Life on the Road.


A new day, a new theme, I was all about themes back at home and today's was Batman, I was obsessed with Batman. I decided to straighten my hair today, I was humming and I could feel eyes on me, making me feel uncomfortable.

Today, they were getting new merch and I had to get the boxes and open them and fix everything in place and so forth. I walked over to the boxes and picked a couple of them up, I picked them up and started to walk, before someone stopped me.

"Whoa, hey, let me help you there" Brendon smiled, taking both boxes from me.

I frowned, "Thanks"

This wasn't the first time they tried helping me with boxes, I know I was short but I wasn't weak and I know that I was girly but that didn't make me fragile.

"I like your theme by the way" he smiled.

I sighed, "Yeah, me too,"

He set the stuff down, "Here we are,"

"Thanks again," I mumbled.

"Your welcome, I didn't know you liked Batman"

There's a lot of stuff you don't know about me, Brendon.

"I love Batman"

"I see,"

"What? Didn't think I liked Batman because I'm a girl?" I asked, annoyed.

"What? No, I just didn't think it was your style.. I guess"

Another way of saying that I was too girly to like Batman, these guys were beginning to piss me off.

I shrugged "You should get to know me then, maybe you'll learn something"

I grabbed a pair of scissors and quickly opened every box in less then two minutes, then started organizing everything.

"Wow, you learn quick" this time it was Ryan.

"What can I say, I'm good, for a girl"

"What? I was just saying it's good for anyone" he laughed.

I balled my fist, "Whatever"

I finished organizing everything and decided that I was in need of a break and headed back inside for a bottle of water.

"Hey," Brendon waved at me.

"Hi," I replied, taking a bottle from the fridge.




I walked back out and sat in my sit, it was better to be ready before everyone started arriving, I sighed.

"Something wrong?" Jon asked, sitting next to me.

"Not really,"

"Doesn't seem like it"

"It's not important,"

"It must be if it's bumming you out"

I shrugged "I'll be fine"

Brendon was coming out of the bus, "Hey you hungry?"

I nodded, "Actually, I am"

"Cool, we're getting burgers or something"

"That sounds good--"

"Salad right?"

My mouth dropped, you have got to be kidding me right? A salad? For me? I huffed, I apparently looked too girly for everything. I couldn't pick up big boxes, I couldn't like superheros and now I can't eat a burger because of my fucking appearance.

"Actually, nothing, I'm going to just eat a grapefruit and a fucking bottle of water" I spat.

Brendon just looked at me, "O-Oh.."

"Brendon just shut your cake hole" Spencer said, pushing him out.

I crossed my arms and looked away, trying really hard not to cry, it was too late. I was so tired of everyone treating me like I was fragile, tears escaped my eyes. This was just like Ronnie used to treat me, like I was weak and stupid to do anything.

"He's an idiot," Spencer said, sitting next to me.

Jon and Spencer were the only ones, beside Temperance to treat me just like the others, and I appreciated that.

"He can think whatever he wants, I know it's not true"


"Oh, nothing, yeah, I guess he is an idiot."

"You want to talk about it?"

I shook my head, "No, I'll be okay"

I walked back inside and decided to take a little nap all of this obnoxiousness behavior from two boys was getting on my nerves.

There was no one I could call to talk to about my situation, I missed being close with my family but they pushed me away. It wasn't fair, I hadn't done anything wrong and yet they rejected me.

"Riley are you awake?" he whispered.

"What Brendon?" I mumbled.

"Can we talk?"

I sighed, "Fine,"

I hopped out of bed and saw him standing in front of me, "You're too close,"

"Oh, sorry" he backed up.

I followed him out, this was going to be a long talk I could tell, hopefully I won't have to punch him. I honestly didn't want to hurt Brendon because he's been nothing but nice to me but all of this "sexism" was getting on my nerves. I'm sure he doesn't mean to act that way around me, because he doesn't act like Temperance is weak or fragile, he treats her just like one of the guys. It bothers me that I can't be treated like that, I'm girly but I can be a strong too, it wasn't fair. I'm kind of jealous, I think.

Brendon grabbed one of the chairs that was near a table and set it down, I grabbed another one and took a seat. I watched him, he was thinking about something, as usual but he never mentions much to me. I was starting to think, that they thought I was some kind of freak, because I didn't talk much and kept to myself.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him, I wasn't one to speak up about situations but it really bothered me that he treated me like I was fragile.

He nodded, " Sure, go right ahead,"

"Why do you keep treating me so different?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you act as if I can't do much, like I can pick up boxes or that I enjoy salads and that I can't like super heroes? What is it because I'm a girl? That can't be right? Because your best friend's a girl. Oh, wait is it because I'm so "tiny" in your eyes that you want to treat me like a 5-year-old?" I snapped.

His smile faded, "What are you talking about? I don't--"

"Yes you do, Brendon you and Ryan both do and it starting to piss me off,"

He sighed, "It wasn't to be sexist, I swear that wasn't it--"

I shrugged, "I figured that, you don't treat Temperance like that, you treat her like one of your friends, I don't feel like your friend, Brendon, I feel like I'm just some girl in a bus full of guys, that want to get rid of me, and yeah I understand that I'm taking up space, but it won't be for long I promise, I just want to be treated like everybody else,"

Brendon's expression soften, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, I just thought you needed help and you didn't seem like the type to like fatty foods or heroes... because you never mentioned anything about that, I was afraid I might have offended you by asking"

I sighed, this was partially my fault for being treated this way, I never did tell them anything about me, maybe that's why they were treating me like that. Because they didn't know how else to treat me and I felt bad about it.

"I'm sorry, Brendon" I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck.


"For yelling at you, I was taking out my frustration out on you, without meaning to,"

"Oh, don't sweat it, it happens,"

I nodded, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I was actually wondering if you could help me, get Koa-- Tempy something"

"Oh? Is her birthday coming up?"

He smiled, "Yes"

I was more than happy to help Brendon with whatever he had in mind, I just hoped it wasn't something crazy I wasn't good with crazy party gifts or surprises.
♠ ♠ ♠
Batman theme
Yeah. I had to add more stuff to this! XD