Status: Completed.

About That Virtue


Amber Thrasher stepped out of her candy apple red ’66 Chevrolet Impala convertible to inspect the damage that had been caused during the head on collision.

Her eyes narrowed with anger when she saw that the bumper was all banged up and the hood was heavily dented. Amber had only recently finished restoring this car to mint condition and now, now it was all fucked up and she was gonna have to start all over again.

“I’m sorry, w-w-w-w-we didn’t see you there,” stuttered a lanky brunette that clung to the arm of a handsome russet skinned youth for dear life.

“I don’t care if you’re sorry; all I care about is figuring out how you’re going to fix the damage that you’ve done to my baby here,” responded Amber.

The young man opened his mouth and said, “Well I know how to fix cars I could totally take care of it for you.”

“What are you her PR rep? She can speak for herself; she was the one behind the wheel when we collided. So do you have insurance? You better have insurance or else I’m gonna take you to small claims court and I have a witness with me OLLIE,” bellowed Amber in an attempt to get her friend Olivia’s attention.

Amber waited for Olivia to go over to where they were standing, but when Olivia didn’t show she turned around and noticed that she wasn’t in the car anymore so she screamed out, “OLIVIA MADDOW where are you!?”

Amber’s eye widened when she saw Olivia emerge from behind a tall patch of bushes with a small smile on her face, “You don’t have to scream I was just taking care of business.”

“Did you just take a dump in the forest? Don’t you remember what happened last time? You ended up with a rash for like a week.”

Olivia began giggling as she remembered the incident that Amber was talking about, she got over her fit and responded, “No, I called the cops so that they’d come write up a report and you know.”

Amber understood what Olivia had done; you see they had some of their goodies in the car, the type of goodies that are frowned upon by authority so they had to be hidden so that the cops don’t blame the accident on Amber.

Olivia finally got back on the pavement and stared at the damage that had been done to the car. She shook her head and said, “I can’t believe these fucking rah-tards messed up your baby!”

“Hey don’t call us retards that’s rude,” stated a deep masculine voice forcefully.

Amber glared at the guy and shouted, “Hey don’t talk to Ollie like that! I bet you like shouting at people that are smaller than you and that look weaker, but guess what I might be vertically challenged but I’ll mess you up you bloody ogre!”

She expected him to shout something back at her, but he didn’t. Instead he stared at Olivia wide eyed, his mouth hanging slightly ajar; looking like an absolute creeper.

“Hey Shrek quit looking at her like that you might make Fiona there jealous,” shot Amber.

Olivia hadn’t really noticed how the young man was looking at her because she had been staring off into the distance so when heard Amber call them Shrek and Fiona she started giggling and said, “Dude, don’t call her Fiona, I’m pretty sure Fiona would be insulted if she knew you were comparing that thing to her.”

Edward Cullen raced out of his house when Alice told him that the police station had received two phone calls, one from Bella and one from a stranger saying that they had been in a car accident.

He grew frantic when Alice told him that she couldn’t see Bella’s future anymore. He would’ve driven towards the forest path but he knew that he would get there faster if he ran, that he’d be able to save her if it was absolutely necessary.

As he neared the location where Bella was a sensual and intoxicatingly spicy scent unlike any that had ever graced his nose before hit him. His golden honey eyes turned onyx black and he kept running, fearing that maybe Bella was lying in a puddle of her own blood.

Edward’s eyes narrowed when he saw Bella clinging onto the mutt, the burning in the back of his throat intensified and his nose twitched as he tried to find the location of the blood that called to him stronger than Bella’s ever had.

The venom welling in his mouth increased when he found the source of the blood standing a few feet away from him. A million began to race through his mind as he stared into her green-brown eyes; he had to force himself to look away from her.

In order to be able to function he snatched Jacob’s scarf and wrapped it around his neck, the stench of mutt serving to neutralize her delectable scent.

“I want to know what you’re doing here with Jacob,” demanded Edward.

Bella stared at him, an expression of fear etched onto her pale face and Jacob kept staring shamelessly at Olivia. Edward attempted to tap Jacob’s mind but all of Jacob’s thoughts were revolving around the stranger.

Edward walked towards Bella’s old beat up truck and saw the luggage that was scattered in the bed of the truck. His breathing became heavy when he realized that Bella was going to run off with Jacob.

“YOU’RE RUNNING AWAY WITH HIM,” shouted Edward with such rage that he made Bella flinch in fear.

