Status: Writing More ASAP

Once You Wish Upon a Time


When Patrick's eyes flutter open the next morning, he was warm and groggy and not all together prepared to be a hair's length away from a grinning Pete. He jumped slightly in Pete's arms, but they tightened around Patrick and he couldn't help when he smiled back.

"Hey." Pete spoke softly, and Patrick swore he saw a small shutter behind the deep pupils and irises of Pete's eyes, but he couldn't be sure. Patrick just smiled brightly and leaned in to press his lips to Pete's. It was a warm, sleepy kiss, and Patrick was sure he didn't taste that good first thing in the morning, but Pete didn't bother to mention it if he did.

Patrick turned his body into Pete and Pete's arms just tightened around him again. There was a stirring in the pit of Patrick's stomach and a quiet whirr from inside Pete's chest and it took everything Patrick could muster to pull away from Pete to breath again. Patrick lay tangled with Pete, breathless watching Pete smile calmly, looking too perfect. Patrick couldn't help leaning back in and taking Pete's lips again.

Pete always kissed slow and sweet, letting Patrick catch on to how everything worked, not letting their tongues clash or teeth clack or correcting the angle if it did happen. Patrick's head was on a carousel, light-headed and spinning, but still having fun. Pete's hand held lightly at the base of Patrick's neck, not letting him pull away this time. Everything felt hotter suddenly, like being shut inside a hotbox or outside during the middle of August. Patrick's senses were overloading as he bit down on Pete's lower lip, lungs burning for new oxygen. A shock, electric and sudden jolted Patrick to pull back and Pete to stutter as he let him go.

Patrick pulled in a deep breath, staring at Pete, whom was lightly touching his mouth with a surprised expression. Pete finally smirked at Patrick, "You bit a wire."

Patrick flushed a darker red, adding to the light tinge already staining his cheeks, "I'm sorry, are you alright?"

Pete nodded slowly in response, still smiling and reaching out to brush Patrick's hair back, just to touch. And Patrick let him, and it was alright, great even, getting better in the way Pete was leaning forward again, closing that distance. Patrick wanted to feel that shock again.

The knock at the door stopped them short, Patrick's heart rate speeding far too fast already. He froze in his thoughts, Pete managed to get the door before Patrick could blink again, opening it to his mother standing at the door looking flustered.

She didn't seem to notice the dishevelled state of Patrick or his bed as she delivered the messages that, "A man named Donnie, or something, says he's got something important to tell you, " She paused looking towards Patrick, who kept his head down and his knees pulled up, trying to hide or disappear, " and it's not good so you better, uhh..grab the..oh god what did he say..?"

"Mom, it's okay, I think I got it, you can go now."

"Oh I know, but I can't figure out what he said, and it sounded cute and...God, what was it..?"

Patrick kept his eyes closed and tried to stop thinking about Pete who had come to sit down, pressed far too close at the moment to be comforting. He looked distant and there was a flicker behind his pupils, he was scanning or something and Patrick kind of wanted to hit him for it.

"Oh I remember; he sai-" The doorbell chimed and Patricia waved a hand in a, 'I'll tell you later' manner as she walked out to answer the door. Pete blinked and a look of confusion skimmed across his features before he turned and smiled at Patrick.

His smile faded slightly as Patrick turned a glare towards him. Patrick wanted to say something, or just stay quiet, and the latter seemed to be easier accomplished. Barely a minute of silence ticking by before his door was opened again and a manic Diego stomped in, Patricia was looking frightened and worried. Patrick finally looked his mom in the eyes and they had a brief but silent conversation that concluded in her rolling her eyes and shutting the door behind her. Diego had made himself at home in his candy coated colors, sitting in Patrick's desk chair, head in his hands.

Patrick stood and walked to Diego, laying a tentative hand on his shoulder, "Uhm...not to be rude, did you get my phone number and address?"

Diego looked up and shook his head, "Google, but that's not the point. The point is-" He stopped speaking abruptly and his gazed shifted to Pete. Pete was still sitting on the bed, eyes almost blank." Oh fuck...he already got the update....ay Dios mio."

