Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

This Is Where The Ending Begins


"Goodbye Case. Take care now. Please don't cause my wife too much trouble." Andy told Casey as he pulled her into a hug. Andy was just about to leave for his tour. I wasn't looking forward to this day at all. I was trying to hold back my tears but I could feel water welling up in my eyes. I looked down and stared at our driveway pavement. I really didn't want Andy to see my cry again.


"Amber, please stop crying..." Andy softly said as he pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and I wrapped my arms around him. Andy began rocking back and forth as he rubbed my back.

I sighed and I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry Andy, I should be used to you leaving like this. But with Casey, I need you now more than ever..." I began to sob again.

Andy kissed the top of my head and then he rested his chin ontop of my head. "Shhhh Amber it's okay. You'll be fine. Johnny is coming in a few days to help with Casey. Plus she's been sober for over five days. Everything will be just fine. And if you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away. I love you Amber," Andy told me in a soothing voice. I didn't want to leave Andy's side for a moment. I didn't know how I was going to survive the next two months.

I pulled Andy as close as I possibly could and eventually I fell asleep in his arms.


"Amber?" Andy asked in a near-whisper. I looked up into his blue eyes and he pulled me into a hug.I could feel the make-up and tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," I managed to choke out. Andy smiled and he kissed me quickly. "I'll miss you too. But please smile. I want to see your smile one more time before I leave. Please, for me?" I couldn't help but smile at his cute remark. Andy grinned back and I kissed him one last time.

After about a minute Andy pulled away, breathless. The biggest grin appeared on his face. I giggled at his "dirty boy" face. We both turned to look at Casey. We both bursted out laughing when we saw Casey had her hand over her eyes but yet she had the silliest smile on her face.

"Are you guys freakin done yet?" Casey asked in a sarcastic tone. I giggled, "Yes Casey, you can look now."

She removed her hand from her eyes and she stared at us. "Geez guys, I thought you two where going to have sex right in front on me, and right on your front lawn!" Andy and I burst out laughing. Casey continued to rant on about the neighbors seeing us and something else. I didn't hear too much after that; I was laughing too hard.

Finally me and Andy got a chance to breathe and everything seemed to calm down. The sunset began to turn the sky a bright pink, but it was starting to turn darker by the minute. I realized that we just spent the last half hour trying to say goodbye to Andy.

"Well, I think I should get going, the guys are probably waiting for me. I promise to call as soon as I get to my first tour stop. Please take care of yourself, Amber. Johnny should be here in a few days. I love you," Andy said to me, pulling me into one last hug. I buried my face into his shoulder and I tried holding back my tears. I was doing better than I did last time.

Andy kissed the top of my head and then he slowly pulled away from me. I watched him slowly get into his shiney, black car. In the backseat were his suitcases, piled ontop of one another. I smiled and blew him a kiss as he back out of our driveway. Casey and I followed him until we got to the end of it and Andy turned out of it. He waved and we waved back. Finally Andy hit the gas petal and drove down the street.

I could feel more tears coming and Casey stepped closer to me. I rested my head on her shoulder and let a few tears go. Casey stood tall and let me cry on her shoulder for a few moments. The pink sky began to turn into a light gray and stars began to appear in the night sky. I looked up to look at the sky when I noticed Casey's eyes. They were completely dry. For once in her life, she wasn't crying when she lost something. In fact, for once in her life, Casey was actually stronger than me.

I smiled and looked up at the stars,hoping Andy was doing the same thing.



Knock. Knock. Knock.
It's Johnny!

I didn't even need to open the door to realize who it was. I knew it was Johnny at the door, and I couldn't wait to see him!

"Amber! Johnny's here!" I shouted before I darted up from the couch to open the door. I could hear Amber running down the stairs so she could meet Johnny. Before she could get down the whole staircase, I yanked the door open to see my brother's smiling face.

"Hey Case. How've you been?" He asked as he gave me a tight hug. I buried my face into my brother's shoulder. I didn't want to talk to him right now, I just wanted to savor the moment.

"I missed you so much," I said but it was muffled by the fact that my face was buried into his coat. He chuckled and said, "I've missed you too."

I noticed something. When Johnny chuckled, someone else also chuckled. It sounded more cheerer than Johnny's laugh. Who else is here?

"Johnny, who's your friend?" I heard Amber ask. I looked up to see Amber and a strange man shaking hands. I let go of Johnny and put his hands in hiscoat pockets.

"I'm Zacky," The strange guy said. Zacky's voice was much softer and angel-like, unlike Johnny's cute,adult voice.

"Yeah, Zack plays rhythm guitar for Avenged Sevenfold. He really wanted to help you Casey," Johnny said, half-embarrassed-like; and he rubbed the back of his head. I blushed. This cute stranger wants to help me.

"Well Johnny, you and I have some catching up to do. Why don't we let Zacky and Casey get to know each other," Amber suggested as she grabbed Johnny by the arm and dragged him into the kitchen.

Before Amber disappeared into the kitchen, she gave a quick wink to me. I smiled back and she disappeared. She knew I liked Zacky and she knew I didn't want Johnny seeing me flirting with his best friend. We can kind of read each other's minds that way.

I looked over to see Zacky was looking at some pictures that were sitting on a bookcase. Most of the pictures were of Andy and Amber but there were a couple other pictures there. Zacky was looking at a pic of me when I was at prom.

"This chick is hot," I heard Zacky mumbled as he set the picture down. I giggled and walked over to him.

"That chick is me," I whispered into his ear. He jumped when he heard my voice and nearly dropped the photo. I laughed and stepped away from him.

He recovered from his little spaz attack and he set the picture down and he turned towards me. I looked at him and immediately noticed that he had emerald-green eyes and that he was wearing a long, black coat. But damn, those eyes...

I began to notice there was an akward silence so I tried to break it. "Umm...Hi I'm Casey," I managed to say. I was starting to get mesmerized by Zacky's eyes. They were so piercing but yet so beautiful.

"Um I'm Zacky," he finally said and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I grabbed his hand without my eyes leaving his.

"I'm sorry if I'm wierd by saying this but your eyes are so frickin' green and-" I started but Zacky's chuckle stopped me from finishing.

"It's fine,I get that comment a lot," Zacky told me. I grinned, blushed, and looked down at my feet. Wow, I'm making this too obvious that I like him.

"Your eyes are really fucking blue," Zacky said to me. I looked up to see Zacky's smiling, bright face.

"Really?" I know it sounds stupid, but it was all I could get out. A big, stupid grin was stretched across my face. Zacky nodded and looked down. I tried to see what Zacky was looking at when I saw he was looking at our hands. We never broke our handshake but both of hands did stop moving. Now, pretty much, I was holding Zacky's hand. Or was Zacky holding my hand? Whatever.

I blushed in embarrassment and let go of Zacky's hand. But he grabbed my hand again and squeezed it. I looked up into his green eyes again and we both got the biggest smiles on our faces.

Oh yeah, I love this boy.
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I'll get the newest chapter up as soon as possible. Please rate and comment!