Status: somethingnew(:

Double Standards

April Jean

April walked in the park with her best friend. It was spring time and felt so good outside that she didn’t want to do anything but walk all day in this park. Or even better, sit in the grass, right under the sun, soaking up the rays. But Kate had better plans. She was meeting her friend Trey here. Kate had went to high school with Trey and they got in contact again so they were meeting up today just to catch up. Kate was nervous to see him again so she made April tag along which only made April feel like she was nothing but a third wheel. But April would do anything for Kate.

As they approached a picnic table area, Kate’s eyes lit up and April only assumed that she had spotted Trey. A tall guy with thin blond hair stood up and approached her. “Oh gosh Kate.” He smiled and they embraced each other. “You look great.” Kate blushed.

“You look good too.” She said pushing some hair behind her ears. “Uh, Trey, this is my best friend April Jean, but you can call her April. April this is Trey.” She introduced the two and April shook Trey’s hand.

“Nice to meet you.” He said graciously and another boy stepped up. “This is my brother Garrett.” Garrett was slightly shorter than Trey and had thick brown hair that looked messily swept to the side. April noticed that he had a nose ring, tattoos, and pretty blue eyes. She didn’t mean to notice the blue eyes part, but they just caught her attention.

“Hello,” Garrett said awkwardly and April gave a small wave. April noticed that Kate couldn’t pull her eyes away from Trey. And both she and Garrett felt kind of awkward holding them back from conversing.

“Um, I saw an ice cream cart a block down, I think I’m going to get something.” April suggested and made eye contact with Garrett. “Would you like to join me?”

“Sure,” Garrett said a little shocked. Garrett was sometimes shy, but he opened up after a while. April on the other hand was never afraid to speak her mind, be out there, and just talk to new people. She actually quite enjoyed being outgoing and starting new conversations.

“Did you guys want anything?” Garrett turned toward Trey and Kate.

“No thanks, we might head that way in a little bit.”


Turns out the ice cream cart was more than just a block. But April didn’t mind. She had struck up a simple conversation with Garrett and it led them to talk more. April learned that Garrett has lived in Gilbert, Arizona his whole life, but is never really here that much. She didn’t ask why because she had a sense that he didn’t really feel like explaining that too her so she didn’t pry.

“So what kind of music are you into?” Garrett asked April.

“Pop, some hip-hop, or anything I can dance too really. Oh, I also am being exposed to acoustic music and that’s pretty nice.” April explained excitedly. Garrett thought it was cute how she tilted her head to the side when she got excited about something she talked about. Garrett found out that she wasn’t very into sports or music but she loved to draw and be artistic.

“Alright,” April said as they got to the ice cream cart. “Ultimate test, chocolate or vanilla?”

“Neither, I like strawberry.” He smirked and ordered a double strawberry ice cream scoop on a cone. “And for you?”

“I’d like a single scoop of chocolate.” April smirked.

“Single? Come on, be risky.” Garrett joked.

“Fine, double scoop.” She grinned. “You’re paying anyway.” She joked and laughed. April was only kidding and figured Garrett would realize that, but when she pulled her wallet out, he insisted on paying for it. “Gar, I was kidding, I can pay for my own.”

Garrett stopped for a second and looked at her. “Did you just call me Gar?” He asked laughing a little. April blushed slightly and that distracted her as she put her wallet up and grabbed her ice cream cone. After walking in silence while they ate their ice cream, April stopped and looked at Garrett.

“Would you rather me call you Gar Bear?” She said with a straight face. Garrett just looked at her dumbfounded and then cracked a smile.


“Thank you so much for coming with me.” Kate gushed as they were in the car.

“It was no problem really. I had a good time.” April smiled, reassuring her. "Except for when the ice cream spilled on my shirt. I told him that was the reason I never get double scoop is because it's so messy. So all he did was laugh." April complained. "But then, he helped me out and helped me clean up."

“Well good. Looked like you and Garrett were hitting it off,” she wiggled her eyebrows and nudged April’s shoulder causing her to shake her head blushing slightly. “Did you get his number?” Kate pursued more information. April didn’t respond, but just smiled looking into her lap. “You did didn’t you!? Oh you sly dog!”

“Stop it.” April said slapping Kate’s arm. “He’s chill ya know. It was just nice to talk to him. But he’s too nice. And you know me, I like my bad boys.” April joked.

