Life on the Road.


There was so many things I could wear on this date but I couldn't make up my mind; while I thought about what outfit I could wear I wondered why he would ask me on date. Everyone said because I was gorgeous but what does that really mean?

Does he really find me attractive? Is he asking me on this date so he can say he actually went out with me? What is about guys and pulling that kind of stuff on girls? I don't get it maybe it's just me.

"Riley are you ready?" he asked, I could hear his foot steps getting closer to the bunk area.

"Uh, yeah I just need my hair" I grabbed a brush, hair spray and some pins and walked to the small bathroom.

Now you'd think you couldn't do anything in that tiny bathroom, but you can. I quickly managed to do a bun that wasn't messy but it wasn't too classy it was just perfect for this sort of outing.

I stepped out in a blue tank top with a bow on the front and a ruffly blue skirt with silver flats and jewelry. I looked around but I could see Brendon anywhere he must have been outside, I felt a little awkward. I wasn't sure how casual or dressy to get so I went with a little bit of both.

"You... look.. fantastic" he beamed.

I jumped, "Oh Brendon, you scared me"

He grinned, "Sorry"

"Thanks. I had to act normal for once " I answered smiling.

"I like you being you" he nodded.

I blushed, "Well, thanks Brendon are we going?"

Brendon nodded once again, "Let's go"

He grabbed my hand and led the way, now I wasn't sure of where he was taking me or what we were going to do. I had a feeling it was going to be special, Brendon didn't seem like the cliche type of guy so maybe when he went on dates it was special.

"If I ask where we're going will you tell me?"

"No" he chuckled, "it's a surprise"

I rolled my eyes, "It always a surprise with you. Maybe you should be one of those Jack in a box toys"

"But my name is Brendon!"

I giggled, "You're such an odd ball Brendon Urie"

He agreed, "I am and you love it"

I shook my head, "just tell me where you're taking me"

"Nope" he answered popping the "p".

I sighed, "Fine. I will remain silent"

Brendon and I walked for what seem to be an eternity, he took me to this art studio and I just beamed when I saw it.

"This is our date?"

He grinned, "I know how much you enjoy art so I thought this would be perfect will make whatever you want, it's already paid so don't worry about it"

We both walked inside we were greeted by a young woman who was around my age with big brown eyes and long wavy hair, she was kind of pale but seemed polite.

"Welcome back Brendon"

"Thanks, this is Riley my date" he said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Riley I hope Brendon hasn't been bothering you too much" she teased.

I giggled, "No. He's a total sweetheart"

"See I can be nice Lacey!"

She laughed, "Mhmm"

I was in awe by all the art that was hanging, Van Gogh, Monet, Manet everything from Starry Night to the Mona Lisa. All the great painters were here I was amazed and astonished I couldn't speak.

"Let's have a seat, here is your canvas"

I took the canvas and set it up, Brendon was next to me smiling big; he really wasn't a normal guy he liked to please and see people happy.

Lacey brought us some art supplies and told us to paint what we were feeling or what we saw, paint whatever she said. I nodded and took my paint brush and began to pain at first it just started off as a line as I progressed you could see a picture coming together.

It was a tree, no leaves, it was thin and gray it had no life this tree was surrounded by lushes trees filled with fruits. This tree was lonely and desperate it wanted to die and disappear from all these perfect ones. You could say it was a representation of how I was feeling around people around my family and friends.

"Wow. Who's the thin tree?" she walked behind me.

"You could say it's me"

Brendon looked over at me and my painting, "Wow"

"They say all great artists suffer" she whispered.

I shrugged, "I'm no artist just I like to express myself through art"

An hour of painting later I had finished and Brendon had too, his picture was much more positive than made. It was like he knew who he was and was comfortable with who he was unlike me. I was awkward and I cared far too much of what people think about me even though I don't show it or I pretend that I don't give a fuck when really I do.


Brendon talked Lacey for letting us come by and then we were on our way again; this really made me wonder where he would take me next.

"Lunch time" he grinned.

I giggled, "What are we having?"

"A picnic and I hope you don't mind but since I'm a vegetarian we're having veggie friendly stuff"

I laughed, "It's okay I need to lose weight anyway"


"Don't psh me Brendon I have the ability to hurt you"

"You wouldn't"

I shrugged, " I could"

"Riley you don't need to lose weight you're perfect just the way you are"

"If you say so"

We ate quietly, this date was turning out to be pretty good I was enjoying myself and I haven't had quite this much fun in a long time.

"That was a quick lunch" I laughed, I knew I'd be hungry later, I needed some meat.

"Yep. Now dessert involves two things"

"Oh and what would that be?"

"Ice cream and music"

"So we're getting ice cream and going to a record store?" I asked laughing.

Brendon shook his head, "No you silly girl. We're going to eat ice cream and I'm going to sing for you"

I blushed, "What?"

He grabbed my hand and took me to the nearest Ben and Jerry store, I was craving some Chunky Monkey.

We ate our ice cream and Brendon was singing one of his favorite songs by Journey I had to laugh, Journey wasn't my favorite band but they were okay. When Brendon sang it made my heart flutter, as cheesy as it sounds he knew how to make a girl smile.

"We have to go back now" he sighed sadly.

"Awe but you still get to see me remember?"

He grinned, "That's right! hmm..."

I raised an eyebrow "What? Why are you looking at me that way?"

"No reason..."

I took a step back, we were already near our bus but Brendon didn't want to go in yet instead he kept looking at me. Almost like he wanted to kiss me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him his eyes were on mine and I was shaking. He took a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear, he was leaning down to kiss me, I closed my eyes and waited for it.

"Brendon there you are!" Ryan ruined it.

I opened my eyes and saw the disappointed in his eyes and whispered I'm sorry. I sighed and nodded and walked back to the bus. I was going to kill Ryan.
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Update. Yay. I hope you enjoyed it. XD