Bella tugged on Jacob’s arm, hoping that he would stand up for her, but he didn’t pay her any attention so she softly said, “Yes. I love him and he loves me.”

“Jacob doesn’t love you Bella,” responded Edward.

“Yes he does! He told me that he loved me after we made love last night,” retorted Bella.

“This is straight up Jerry Springer shit,” whispered Olivia.

Amber shook her head and said, “No this is more Maury. I feel like she’s gonna get pregnant and there’s gonna be drama cuz she won’t know who the baby daddy is.”

Olivia nodded and they turned their attention back to the shouting.

Edward let out a bitter laugh and said, “He doesn’t love because he just imprinted on that stranger over there.”

Bella shook Jacob and asked him if it was true, he couldn’t lie to her and told her that he had, that he wasn’t gonna run away with her anymore because he had his imprint; his soul mate.

The two girls watched as Bella threw herself at Edward, begging him to forgive her and take him back but the look of disgust and hatred on his face let everyone know that he wasn’t about to forgive her infidelity.

Amber couldn’t hold her tongue any longer and very loudly said, “It looks like he’s gonna smack a bitch.”

“If he smacks a bitch he might kill the bitch,” responded Olivia.

“If he kills the bitch I can’t get my car fixed,” Amber stood up from the seat on the hood of her car and shouted, “Hey Casper the not so friendly ghost, calm the fuck down I’m pretty sure she’ll break if you smack her and I know that you might want to kill her for cheating on you but domestic abuse isn’t rad, so calm down.”

Edward was taken aback by the petite young woman’s words. He hadn’t expected her to be capable of saying such vulgar language since her appearance was very feminine and beautiful.

His eyes scanned her shapely, 1940’s pin up hour glass figure and her dark brown medium length that was curled, she was barely taller than 5 feet but she was full of fight.

Amber kept her eyes on the stranger’s, he was eyeing her like something to eat and she was eyeing him like someone that she was about to beat up. Amber opened her mouth to say something witty when she suddenly heard the bongo intro to Soul Sacrifice being played.

She turned around quickly and saw Olivia sitting on the ground playing her bongos, “Olivia what are you doing?”

“I don’t know, you guys were having an epic stare off and were in need of a soundtrack.”

Amber shot Olivia a dirty look and turned around to face the angry man again but he was no longer there. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area but there was no trace of him. She turned around and saw the man of Jacob leave the lanky brunette so he could stand by Olivia.

“I thought it was a good idea,” he told Olivia with a goofy grin on his face.

Olivia smiled at him and loudly said, “Thanks, I’m glad someone appreciated my musical endeavor.”

“You’re gonna be appreciating my foot up your ass if you don’t shut up,” threatened Amber playfully.

Olivia’s eyes widened as she inquired, “Is that a promise or a threat?”

“It’s a promise, now please be so kind as to take pictures of the damage or have that puppy take them for us,” responded Amber.

Soon the police arrived and big surprise the Chief was the father of the lanky brunette. He inspected Amber’s care way more thoroughly than he had Bella’s and she couldn’t help but thank Olivia in her mind for having hidden the stash elsewhere.

After about an hour both the parties that had been present at the accident had given their accounts and were ready to go on their way. Jacob tried to bum a ride with Bella but she was angry that he wasn’t going to be with her anymore and refused.

Amber smiled at Olivia and said, “Want to give him ride?”

“I think we should since that girl left him on the side of the road,” responded Olivia.

A mischievous smile spread across Amber’s lips as she told Olivia, “I meant ride.”

After a small little argument Amber told Olivia to ask him if he needed a ride, he was going to La Push which wasn’t to far off from Forks so they decided to give him the ride. Jacob was happy to learn that the two girls had recently been evicted from their apartment in Port Angeles and were moving in with Olivia’s grandmother.

“I know that Charlie’s gonna pay for the repairs but I’m really good with cars so if you wanted to get it fixed sooner I could definitely do it for you, for free to and then you just keep Charlie’s money and pay for the paint job somewhere,” stated Jacob.

Amber eyed him wearily and responded, “Thanks but no thanks, I don’t think you could handle a car of this caliber.”

“I think I could. Do you see that rabbit in the driveway,” she nodded, “I built that completely from scratch. So if you want you could leave it here and I can get to work on it.”

“I need a car though; we have to go to Forks.”

“Well then take my rabbit,” stated Jacob as he handed her the keys to his car.