“Yeah, whatever, he’s totally into you.”

April sighed and was looking at a text that Loren sent her. Loren was Kate and April’s best friend too.

Party tonight. You down?

April smiled and texted her back. April loved to party all the time, it was her thing. She kept scrolling through her phone to find how Garrett put his number in. She literally laughed out loud, causing Kate to give her a strange look, when she saw the name Gar-Bear pop up.


April loved Saturday night parties rather than Friday nights because too many little kids try running around on Fridays and they are recovering from their lame hangovers all Saturday. So Saturday’s were her night. April, Kate, and Loren, loved going out. But tonight, Kate was ditching because Trey offered to take her out to dinner tonight. April was slightly bummed, but that didn’t ruin her party mood. She slipped on a silver tunic tank top with a pair of skinny jeans. After she picked the right accessories and did her makeup, Loren was in the front of her house honking her horn.

“Hey beautiful,” April bounced into her seat and they kissed each other on the cheek.

“Hey sexy thing. I love that top!” Loren said excitedly and drove off.

“Thanks. So where’s this shindig at?” April asked while she fiddled with the radio.

“Uh, well I’m not sure exactly. I mean, I know where it’s at, but it’s nowhere we’ve been before. Apparently, these guys are in a band and they are back from tour, so it’s a big bash to welcome them back home. I’m not sure, Meg told me about it ‘cause she’s friends with one of the guys.” Loren explained to April and she just nodded.

April was somewhat excited and nervous. She didn’t know who these guys were and if they threw a good party because all she wanted right now was to just have a great night and she didn’t want her mood to be crashed by a lame party.


The party was definitely not lame. April was having a great time dancing with Loren and random hot guys. Yes, she was a little tipsy, but she never made stupid decisions when she was drunk because she never got drunk enough. April was always aware of the strangers she danced with, she watched over her drinks carefully and wasn’t dumb enough to go anywhere alone. It’s a simple system that Loren, Kate, and herself came up with.

“Oh girl, that guy over there, has been staring at you all night!” Loren said excitedly.

“Really?” April asked and nonchalantly looked over her shoulder. Loren was definitely right.

There was a tall guy with short messy brown hair. He gave April a small smile and then quickly looked away. He’s cute, April thought, but then looked back at Loren. “Hey, Meg,” Loren pulled Meg away from the kitchen for a second. “Who’s that guy over there? The tall one that is practically eye fucking April.”

Meg laughed and April blushed slightly. “That’s John. He’s the lead singer of that band I was telling you about. This is actually his house.”

“Well, he throws hella good parties.” Loren said and raised her drink high. “You should go talk to him!" Loren suggested.

“No thanks,” April shrugged, she was feeling a little too tipsy and didn’t want to make a fool out of herself too much.

“Too bad, he’s coming over here now.” Loren said and shoved April backwards. Her lack of soberness helped contributed to her stumbling until she was caught in someone’s arms. April looked up and saw pretty green eyes.

“Well hi there.” John said to her. April was close enough to smell the alcohol on his clothing and his breath. She hoped she didn’t smell of drinks that bad.

“Hi.” April said back.

“I haven’t seen you around here before, what’s your name?” John said a little straight forward and April just laughed. This guy thinks he’s sly. April felt a weird vibe about him, like she didn’t want to trust him, but yet she didn’t want to stop talking to him. He was rather sexy.
“My name’s Jean.” She lied easily.

“Cool, I’m John. You like the party?” He asked raising an eyebrow. Somehow, he had led her to the kitchen.

“I have to admit, this party is pretty kick ass.” April joked and chugged the rest of her drink.

“Here, let me get you another one.” John offered.

“No thanks, I don’t trust strangers.” She said and John noticed the sexy smirk that lingered on her lips. “And plus, I make way better drinks than anyone.”

“Prove it.” John challenged.

“Boy, I’ll have you hammered by the end of the night.”
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i hope you guys understand the layout of it.
cause i have never ever written in 3rd person before, so if i'm horrible at it let me know, and i'll change it.
but i thought with how diverse all the characters are, i would try it out. and since the main character has two different names, it would work.
comments would be lovely if i should keep it or ditch it and if you guys understand(:
i have a lot planned for this one!