Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

I've Count The Days We've Spent Apart


"Yeah....Really?....Dammit...I'm sorry Andy...Yeah...Yeah...I'll be there as soon as I can to talk to her...Okay...Okay...Yeah..Thanks Andy...Okay see ya."

I was listening to Andy's and Johnny's conversation on the phone. Of course I didn't hear what Andy was saying, but obviously it was stressing Johnny out. Johnny was just sitting on the opposite side of me, putting his face into his hands. Honestly, Johnny's been doing this for the past month and it's been bugging me. Usually, Johnny is THE shit on the bass...but lately Johnny has been shitting on the bass. It's been really fucking up our preformances.

"Johnny, what's going on?" I asked as I took a sip of my beer. I'm honestly sick and tired of Johnny doing this shit right before a big show.

Johnny looked at me with an annoyed and pissed face. "Why do you fucking care Zack?" Woah, Mr. Attitude, what's up your ass?

"Geez calm down Johnny, I just want to know why you're so stressed..." I told him, trying to act as innocent as possible. He just stared blankly down at the tour bus floor. The bus began going over a rough road and everything began to shake. I tried to take another drink of my beer, but everything was shaking too much, so I gave up. Stupid fucking road.

Johnny finally looked at me, his eyes looking more tired than ever. "It's my sister that's stressing me out...." he said.

"What about your sister?" I asked. I knew Johnny had a sister, he just never talks about her. I didn't know she cause Johnny this much trouble.

He looked down again but he continued talking to me. "She been drinking again..." Drinking? Really? That's what Johnny's worried about? He drinks more than any of us in the band!

"Are you serious? That is what this bullshit is about?" I was getting annoyed with Johnny and my tone was clearing showing it.

Johnny stood up, obviously pissed and stared right into my eyes. To be honest, I was starting to freak out a little. Even though Johnny is short and a little shit, I bet he could kick my ass if he really wanted to.

" little sister is killing herself...she can't control her drinking...she has caused so many people so much pain and she doesn't even realize it. But I love my sister and I will not stand by and watch her die. Now take back what you said or I'll put my foot so far up your ass, you'll be tasting it."

Even though in my mind, I would be grossed out by what he said but since I knew he was serious, I was scared.

"I'm sorry Johnny, I didn't understand the situation..." I mumbled. Johnny just continue to stare at me and then he slowly shook his head.

The tour bus slowly came to a stop ata rest stop and Johnny slowly began to walk to the door.

"Wait Johnny..." I quickly spoke as he was stepping outside. He turned his head towards me. "What?"

"Um...Johnny. If there's anything I can do to help your sister, let me know. I hate to see you sad, and if she means this much to you, she must be special. I really want to help John. Please?" I truly felt bad for hurting Johnny's feelings I wanted something that could take my mind off of something that caused me to start drink more than usual...

I shook my head to get the thought away and chugged the rest of my beer. Johnny was silent this whole time. He just stared at me with the same angry face he had the whole time we were talking.

I sighed and assumed Johnny wasn't going to answer me. I turned and I began to walk to the bunk room when Johnny finally spoke.

"Whatever Zack. I just want you to know I know how you get. Sometimes you're no better than her. You better not make her drinking problem worse or you'll be sorry...." He told me sternly. I nodded slowly and he began to finally step off of the bus.

I was going to tell the other guys to finally wake up and get out of the bunk room but Johnny stepped back onto the bus quickly.

"Also Zack, don't mess up my sister."


"Ohhh Amber why are we here? My head hurts and I just want to sleep!" Casey complained to me. She was suffering from her hangover, thanks to her crazy drinking last night.

"Well that's what you get for drinking so much. Now help me fill out your job application!" I told her for the fiftieth time today and she just groaned loudly like the other times I told her. Man, I swear sometimes I'm best friends with a five-year-old!

I took a long drink from the coffee I had. Casey has a coffee too, but she hasn't touched it. We were sitting in a cafe in the middle of town; that's were I hoping Casey would get her job. They were the only place in town were Casey was quailified enough to work. I could answer most of the questions on the sheet for her, but some questions I had no idea what the answer was.

"Casey, when was your last doctor's visit?" I asked her but she wasn't paying attention. "CASEY!" I yelled. She jumped and stared at me. She sighed and finally said, "I'm sorry Amber...I want to get a job but today I'm just too sick...Can we come back tomorrow?"

I sighed and just put my head in my hands. "Fine whatever." I shook my head and began to pick up the papers. I looked over at Casey, and she was clearly disappointed in herself. I came over by her and hugged her close.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm just worried about you." I said softly to Casey. I heard her sob softly. I held her closer.

"I'" she said between sobs.

"It's okay Case," I told her but she just shook her head.

"I've caused you and Andy so much pain....and it's all because...I can't go five seconds without...drinking." She began to say between sobs again.

People were starting to stare and truly I wasn't caring. But then Casey got up and mumbled, "Lets go."

She went towards my car and I followed her when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I picked up the phone and it said, 'Andy'. I pressed the 'answer' button and spoke into the phone.

"Hi babe, how's the job search?" Andy sounded cheery.

"Ummm...not too well."

"What's wrong?" Well, the cheer is gone now.

"We found a place where she can work but she's too sick to fill out the application today," I told him. I could tell he was getting more upset.

"Are you serious, Amber?" He asked, pissed. I sighed.

"I'm sorry Andy, we'll fill it out tomorrow, I promise."

"You better Amber. I'm going on tour next week, and I want to make sure you're going to be okay." I felt a little taken back when he said 'you better Amber' but what he said after that calmed me down a little.

"Okay babe, I'll make sure to do that," I told him. I looked inside the passenger side of my car and I saw Casey balling her eyes out. I felt I was going to cry myself. She was in much more pain than me and Andy were and I just couldn't stand seeing her this way.

"Hey babe I gotta go, love ya, see ya at home," I heard Andy finally say.

"Okay, baby...bye..." I whispered, choking on my words, and pressed 'end' on my cell phone.

I slowly walked to my car and got into the driver's side. Casey was finally passed out, her breathing steady. Her make-up was smeared down her face. I turned away from her, and my eyes began to water. I slowly turned the key in the ignition and drove towards my house, slowing down every once and awhile so I could wipe the tears away from my eyes.

I promise I'm going to help you Casey. I'm not going to let you die like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again I'm sorry if there are missing spaces. Quizilla took them out when I posted this story on that website. Comments?