Edward stormed into Alice’s bedroom without so much as a knock on the door. Alice knew why Edward was in her room, she had had a vision about Edward and a sarcastic beauty only a few minutes earlier and he was now in there to try and learn why Alice hadn’t warned him.

“Alice why didn’t you tell me,” roared Edward.

She jumped up from her bed and said, “Well I didn’t see anything until a few minutes ago! You know I can’t see the future when a wolf’s there!”

“I know but it would have been nice to have some sort of warning! Everything just went up in flames so quickly!”

“What happened Edward? All I know is you’re future but I don’t know why your future doesn’t have Bella in it anymore.”

“Bella and Jacob were going to run off together then they got into the accident and I guess Jacob imprinted on this girl Olivia and Bella tried begging me for forgiveness and I said no. Then all of a sudden this petite woman with this big smile and intoxicating blood opens her mouth and profanity and sarcasm came rushing out. I had to leave, I had to leave because even though I wrapped Jacob’s scarf around my face her scent, her rich seductive scent still made my throat ache in pain and desire; I don’t know which was stronger.”

“Did you see the look on that guys face,” asked Amber as she passed the blunt to Olivia.

Olivia took a hit before responding, “It looked like he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to eat or fuck you.”

“I’m fine with either,” said Amber with a smirk on her face.

Olivia opened her mouth to respond but was silenced by her grandmother shouting that the cake she had made them was finally finished. Their stomachs rumbled loudly when she mentioned the cake and they rushed towards the house.

Nana Ella placed a large piece of cake in front of each of the girls along with a cup of cold milk. Her light grey hair framed her wrinkled face perfectly and after watching the girls eat for a bit she spoke up, “Now, I know you two wanted to find jobs on your own but I called some of my friends and got you two jobs. Amber will be working at the coffee shop and Olivia down at the ice cream parlor.”

“How’d you get both of us jobs,” exclaimed Amber.

Nana smiled and said, “I’m a very charming woman.”

“Is this your way of saying that you slept with people to get us the job,” Amber asked playfully.

A serious look swept away the smile on Nana’s face as she told them, “I did. I’ve used my sex appeal for my own advantage; those youngins out there can’t get enough of these saggy tits.”

Milk squirted out of Amber’s nose and the two young women began laughing like wild children. Olivia finally regained her composure and exclaimed, “Nana you’re not supposed to be that dirty. You’re the adult here.”

“Last time I checked you were both 18 so that makes us all adults and let’s remember I’m 64 and retired, I get to do and say whatever the fuck I want now.”

“If I didn’t know any better I would say you were my grandmother and Olivia was just some stranger,” stated Amber.

Nana smiled and responded, “You know sometimes I think that as well.”

Amber and Olivia started work at their respective jobs early that Monday morning. Amber smiled when she breathed in the rich scent of coffee beans, she might not be addicted to coffee like other people are but she definitely digs it.

“Good morning you must be Amber Thrasher. I’m Dawn,” said a middle aged woman with long flowing dirty blonde hair.

Amber shook Dawn’s hand and responded, “Well I’m Amber, thanks for giving me the job. I won’t let you down.”

“You seem like you’re gonna do swell here especially after the way that Ella praised you. That woman’s sweet but she’s also very honest and gave you an amazing recommendation. Now let’s get the social security and all the paperwork out of the way and get you behind the espresso machine.”

Once all the paperwork had been settled Dawn went into the specifics of the business. Dawn’s Coffee only sells organic free trade coffee and she prides herself on that fact. That’s the reason why the coffee shop is always full because people are trying to go green and be more politically correct.

After showing Amber how to make the house special and showing her the little book with the coffee recipe’s Dawn left Amber to make herself comfortable at the coffee house.

Tons of people came into the coffee house; some of them looked interesting others were rather dull but Amber didn’t have any trouble keeping a smile on her face or keeping the conversation flowing between her and the shops patrons.

Word soon spread around Forks that a “hot chick” was working at Dawn’s coffee house and the young men in the city swarmed the establishment to see if she was as hot as everyone was saying that she was.

Amber figured out why the guys kept coming into the coffee house and for the most part she laughed it off and figured that she’d smile so that they’d fill up the tip jar but one snot nosed punk managed to annoy her more than all the others combined.

