Nothing but Nothing


Is it just me or does Chase just seem to knock on my door every day, it's like he is addicted to me, please just go away, honestly.
"Hey, i'll just get my bag," I said opening the door to find Chase standing there as his usuall self. He wears awsome clothes, like some stylish grunger type thing, t-shirts with witty comments and black skinny jeans with black converses, funkay or what! I walked down the stairs to find Lucy, Chase's 'girlfriend' standing there with him, snogging his face of on purpose! What a freak!
"Well, we'd better hurry, or will be murdered!" Chase said, staring into Lucy's green eyes, ewww, sooo soppey! We walked to the bus stop and waited, the bus driver is so slow, he came at last and we hopped on.

We got to Uni finally and ran to English as quick as possible, luckily, the teacher hadn't came yet.
There was Luke standing there, staring at Lucy's butt, even though he knows that she is going out with Chase!
"Luke, are you..."I said, waving my hand in front of him.
"Well, what do you think.. I am doing or seeing, I mean, it doesn't mean I am seeing anything..." Luke said, stuttering.
"Never mind, I giggled.
Uni is so boring, why did I push my dad into this? Who would??

I got home to my penthouse, Dad's rich you see, I get everything I want, even though that is hardly anything, Tammy, my sister, is the special one, because 'she is doing something with her life' my mother would quote, she ain't married, hasn't got a job or nothing, anyway, she never even tried for Uni, you see in my school, you try Uni and thats what I am doing, cringe, you see I am coming up 17 and not enjoying any of it, my sister is 18 and she is special, aren't you suppose to like, give up on that child? I wish.
My life is HELL!