Status: slow

Remember Me

Second Chances

Nicks POV:
They found her car in San Francisco Bay, but they couldn’t find her body. They searched for days, but they didn't find anything. It turns out that she drove straight to San Francisco after she was at my parent's house, and she drove right off the bridge in the middle of traffic. Everyone in the traffic saw her drive off.

A week after she went missing and I still hadn't talked to anyone. My mother called hundreds of times, but I refused to answer. I couldn't believe that she had driven Rayna to suicide. I don't know if I would ever forgive her for what she said to her.

I was sitting at the bar counter of our townhouse picking at my cereal and staring at the o's the cheerio's made when I heard a knock at the door.

"I'm not opening it!" I yelled at whoever had decided to bug me.

Over the past week I had been visited by my manager, Joe and Demi, Dani and Kevin, Frankie and my dad, and my mother. I hadn't opened the door for any of the them.

"Come on, Nick." I heard Demi call. "Please let me in?"

"NO!" I yelled, getting up and slamming my bowl full of cereal in the sink.

"Please?" She said softly.

She sounded as if she had been crying, and suddenly I realized that I wasn't the only one who had been hurt by Rayna leaving. My brother's had obviously been hurt because they thought of Rayna as a sister, but Demi had been hurt most of all. She had been Rayna's best friend, and without her I bet she was lost. I had been so stupid, only thinking of my own pain and not anyone else's, and if Rayna were here she would be disappointed in me.

I walked over to the door and quietly unlatched it and opened it only to find Demi falling into my arms, sobbing hysterically.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, laying her on the couch. "Why are you crying like that?"

"I-I j-just got the t-text." She blubbered out. She looked up at my face and her eyes were filled with sorrow. "You have to read the last song she wrote for me to sing. I know it's about you."

I sat down next to her on the couch and held out my hand. "Alright, hand me the phone." I told her, my voice wavering.

She handed me the phone and I slowly read the song. It was titled, '1, 2, 3, Goodbye.'

'Take care
Of yourself darling
I guess
I guess this is goodbye
Tomorrow's coming quicker
Than yesterday came today

I guess this is goodnight
Cause we've all
Got one last night together
So let's start the party
You know we rocked
Promise you
Won't forget about me
So these moments spent
Are coming to an end
I'm counting seconds
Till' the next time again

One, two three
Four, five
Six, seven
Eight, nine
We couldn't change it
If we tried
One, two three, four

We all said before
Our time is here
But it never
Meant a thing
Until we all
Began to tear
And I'll be
Aching before

And after we depart
From rememberences
From the very start
The grand memories
The grand memories

Now here I am
It's your song
I'll be singing
You’re the voice
I heard
Inside my head

These moments spent
Are coming to an end
I'm counting the seconds
Until next time again

One, two, three,
Four, five
Six, seven
Eight, nine
We couldn't change it
If we tried
One, two three, four

We've raised our voices
We've followed our dreams
One thing who will I be you ask
Well we never will forget
Our past loving
These moments spent
Are coming to an end
I'm counting second
Until the next time

One, two, three
Four, five
Six, seven
Eight, nine
We couldn't change it
If we tried
One, two, three, four

I gripped her phone as I read the last words. She had written this as a goodbye to me.

"Can I record it with you?" I asked, my voice breaking. I was crying again, and my aching eyes stung with the salty tears that never seemed to leave me.

"I would love that." Demi told me sincerely. "Rayna would have wanted that."


Rayna's POV
After I drove off the bridge I felt myself sinking down with the car, and my spirit left my body. I looked as my body floated out of the car and down the river. I could feel the life still inside of my body. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen! I was supposed to die.

I felt my spirit being pulled away from the water, and I floated up through the clouds and flew past stars in far off galaxies until I found myself standing at a golden gate that looked very familiar. It looked exactly like the gate of Heaven.

"Hello?" I called.

I stepped forward and heard a rustle. I looked down to see that I was clothed in a long white gown. It was finely woven, and felt like silk on my skin.

"Hello?" I called again, stepping closer to the gate.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around only to come face-to-face with a man that could be no other than God Himself.

He smiled at me. "My dear child, what brings you here so early?" I didn't answer and he frowned down upon me. "Ahh, you tried to commit suicide, didn't you?"

I looked up at him and nodded my head slowly. My ears began to tear up and I was about to open my mouth when he smiled knowingly at me and put a finger to my lips.

"You don't have to explain to me, my darling child." He pulled back his hand and rested it on his chin. "I know how much Denise Jonas worries for her children, but at the same time I know how much she really loves you. She's just afraid about everything when it comes to her boys, and it shows especially with you."

"She doesn't hate Demi or Dani." I said softly, hanging my head. I looked up into God's eyes. "You know I didn't choose to be a hooker? My mother forced me to because there was no other way to pay the bills. It was a life that was forced upon me." I held my head up high then, and continued. "I am ashamed of it, but at the same time I don't regret the lessons it taught me. It taught me never to judge a person on their circumstances, and it taught me especially how to tell if someone had a kind heart. It also taught me to work hard for what I want, even if it seems unreachable."

God looked down at me proudly. "You are very strong, Rayna. This is why you need to go back. Nick needs you." He waved his hand and I saw Nick crying. Then he waved his hand again and it was gone. He looked back at me. "I'm going to give you a second chance, and I don't want you to waste it. You still have a destiny to fulfill, and it has nothing to do with dying." I opened my mouth to protest but closed it when I saw the look in his eyes. "My decision is final, Rayna Lewis. Now go back to your body."

He waved his hand and I fell swiftly back through the galaxies and down to my body on Earth. I opened my eyes and stood up. I was on a beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of an unexpected turn, I know. I hope you still like the story, though. She has a far way to go before she sees Nick again. I changed the words in the bridge from we'll never be to cool for camp rock three to well we never will forget our past loving because it fit the mood better for the song that "rayna" wrote for Demi.

I think I might keep the story title, but I'm still debating. Hope you liked it!