“You know you don’t have to work here my parents own another shop in town, you may have heard of it, it’s the Newton Sporting Goods store and you won’t have to work as hard,” stated the young man with the golden blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

Amber had tried to hold her tongue, but this kid had gone too far and she found herself shouting, “Are you stupid or something? You’ve been hanging around trying to talk to me for the past FOUR hours and I haven’t said a word to you and you think I’m gonna quit this gig and go over to your little sporting good store? Who the hell do you think you are you overly made up baboon!”

“No one’s ever talked to me like that,” whispered Mike.

Amber expected him to run off crying, but instead he just stood there staring at her like a lost puppy. She let out an exasperated sigh before telling him, “This is the part where you fuck off,” he didn’t move, “Fuck off.”

Amber watched as he grabbed his jacket and stormed out the door, she mumbled a slew of profanities before returning her attention to the coffee pot that was in need of a dash of cinnamon.

When she heard the door open she threw her mitten on the counter and shouted, “I thought I told you to leave!”

“I was just bringing some ice cream,” responded Olivia as she held two waffle cones in her hands.

Amber’s muscles relaxed as she smiled at her friend and said, “I thought you were that annoying Newton kid. I was so close to punching him out.”

“Is he blonde,” Amber nodded his head, “I don’t think that kids gonna stop coming around here anytime soon. I walked passed him when I was coming this way and he was muttering about how feisty you were. I almost started giggling because really, ah that kid, nah.”

“He’s so annoying and he’s not even hot! I don’t know what it is, I’m lying I definitely know what it is. I just hate golden boys; they’re so cocky and generic looking! There’s nothing dangerous about them!”

“Agreed, I’d rather have a strung out man any day of the week.”

“Same here, now which cone is mine?”

Edward Cullen watched Amber quietly from his spot in the forest, a crooked smile washed across his face as he watched young woman dance around in her boxers and tank top to David Bowie’s song Let’s Dance in her bedroom.

He couldn’t help but laugh lightly when he saw her fall off the bed and mutter incoherently. She was so different from Bella, so different from anyone that he’d ever met in his life but he was drawn to her.

He wanted to learn everything that there is to learn about Amber Thrasher; her hopes, her fears, her passions, her hobbies, her likes, her dislikes, everything.

Edward watched as she turned her light off and waited an hour before climbing up into her bedroom. He climbed in through the window slowly, his eyes turning coal black the moment that he inhaled her seductive scent.

It was worse than when he had been in Bella’s bedroom for the first time. Then he had been able to breathe once every five minutes, but with Amber he found himself breathing only once every twenty minutes.

Edward returned to her bedroom every night for two months, with each passing day he felt himself grow better and better at being able to control his thirst around her; soon he would speak to her.


“But I didn’t even get to finish asking you.”

Amber tilted her head to the side before yet again saying, “The answer is still no.”

“Why are you always turning me down?! I’m a great guy once you get to know me,” shouted Mike as he followed Amber to the table where she was delivering the coffee to.

Amber placed the coffee on the table and picked up the placard with the number on it. She turned to Mike and said, “You’ve been coming in here every single day for the past two months and every time you ask me if I want to go out I say no. I know that you think I’m trying to play hard to get but I’m not. I want nothing to do with your hillbilly ass, like really I’m not gonna pop out some babies for you and name them Bubba so please do fuck off.”

“You can’t talk to me like that I’m Mike Newton!”

“And I don’t care.”

With that she turned and made her way back towards her work area. She couldn’t help but smirk when she saw Mike storm out hopefully he wouldn’t be back tomorrow.

Business inside the coffee house slowed significantly and Amber passed her time pretending to be an astronaut as she spun around on a chair with wheels and listened to Space Oddity blasting from the speakers.

She was lost in her own little world, singing at the top of her lungs when a musical laugh brought her back to reality. Amber opened her eyes and found herself staring at the guy that had disappeared the day of the accident.

“Casper the Not so Friendly Ghost, good to see you again,” she exclaimed as she jumped off the chair, “I was beginning to think that they’d locked you up for something. I mean this is a small town and I haven’t seen you since you almost went ape shit on that lanky brunette.”

“I would hardly considered what I did going ape feces on Bella,” responded Edward.

“Well, that’s your opinion. Now, what can I get you?”

“A large caramel macchiato please.”

“Coming right up.”

Edward made his way towards the back of the coffee house; he pulled out his old tattered copy of The Little Prince and began reading the novel, every so often glancing over at Amber as she prepared his coffee.