Diego sprung from the chair and stood in front of Pete, Patrick was confused and still sleepy and wasn't sure what Diego was doing but he he stepped back Pete was shut off, and Patrick wanted lunge forward and kill Diego with his bare hands. Diego turned and noticed and held his hands up quickly, "He's not off! He's not off, broski. He's on a backlog standby mode okay, because okay might want to put pants on for this."

Patrick made a strangled noise and flushed dark under his collar, quickly turning to grab pants from his closet, throwing them on before turning back to Diego. Who was still looking grim, and Patrick didn't understand why and he'd never seen him look serious before. Actually, the last time he saw someone look like this his mother was telling Patrick that his favorite uncle was dying. It was one of those expressions you'd never want turned on you, and yet, here it was.

"Okay so...look, sit down too because I wasn't sitting when I heard it and I didn't have pants on either so it's really, just trust me." Patrick huffed and sat, waiting intently, nerves fraying more the longer he looked at Pete's seemingly lifeless form.

"There's been a recall." Patrick nodded slowly, waiting for Diego to continue. "A recall, like- Pete's being discontinued for unstable wiring and there's been a recall."

"So..that means-"

"I'm so sorry papito....It means Pete's gonna....They sent out an update that's like...a timer."

"Wait, I...a timer?"

Diego just shakes his head again, expression turning from grave to anger and he kicks out suddenly, foot slamming into Patrick's desk. A slew of curses ring out along with phrases speaking of ruined plans.

"Dude, this isn't funny." Patrick finally manages to voice. "Like seriously, I don't know why you're doing this, but can you just turn him back on and leave us alone?"

"I'm not-" Diego kneeled down near Patrick, practically eye level still. "A timer, meaning that...whether or not the factory comes and collects him soon, he will..shut down indefinitely."

Patrick shook his head and laughed lightly, but unsure, letting it trail off into the quiet, "Shit."

"Lo siento, bro."

"How long?"

"I- I don't know, but the news said that if you deny a worker to take him when they come there will be charges. God only knows what's going to happen to my band." Diego let out a quiet and misplaced laugh. "Uhm...I'm gonna turn him back on now okay, and he should have this information downloaded probably...."

He sighed and stood up, Patrick stayed staring at the wall, not properly processing anything. Diego's hand landed lightly on Patrick's shoulder, "I tried to get here sooner..I swear, I rushed...I'm not even wearing underwear right now...If I can find a way to help I'll let you know okay? But it's going to be okay...I'll figure this out..." Patrick swallowed thickly and nodded. Diego stepped back towards Pete, opening a panel behind his ear Patrick hadn't been aware of and the next thing he knew Pete's eyes were flashing and he was coming back to life. Patrick shivered at the thought that it might be the last time he gets to see that. Diego sighed and looked between Patrick and Pete one last time before leaving as quickly as he'd come.

Patrick sat in the same position he was left as Pete booted, it took longer than he’d expected, or maybe it wasn’t so long. Time stretches when you want it to stop. Sitting in denial and contemplating what to do with the short time he’d been allotted left with Pete. It had barely been a month, it couldn’t be over. Patrick would hate to admit how attached he’d become to Pete, his mother wouldn’t understand. Or worse she would understand, and still there’d be nothing that could be done.

Pete finally blinked slowly and his gaze shifted from blank to Patrick. A smile setting it’s place amongst his lips. Patrick shifted himself and his gaze away from Pete, waiting for Pete to realize what’s going on like Diego said he would. Waiting for his mom to come rushing in and tell him the same thing he’d just heard, the same thing he can’t deal with.

None of these things happened. Just an awkward lull filled by quiet breathing and silence on Pete’s part. After a few minutes Patrick started to wonder if Pete had already shut down. Patrick took a deep breath before chancing a gland at Pete. The android looked up immediately, frowning, “Did I do something wrong?”

Patrick shook his head ‘no’. “Then why are you over there when you could be...over here?”

Patrick opened his mouth but ended up closing it as he took the small trek to sit next to Pete again. Pete sat just as quiet and still as before, eventually prompting Patrick to ask, “What?”

“Whatever you want.” Pete’s voice was light and clear, and Patrick supposed he was blissfully unaware of his fate. It works for Patrick, he can play denial for a little while longer. Patrick bit his lip before looking to Pete and commanding.

