Welcome to Mutant High

Accidents Can Happen

Rogue's Point of View

"How's training going, kid?" I heard Logan's voice as he walked up behind me in the lounge that evening. I was busy working on some homework, which I honestly couldn't believe they'd given me homework... I looked up to him, sitting the pencil down on the textbook in my lap.

"It went well," I commented. "Although, the Professor is still a little confused by my powers in general." I found it somewhat sweet that Logan cared enough to ask about my training. After all, what was I to him? All he'd done was rescued me from hitchhiking somewhere in Alberta, Canada.

"What about you?" I asked him as he took a seat next to me.

"What about me?" Logan asked, raising a brow.

"Is he helping you out...? To know more about your past?" That question really only earned a shrug at first, then a small grunt in thought.

"Somewhat. He's able to decipher flashbacks more vividly than I can. He says if I give him a few more days, weeks even, he might be able to piece a lot more together than I ever could," Logan explained. I wanted Logan to stick around... excuse me, Wolverine. I wanted to know why he even called himself.

"Maybe we'll get down to the Wolverine mystery," I commented and he nodded his head, taking the textbook out from my lap and looking over it.

"Chemistry? Really? How is this ever going to help us mutants?" Logan chuckled and laid the book back down in my lap.

"I suppose they want us to have real smarts, smart-ass," I teased him. "Suppose they want us goin' to a real college somewhere, making names for ourselves that aren't just nicknames from our powers..." My voice trailed off. I liked the nickname Rogue, but I supposed it had nothing to do with my powers.

Wolverine, I could understand that. Logan's claws were like nothing I'd ever seen before. They were sharper than any knives I'd ever encountered. Winter, well, her name was so perfect for her...being able to 'freeze' time and everything. Iceman was perfect for Bobby, Pyro perfect for John.

What was my power, truly? Would I ever have a nickname associated with my power? I shook the thought from my head.

"What's on your mind, kid?" Logan asked and I glared somewhat. The first once or twice was okay, but I disliked how he kept calling me kid.

"I'm seventeen in a few days," I said flatly and stood up with my books, journal, and pencil.

"Alright, alright, jail-bait," again he teased and stood up with me.

"I don't know, it's getting late and my head is swimming from all this homework. I can't believe they gave me homework my first real day of classes... I suppose Winter is probably enjoying it though," I voiced my thoughts and looked about the room, surprised not to see Winter here, associating with everyone else.

"Well, goodnight then," Logan said and I nodded my head, simply waving my green-glove covered hand as I disappeared back to my bedroom.


Winter's Point of View

"You're such a hot head," Bobby rolled his eyes at John's incessant bitching. This was John's least favorite day of the week, because he'd had a class with Scott... or Cyclops. John hated the dick--no, Pyro hated him. Then again, Scott was rather hated all across Xavier's School. The only person who had an exceptional ability to put up with him was Jean and well, Winter seemed to like him so far.

"Cool it," I said coolly as I came up behind the both of them, wrapping an arm around their shoulders as we walked.

"Well, hey, Winter." Pyro said with a bit of a smirk, his hand slipping down to rest on my hip. I looked over to him and glared until he moved his hand off of my hip rather quickly, too, I might add.

"Where have you been?" Bobby asked, I was sure curiosity was killing the kitty.

"I had a longer training session with the Professor. My gift is still so...unstable. I don't know whether extreme happiness will trigger a time freeze, or sadness, or anger. The simulation showed anger will trigger it... and ... well, you already know about the car wreck with my Mom," I explained.

The three of us took a seat in the lounge. I noticed Rogue wasn't here, but I asked a mutual friend of ours--Kitty, who said she had just left to go to bed.

"Can you freeze just one thing yet, or... everything?" Bobby asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's everything right now. I can't wait to be able to just freeze certain things..." I admitted, daydreaming about what it would be like. I wanted to one day have full control over my powers. I didn't like feeling like I was... vulnerable because I didn't know how to use them properly. But that's exactly how I felt right at that moment. Part of me disliked having such a complicated gift, the other part of me loved it.


Rogue's Point of View

I had been laying in bed for a couple of hours when I started to hear Logan in the next room. It sounded like moans at first. It upset me, caused me to be jealous. But the more I listened, the more I realized... it was a nightmare.

I slowly crawled out of the bed in my room and walked the five feet to the next door next to mine where Logan was staying and opened it. I said his name once or twice quietly and earned no response other than the sounds of him still in a nightmare.

Walking further into his room, I could see him laying on his back in the bed. I sat down at the very edge of it and placed my hand on his shoulder, shaking him lightly. "Logan?" My voice was a little louder. "Logan it's Marie, you're dreaming," I said and shook him a little harder.

His eyes popped open and the next thing I knew, I felt the most sharpest, excruciating pain in my chest. I shrieked, looking down and seeing his claws in my chest. As he actually began to wake up and realize what he'd done, he let out a holler for help.

Logan pulled his claws out of my chest and I stumbled back some, but he kept a grip on me, his hands on my body through my clothes so he wouldn't be affected by my power. "Y-your power... y-you c-can re-r-regenerate right..?" I asked in my southern accent.

Wolverine nodded his head and with that I jerked my glove off with my teeth and placed one lone finger on his cheek. Within seconds, the holes in my chest started to close and when I felt I had taken enough of Logan's power, I dropped my hand... he fell to the floor unconscious. I hollered out, too now, for help. At long last, the Professor, Storm, and Scott appeared.

"What happened?" Storm asked and I sniffled, 'an accident' for the first several minutes, then I was finally able to go into detail with what happened. After all, she wasn't Jean, she couldn't read my mind. "It's alright, Marie." The Professor said to try and calm me down.

"Your power worked just as I believed it would. You took enough of Logan's power, his life force, to sustain yourself and you stopped before you were able to do damage to him. I am proud," he admitted as Logan started to come to. He looked up towards me, blinking rather rapidly.

"What the hell happened..." and that was when I couldn't really face him anymore. I couldn't tell him that if I'd have held on a couple more moments I would have killed him... so I ran out of the room, into a huddle of students outside of Logan's door, including Winter.

"Come talk to me," Winter said softly and with her, I went back to her room, so I would have a friend to talk to about this. I figured the Professor or Jean would find me soon enough...
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 1,327

I had intended this chapter to be a lot longer a few months ago when I started typing it up...but... I think this fits. It's short sweet and to the point, more a filler probably than anything. But... I wanted this to be told from Rogue's point of view, but since Winter is the main character, I threw in a little of her POV too. Hope you like!