Amber walked over and placed the coffee on the table, she smiled and said, “Aren’t you a little old to be reading a children’s book?”

“Not when it’s a good children’s book. Have you read it?”

“Yeah I’ve read it; it’s cute and has some pretty powerful themes in there.”

“It does, I find that making the book more innocent and childlike drives the point home a little better than if it was explicitly written for adults.”

“Very true, an adult would get upset if someone used big words to tell them how to live their lives but when you read a cute kid talking about his roses and his sheep you can’t help but be swept away in that innocence and learn from it.”

Edward and Amber became engrossed in conversation; they discussed their favorite passages in the novel and talked about how they interpreted the words. Edward was fascinated by Amber’s extensive knowledge and everything was going well until some guy randomly walked by Amber and spanked her.

A fire lit within Edward and he found himself standing up from his chair. He grabbed the guy by the pants and flung him onto the sidewalk outside of the coffee house.

Edward turned around expecting Amber to thank him but instead she screamed, “Damn it Edward what was that about?!”

“He spanked you.”

“I know that he spanked me! I was gonna beat him up for it.”

“Amber don’t be ridiculous.”

“I know that you did not just tell me to not be ridiculous! You’re the one that’s being ridiculous here Edward!”

“How am I being ridiculous? All I’m trying to do is protect you!”

“Protect me? I’m more than capable of taking care of myself! I don’t need you to fight my battles for me!”

“Amber please calm down,” begged Edward as he took towards her.

“Get away from me!”

Edward didn’t listen to her and he stepped closer to her. Amber hissed in annoyance and raised her right fist to punch Edward in the face. Before Edward could move her fist had collided with the ride side of his face and an earth shattering crack rang through the coffee houses.

“Son of a bitch,” hissed Amber as she clutched her right arm.

Edward moved towards her worried about the state that her hand was in and said, “Can I see what’s wrong with your hand?”

“What’s wrong with my hand?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! I just met you and you’re trying to get in control of my life and to top if off I think that you just broke my writing hand! DAWN! I’m going to go to the hospital I think I just broke my hand!”

Dawn rushed out from the back where she was mixing the house blend, her eyes widened when she saw Amber clutching her hand in pain she looked at Edward and said, “Can you take her to the doctor?”

“He’s not taking me! I’m walking.”

“Amber don’t be unreasonable! It’s snowing and the hospital is a mile away.”

“Well then I better start walking then.”

Amber grabbed her coat and lazily threw it over her shoulders. She stomped out of the coffee house angrily, and began making her way through the snow. When she walked by the Ice Cream parlor she knocked on it with her good hand and sure enough Olivia grabbed her coat and ran out, followed closely by her puppy.

“How’d you do that,” inquired Olivia.

“Remember that guy that almost killed the bitch when we met your puppy,” she nodded, “Well he showed up at the coffee house and everything’s going well till he goes into overprotective stalker mode.”

“AMBER,” shouted Edward.

“You golden eyed freak I just told you to leave me alone,” bellowed Amber.

Jacob saw Amber’s right eye begin to twitch violently, he’d spent quite a bit of time around her in the last two months and knew that when it began to twitch like that it was because she was going to unleash her wrath.

“Olivia, here are the keys to the rabbit why don’t you just drive her to the hospital and I’ll take care of the golden eyed freak,” stated Jacob.

She nodded her head and grabbed his keys. Amber kept glaring at Edward, not taking her eyes off of him until she had climbed in the rabbit and Olivia was speeding away.

“One moment he’s nice and the next moment he’s a fucking psychopath!”

“That’s crazy! He looked really sorry though when he was screaming your name, it was pathetic yet adorable.”

“I just don’t get why he got so crazy when someone spanked me!”

“Maybe he’s a gentleman?”

“A gentleman says something but they don’t literally grab someone and throw them out of the coffee house. He was like Superman or something.”

“Maybe he does a lot of steroids and has tiny balls and he got steroid rage and had to take it out on someone and that kid was the someone.”

“I don’t know, he doesn’t look like he’d have termite nuts.”

“Very true.”

Jacob followed Edward closely as he stormed into the forest. The vampire uprooted trees as he shouted angrily, upset by the fact that he’d broken his singers arm and absolutely furious with the way that she had treated him.

“Edward you need to control yourself,” shouted Jacob.


