Bleed Well

~Character Information~

~Story begins on November 18th~Friday~2005~

Name: Michelle Lynn Vander Sloot

Nickname: Mikkie

Birthplace: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Age: 17

Birthdate: 11-19-1987

Current Location: Kentwood, Michigan

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Hair Color and Lenght: Black and past shoulder blades

Other Information: Has severe depression, is a cutter. Has been cutting for three years. Goes to East Kentwood High School. Has a best friend named April. Mikkie and April meet Ville and the guys after Mikkie won backstage passes to the HIM concert....
  1. Bleed Well 001
    Part One... yay...
  2. Bleed Well 002
    Sorry it took sooo long!
  3. Bleed Well 003
    part three
  4. Bleed Well 004
    Sorry it has been so long. i've been really busy with a lot of other stuff... but here it is... part four!!!