A Week With A Cop


There we were riding around in the car. Officer Hicks says “I’m hungry, do you want something to eat Missy?” I sit there thinking (did he really just ask me that) um. Sure” I replied. I reached forward to putting my binder on the dashboard. Officer Hicks says “I wouldn’t do that if I were you" he said sternly "Why not?” I replied. After that he puts the lid on his coffee and floors the car. My binder and everything in it fly’s in my lap. I won’t be putting my stuff on his dash anymore. From now on I’ll just set my stuff in the floor. The call came from the CB radio “Unit 516 ther is a high speed pursuit, white car license plate Romeo Delta Charley 534 (RDC-534) headed down I-92 at 102 MPH southbound. Your request is needed.” I’m in the coffee shop getting our drinks and Officer Hicks comes running in grabs me by the arm, throws a 20 down on the counter and we both run out the door to the car and jump in and we are off.

We turn left onto the interstate going like 70 when you’re supposed to go 35. We catch up to the person that is speeding at 102 MPH and there are 5 other cop cars already in pursuit of the guy. We are right on his tail and he slams on the breaks, turns left off the road and flips his car 5 times before coming to a complete stop. Officer Hicks pulls the car over to where the guy is at and can see that the man is in critical condition. He then yells at me to call 911 and I comply.

Officer Hicks goes over to the guy and tells him to put his hands where he can see them. The man complies and Officer Hicks pull the man out of the car puts him in cuffs and walks him to the car and tells him to lean up against the car and not to move. He then proceeds to ask him why he was speeding the guy replied “sir, i-i-i I wasn’t speeding sir” “You weren’t speeding is what your trying to tell me?” Officer Hicks asks him. “yes sir that is what I’m trying to tell you sir.” Officer Hicks goes over to the car and looks inside, and finds 4 open beer laying in the passenger side floor board. He then looks under the seat only to find a 22 caliber gun under the seat.He walks back over to the guy and tells him “ Sir I’m going to be taking you to prison for the possession of a concealed weapon and 4 counts on open container.”

On our way back to the precinct the guy is yelling and screaming at us. “Fuck all this bullshit I didn’t do anything. You guys are gonna pay for what you did. Ha, taking me in on illegal findings. Fuck you pigs.” I'm sitting there like Wow he keeps running his mouth and add more stuff to the list. Officer Hicks looks at me and says, “I better never see you out here on the streets doing anything illegal." he said. “Yes sir” I replied.

We finally make it back to the precinct. Officer Hicks tells me to sit in the lobby while he prints and processes the guy. Before you know it there is something lurking around the corner.
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I hope you like this chapter. I writing as fast as i can.