“Yeah! You can’t just go around beating people up when you feel like it! I get that you thought you were being noble but Amber’s not going to take it that way! I’ve been around her long enough to know that she likes handling her own shit and when you get close to her she’ll let you help out in her battles but you just met her and you’re already going crazy! You need to understand that she’s not Bella. She is a completely different breed of woman.”

Edward would soon learn exactly what kind of woman Amber was. He kept showing up at the coffee house to apologize to her but all Amber did was throw crude sarcastic comments his way before returning her attention to her job.

Amber was frustrating Edward and she didn’t care.

“It’s been two months since the incident. Won’t you please talk to me?”

“You are one creepy dude! Why don’t you go and find a girl that wants to have her life micromanaged by some guy because that’s what you do and I don’t want that!”

“I told you I was sorry!”

“And I told you that I didn’t care.”

“What do I have to do to make you forgive me?”

Edward groaned when he heard her thoughts, she would make him do something like that.

The next Edward paraded around Forks dressed in a mini skirt, a halter top, and some very high heels. It was by far the most disturbing sight that anyone in the world has ever seen but it was worth it because Amber was sent into a fit of laughter and Edward was soon forgiven.

“You know, you’d make a really pretty girl Edward. I bet if I took you down to the pen everyone would want to hit that.”

“Must you always make those crude comments?”

“Hmm, let me check. Yes. Now, let me take my ho out for some ice cream.”

Edward watched as Amber held out her arm. He couldn’t help but laugh softly and take her arm so that they could make their way down to the ice cream shop. She hummed a little tune while they walked and although he was dressed in woman’s clothes he was the happiest man to ever walk the earth.

A month later Edward felt that the time was right to tell Amber about his secret. At first she thought he was crazy and started laughing in his face, but then he knocked down a tree and started running around so fast that she got a headache.

“What does it smell like then?”

Edward gently took Amber’s hand in his and placed his nose next to his warm flesh. He inhaled slowly letting himself truly treasure her scent before whispering, “Saffron, red Marechal rose, white pepper and patchouli singapour.”

Amber couldn’t control her hormones and pounced on Edward. Her lips met his forcefully as his hand traveled across her body relishing in the feel of her feminine curves against his flesh.

Her hands traveled down to his shirt and began unbuttoning it but Edward grabbed her hand and said, “We can’t. I-I-I’m a virgin.”

“You’re joking right,” Edward shook his head, “You’re like a hundred and seven though! How are you a virgin?”

“Because I don’t want to lose my virtue before I’m married.”

“Edward we’re in the 21st century, that kind of virtue doesn’t matter any more and what do you care you’re a vampire not like you’re gonna be standing in front of the pearly gates any time soon.”

When Amber arrived at her home that night she was welcomed by Olivia and Jacob sitting on the porch. Olivia ran towards Amber and wrapped her in a tight hug before exclaiming, “You know!”

“What do I know?”

“You know what you know!”

“You make no sense Olivia.”

“I want to suck your blood,” whispered Olivia softly with a terrible Transylvanian accent.

“How the hell did you know? Is Jacob one?”

“Oh no, he’s a wolf.”

“Olivia I told you not to tell people that,” shouted Jacob.

“Shut up! She would’ve found out eventually.”

“Ah puppy love.”

“Quiet, you necrophiliac.”

“I wish! Homeboy Edward is apparently a virgin.”

“That’s horrible! I’m sure you’ll change that though, no one can deny Miss Thrasher.”

Edward lay in bed staring into Amber’s eyes he couldn’t help but smile when he saw her scrunch up her nose at him.

“I have a question Edward.”

“What is it?”

“How does one go about being turned?”


“What? I’m curious I want to know what it entails. I mean I heard you talking about it with your dad and I heard you mention my soul and I want to know.”

“Can’t we just drop this conversation?”


“I have to bite you and get the venom into your system in order to turn you.”

“Where does my soul come in?”

“Because when you become a vampire I think we lose our souls.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! You can’t lose your soul!”

“Yes you can, I think that the person who turns you takes your soul.”

“That is honestly one of the dumbest things that you’ve ever said. I mean if you had no soul you wouldn’t be capable of being or doing good but you are.”

“Amber can you just please drop the subject.”

Amber grew quiet before asking him, “Would you want my soul?”

“What kind of a question is that?”

“It’s a good question. The other night you were talking about loving me forever and wanting to spend eternity with me. I’m a human right now I can’t do forever; I can do fifty years but not forever. So if you want me forever you’re gonna have to turn me and the question is do you want my soul or do you want Carlisle to have my soul?”

