to my brother’s party…

I pulled away from his lips and whispered, “Let’s go big boy.” I took him by the hand a lead him out the door to our car. Of course, we still both had the biggest smiles on our faces.


I watched as Zacky and Casey finally arrived at the party. Finally everybody was here. I got up from my seat and made my way across the dance floor and over by the entrance. Casey saw me and ran over towards me. I embraced her in a tight hug. “Amber! I’ve missed you so much!” She yelled as loud, booming music began to play. “I’ve missed you too Case!” I shouted. I haven’t seen Casey since she moved out about a month ago. And that’s about the time I’ve moved in with my sweet Brian. My sweet Brian…who was still married to Michelle.

I took a quick glance at Brian as I pulled away from Casey. He was talking to Johnny and Zacky while holding Michelle’s hand. He noticed me looking and he gave me a quick wink and a smile. I didn’t support cheating but I would do anything to be with Brian. I just hope to God that Michelle doesn’t find out.


“Okay I would like to make a toast,” Johnny called, standing up at the head of the table. Lacey was sitting to his right and Casey was sitting to his left. Lacey looked like she was going to pop at any moment. I knew she was due at any day now. She looked like she was barely holding up.

Everybody raised their champagne glasses in the air as Johnny took out a notecard from his tux pocket. Everybody groaned out loud and then laughed, even Johnny laughed. Great, we have to sit through a cheesy ass speech. Johnny cleared his throat and began to speak:

“First, I would love to toast to my loving girlfriend, Lacey. I know that she will be a great mother to Rose, who is due any day now. Baby, I love you to death and I swear I will be with you every step of the way. I promise I will give my life for this baby. And even though I know I can be a little shit, I will try my damn hardest to make sure that I am mature enough to handle this kid.” Johnny leaned down and kissed Lacey quickly on the cheek. Lacey wiped a few tears away from her eyes as she cracked a smile. Everybody else cracked a smile along with her. Johnny continued to speak:

“Second, I would like to make a toast to my sister and her loving boyfriend. Zacky, I was wrong about you. I thought you were just with my sister because you thought she was easy pickings for you. But these past months, you continued to prove me wrong. You proved that you truly loved Casey and your baby. And you’ve made Casey happier than she’s ever been. And that’s all I ever wanted out of my sister. In other words, Zacky I’m sorry for any grief or pain I caused you. I had no right to do that to you. I swear I will never do that again….unless you really piss me off,” Johnny said and everybody laughed. Zacky was sitting to the left of Casey, just smiling really big. He took Casey’s hand and wrapped his fingers with hers. Zacky rested their hands on his lap. Johnny still hadn’t shut up and he continued his speech:

“Casey, my dear younger sister. What can I say about you? Ha well, I could talk about how much you used to be a pain in the ass. But I’m not an asshole like that-“ Johnny began to say but he was interrupted by Matt shouting from across the table, “Yeah you are!” and then everybody laughed. Johnny laughed and nodded in agreement.

“Ha ha okay, okay. Anyways, Casey, what I wanted to say is that you are truly an amazing sister. You’ve beat your addiction to alcohol against all odds, and you’ve managed to get an awesome guy and your own life back. I could not be happier for you. I also can’t wait to become an uncle to baby Zackie. I know Zackie and Rose will get along just fine and I will support you 110%-“

“Uh Johnny…” Lacey groaned while holding her stomach. Johnny immediately stopped his speech and his attention turned to his girlfriend. “What’s wrong Lace?” He asked, suddenly concerned. We all held our breaths and turned our attention to Lacey. Her hazel eyes got really big as she screamed at the top of her lungs, “THE BABY IS COMING!”

Johnny immediately freaked and began helping Lacey up. All the Avenged girls, except for me and Casey, began to help Lacey get outside to Johnny’s car. I got up quickly with all the guys, hoping to go after them. But then Brian grabbed me by my hand and dragged me away from everybody else. He pushed through the mad crowd until he got to the restaurant’s kitchen. He pushed me through the swinging door and then slammed me against the wall.

His lips crashed against mine as he put his hands on the wall, boxing me in. I put my hands on his face, pulling his lips deeper into mine. I pulled his lips away from mine but placed his forehead on mine. His brown eyes were nearly centimeters away from mine. He smirked as he breathed, “I love these moments we share Amber.” I put my arms on his shoulders and I agreed with him.

We both were breathing heavily. “Come on, we need to get back to the guys,” Brian breathed as he backed away. I sighed but nodded in agreement. I followed Brian out of the kitchen, back into the swarming crowd. All the Avenged guys already left.

“Michelle must have left with the other guys. Come on lets go, I’ll take you to the hospital,” Brian told me, taking my hand and leading me through the crowd. I couldn’t believe I got away with cheating with Brian again.

Happy fucking Halloween to me.


Listening to Lacey’s screams as she pushed through the hospital was probably the worst thing I’ve ever heard. It was so gut wrenching and scary to hear her screams of pain. And what made it worse is that I knew that would be me in about two months.