“I want your soul.”

“Then it’s settled! You get my soul, I get your virtue!”



“Why must you be so crude?”

“I’m not crude, I’m charming.”

Olivia walked side by side with Amber searching for Nana’s stupid dog that had run into the forest. Amber used this as an opportunity to tell Olivia about what she and Edward had talked about and Olivia couldn’t help but scream.

“Do you really want to be one?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to sound like one of those stupid girls but I just kind of know Edward’s the one and I want to be with him forever. Plus I’d be one hot vampire.”

“Yeah you would and if you ever wanted kids, I’ll give you one of my puppies I’ve got two in the works.”

“What are you talking about? Oh my gosh! I thought you were just getting fat because you were eating ice cream all day!”

“Well okay the ice cream does contribute to it slightly but there are things in here and you can have one if you want because I don’t think your ovaries will work afterwards. Ugh you’re gonna be all dry and need lube.”

“Oh yeah you are the ideal mother figure for any child.”

“That I am.”

Bella Swan followed the two young women quietly, over the past seven months they had taken away everything from her and now she was ready to take it all back. She emerged from behind the girls and shouted, causing them to turn around.

“What are you doing here,” asked Amber.

“You two took everything I had AWAY FROM ME and I’m here to take it back,” cried Bella as she pulled out a semi automatic pistol from her pocket.

Amber raised her hands to show Bella that she wasn’t going to pull a fast one, “Bella you need to calm down you’re not thinking right.”

“I just wanted them to love me, I just want to be happy and YOU TWO had to ruin everything. I’m gonna get them back though, I’m gonna get them back,” shouted Bella hysterically.

Amber looked over at Olivia who looked as if she was gonna pass out at any moment, you see Olivia had been shot a couple years ago when she’d been mugged and the look on her face told Amber that she was reliving everything.

“Bella, you know that if you do this you’re gonna get caught. They’ll try you for our murders and then you won’t be able to live with them because you’ll be in jail. You don’t want to go to jail Bella,” said Amber softly in an attempt to reason with her.

For a split Bella lowered her gun, which in turn caused Amber to let out a sigh of relief because she thought that Bella was over it that she had come to her senses but that wasn’t the case at all.

Amber watched as Bella pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger; before Amber could react she was knocked on the ground by Olivia. Her eyes widened when she felt a warm liquid running down her arm.

She rolled Olivia to her side and saw that she had been shot twice in the shoulder. Rage coursed through Amber, without warning she pounced on Bella and the two petite teenagers commenced the battle for control of the weapon.

Amber’s hands gripped the gun trying to point it away from herself as she attempted to yank it out of Bella’s arms. Bella thrashed underneath Amber’s figure, trying to knock her off so she could finish the deal and flea.

Olivia’s eyes widened in terror when she heard a gunshot ring through the forest, she rolled over on her side, gritting her teeth to stop herself from crying out in pain, hoping to God that Amber wasn’t hurt.

Warm red blood stained Amber’s hands, her hands shook violently as she held the gun that had just released a bullet into Bella’s heart. Amber was lost in her thoughts until she heard Olivia asking if she was alright.

“I’m fine, but Bella’s not,” responded Amber the gravity of the situation finally hitting her.

Amber turned around and crawled over to Olivia who was clutching her shoulder in pain. She tore off her shirt and placed it atop the bullet wounds in an attempt to slow down the bleeding.

“What’s going on here,” rang Jacob Black’s deep masculine voice.

Barely a second later Edward arrived frantically asking, “Is everyone alright?”

“Bella’s dead,” responded Amber softly.

Edward’s eyes widened when she said those words, he looked towards Bella’s body and noticed the gun that was tossed carelessly aside. He then walked over and knelt down beside Amber holding her close to his body.

For the first time ever Edward saw fear in Amber’s green-brown eyes, she was always so strong so cheerful but right now she was terrified of what the repercussions of her actions might be.

“I didn’t mean to kill her I was just trying to get the gun away from her,” mumbled Amber as she attempted to explain to Edward what had just occurred.

Edward rubbed her back softly as he whispered, “It’s all going to be okay Amber, just wait and see.”

“NO IT’S NOT! Her dad’s the fucking Sheriff I may have done it in self defense but they’ll spin the story,” shouted Amber as she pushed him off of her.

Edward attempted to reason with Amber, he wanted to make her feel better but every word he said only made her angrier. How could he think that this was all gonna be alright? Bella Swan was dead and her father was going to want to take it all out on her.

Olivia hated seeing Amber so out of sorts, she wasn’t about to let her best friend go to jail for having killed someone that had shot her. Amber’s not meant to be locked up in the pen; she’s too sweet for that.

“I’ll say I did it,” shouted Olivia in a hoarse voice.

Amber stopped dead in her tracks; she turned around and angrily told Olivia, “You will do no such thing! I killed her not YOU! You’re not gonna take the fall for me Ollie!”

“Yes I am! They can’t do anything to me, the bitch shot me twice and I’m pregnant! You can’t send a pregnant woman to jail plus I can say I went crazy because I was protecting my kids”

“Olivia this is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had. I know that you don’t mean any of this, so shut up.”

Olivia heard as Jacob called 911 to have policemen and an ambulance rushed to the scene of the crime. She turned her attention to Edward and softly said, “Get her out of here Edward.”

“Olivia, don’t tell him what to do! I said I’m staying, I’m taking the blame,” responded Amber angrily.

“You don’t want her in jail Edward and neither do I, take he. . .”

“DON’T YOU DARE TRY AND MOVE ME EDWARD CULLEN,” screamed Amber hysterically as she stepped away from Edward.

Olivia narrowed her eyes at him and hissed, “She’s only human.”

Edward caught onto Olivia’s hidden meaning and ran over to Amber, he quickly threw her over his shoulder and began running away from the scene. Amber thrashed violently as she attempted to free herself from his grasps, but Edward wasn’t budging.

They finally reached the Cullen home and he set her down in the bathroom, exiting quickly to grab some clothes that she’d left there last time. He placed on the counter in the bathroom and said, “Shower and give me those clothes.”

“Why’d you do that Edward?! I told you to leave me there and you completely disregarded my wishes.”

“I had to, they would’ve thrown you in jail and that would have been the end.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. Alice saw that as a possibility, you don’t have to worry about Olivia though she’s gonna be fine. Now shower and give me your clothes I have to burn the evidence.”

“No,” said Amber defiantly.

“Why not? Amber this is no time to be hardheaded just shower and give me the clothes.”

“I’m not gonna do that! I get that you had control over Bella that she did whatever you wanted her to do but I’m not her!”

“I know you’re not Bella! That’s why I love you! You’re your own person and you make your own decisions!”

“If you loved that about me why did you blatantly disregard the decision that I had made to stay!”

Edward fell silent, she was right, he should have respected her decision but he was much too selfish to let her to go to jail, to have her rot away in prison. The venom welled in his eyes as he looked towards her and whispered, “Because I’m a selfish man who is incapable of living without you and the idea of you rotting away in a cell is one that my heart is incapable of tolerating. . .”


“You’re right to say that I controlled Bella for it is the truth, but the last thing that I ever want to do is control you. I would never be able to live with myself if I stopped you from being who you are, you’re sarcastic, crude, opinionated but you’re also very caring and cheerful. Our personalities are constantly clashing Amber; we are two different people but my heart aches for you and no one else. You put me in my place, scold me like a child and send me away but I always want more. I always need more. Amber you have my heart, yours is the only opinion that matters. . .”

Edward would have kept droning on and on about how much he loves her, but Amber silenced him with her lips. Edward placed his hands on her derriere and lifted her so that she sat on the counter; her hands grasped his hair roughly as Edward moved away from her lips and towards her neck.

A soft gasp escaped her mouth when she felt Edward scrape her skin. He immediately pulled away not out of fear of draining but out of the fear that he might transform her.

Amber stared into his dark golden eyes and whispered, “Turn me.”

“Are you sure? You don’t want to do anything beforehand? Enjoy a last day as a human?”

“No, just remember. If you get my soul, I get your virtue.”

Edward kissed her warm lips one last time before making his way over to her neck. His nose relished in the scent of her warm blood one last time before sinking his fangs into her supple flesh. Her grip on his hair tightened as he drained her of the necessary blood and made sure that the venom was in her system.

Days later Amber awoke in a soft bed; her eyes scanned the bedroom amazed by the richness and textures that her eyes now saw. A playful smirk spread across her face when she saw Edward sitting beside the bed looking absolutely disheveled.

Edward watched as Amber sat up on the bed and reached out to grab the collar of his shirt. His face was soon mere inches from her own as she seductively whispered, “Now, about that virtue.”