My brother chased after Lacey as she was pushed towards the delivery room. The rest of us stayed back in the waiting room. Matt and Jimmy were pacing back and forth. The Avenged girls were spazzing out in a little group. Zacky just sat next to me, holding my hand as we both waited nervously. Is my niece okay? Is something wrong?

“Rose and Lacey are fine,” Zacky reassured me and squeezed my hand. I cracked a small smile as I tried to believe him. His green eyes reassured me even more. The rest of the group even seemed to calm down and everybody took a seat. I rested my head on Zacky’s broad shoulder and just stared straight ahead.

That’s when we heard the hospital’s front doors slide open, and Brian and Amber came storming in. Amber’s fire orange hair was extremely messed up and faded pink lipstick was around Brian’s lips. Oh dear God….

“Where the hell were you guys?” Matt yelled as he stood up from his seat. Am I the only one that realized what happened?

Michelle got up and help Brian sit down. She was going on about how much she was worried about Brian and shit like that. I noticed that Michelle was wearing a similar shade of lipstick as Amber. She must have thought it was her own lipstick all over Brian’s lips. Yup, I’m the only one that realized what happened. Poor Michelle.

Amber took a seat next to me and I looked at her in disgust. She turned her head away from mine and looked down at her feet. She should feel ashamed. She cheated with a married man. I looked over at Brian and he looked just fine. I really felt bad for Michelle. She never did anything to hurt Brian and yet she doesn’t realize that the man she loves more than anything is cheating on her.


God, how long have we been sitting here?

I lifted my head from Zacky’s shoulder and looked at the clock, drowsily. Eleven o’ clock at night. Hmm, about four hours I’ve been out. All of the Avenged guys and girls were out also. We were all still in the hospital waiting room. All the main lights were out, except for one set of lights by the clock. I’m surprised the nurses didn’t kick us out. Probably because we’re famous.

I heard soft footsteps coming from the hallway. At first I thought it was a janitor or some doctor on the night shift, but then I saw the similar small shape and spiked mohawk of my brother. “Johnny!” I whispered to him and he smiled quickly. “Hey Case, ready to see the baby?” he whispered to me happily. I sat up, excitedly. Johnny was going around, quietly waking up all the guys. I nudged Zacky with my elbow.

“What’s going on?” Zacky mumbled, waking from his sleepy state. “We’re going to see baby Rose!” I whispered excitedly. He woke up quickly and stood up. Everybody else did the same as the whispers began to arise from the group.

“Okay everybody, the delivery went great. There were no complications and Rose Lynn Seward was born at 7:10pm a healthy, 8 pound girl.” Everybody quietly cheered as Johnny told us the news. I hugged Zacky’s arm as Johnny continued on telling us news.

“I can go in and show you guys Rose. But everybody has to stay dead silent so we don’t wake her up. Nobody wants to deal with a crying baby, okay? So shut the fuck up, and follow me.” Everybody chuckled and then followed Johnny down the dark hallway. I could hear the snoring from other people’s rooms. Holy fucking bears!

We finally reached a room at the end of the gray hallway. Johnny grabbed the door handle but turned back to the group and put a finger to his lips, signaling everybody to shut the fuck up. It became dead quiet. Then Johnny turned back to the door and silently twisted the door handle. We all stepped into the gray room, where we found Lacey laying with a pink blanket balled up in her arms. Johnny walked over by the right side of her bed and put one tattooed arm on her shoulder. His hazel eyes glanced up at the group and then his eyes moved to the bright pink blanket.

Smiles arose from the group as Lacey mouthed hi to the group. Everybody wrapped around the bed, in hoping to see the baby. Johnny gave a quick nod to Lacey and that’s when Lacey pulled the blanket away from the small face of Rose.

Rose’s eyes were closed but I suspected that her eyes were a rich hazel color. The top of her head was a slight dark brown color. Her skin was a bright pink color, and practically every detail of her was perfect. She was the most adorable baby I’ve ever seen. Everybody was smiling as they stared at the sleeping baby. The room was so quiet that you everybody heard the baby steady breathing.

I looked up at Zacky and he looked down at me with smiling emerald eyes. I knew we both were thinking the same thing. That’s going to be us.

I wonder what our baby is going to look like…

“Welcome to the fucking family Rose,” Matt whispered and everybody turned their heads towards him. Everybody’s smiles got bigger as they silently agreed with that statement. The baby stirred a bit but it didn’t wake up. Matt’s a lucky bastard for not waking up the baby.

But then again I thought about his statement again as I turned my head back to my niece. My smile got as big as it could as stared at her.

Welcome to the fucking family Rose.
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Long ass chapter right? Damn, this took me forever to write. Thanks for TwistedScars for commenting! Only three chapter left! :O Thanks to everybody who stuck through the whole story so far. Big thanks to my 14 subscribers! :) Lets see I can get a few more before this story ends. :P