“Give me your arm.” Patrick blinked at his own oddly arranged words, but Pete understood clear enough and held his arm out to Patrick. Just so suddenly everything felt like it had been, Patrick let his fingers trace along the pre-printed tattoo and the mechanically warmed skin-toned silicone. Pete leaned comfortably into Patrick’s side and Patrick closed his eyes to the warmth and weight of Pete. Letting himself just touch and feel, wanting things to be real or maybe just a dream. Patrick let his thoughts trail off as his fingers trailed along. Thinking that this could be some of his last moments with Pete, that it shouldn’t matter because Pete was just cogs and micro chips, but he pushed those away deciding to act instead of think. Pete had once told him him in passing that humans spend so much time in thought and Patrick supposed that’s how he let opportunities pass by without realising or doing anything about it.

“Pete.” A small hum sounded near his ear in recognition of being addressed. “I-uhm...I want to..I want to see your other tattoos again.” Patrick swallowed thickly, trying to fight back the blush that was creeping across his cheeks. Pete’s weight lifted away from him and Patrick was momentarily upset when Pete pulled his arm away until he pulled his (actually it was one of Patrick’s) shirt over his head, crawling behind Patrick to lay down on the bed. All of this happening before Patrick even saw his shirt land nicely over the back of his desk chair.

Patrick twisted around to find Pete on his stomach, smiling in a mischievous manner. “Did you mean you wanted to touch my other tattoo, or did I read you wrong?” a small crease of pre-programmed worry appeared between Pete’s eyes. Patrick just blushed a deeper shade of pink before shaking his head.

“No, that’s...this is fine, Pete.” Patrick looked right into Pete’s eyes, wanting to be able to read them like he got read. But if he wanted to read Pete, he should pick up the user’s manual. A small guffaw left Patrick’s lips and Pete just smiled softly, head rested sideways on his arms, waiting for Patrick's next move. So Patrick didn’t make him wait any longer before pressing his fingers first lightly along Pete’s shoulder blades, pressing harder to feel each individual aluminum cast vertebrae as his fingers danced lower to the ink colored pattern. He watched Pete’s expressions with concern and amusement, he kept expecting Pete to suddenly know he had an expiration date but Pete just smiled and let his eyes close. He looked peaceful and Patrick let himself relax and enjoy the feel of the all-too-real texture of syntho-skin.

Patrick let his mind shift thoughts, wondering quietly what it tasted like, if it tasted like Pete’s mouth, but probably not because a minty back would be weird. Then he remembered just thinking doesn’t answer questions and thought no more as he bent down and licked along the low tattoo. He felt Pete shift beneath him and a quiet almost squeaky, “Patrick?” filled the silence.

Patrick let himself get over the upset that Pete didn’t really taste like much of anything before answering, “What?”

“Whatever you want.” Pete replied again.

“Turn over.” Patrick spoke with a slight tinge of authority, he wasn’t sure if he liked being in control still as he watched Pete quickly obey. Patrick bit his lip as he placed his palm flat against where a heartbeat should be but didn’t linger as a frown tugged on Pete’s mouth. Patrick let himself trace along would-be ribs and blink a few times before realising that Pete didn’t have a belly button. Patrick slid his finger along where it should be and Pete started his quiet humming again, only this time Patrick noticed he wasn’t making the noise as much as it was coming from inside Pete, somewhere in his chest, possibly it was the same fan that would whir on occasion. Pete’s eyes were shut again and his expression was basically blank, nothing to decipher.

Patrick took a deep breath before tracing lower, walking his fingers over the small hills of hipbones that made a quiet contrast of shadows against Pete’s flat stomach. The humming grew louder momentarily, and Patrick pulled his hand back and stared at Pete. Watched his eyes open and a lazy smile grace the room. “I like that.”

Patrick bit his lip again out of habit, watching Pete unabashedly watch the way Patrick’s teeth slowly slid across his soft lip, letting it pop back into place. Patrick took another slow breath before moving sidle into Pete’s lap, resting himself over Pete’s thighs. Patrick smirked as he noticed the shock Pete was expressing. “Do you like this?”

“I like you.” Pete responded without hesitation. Patrick smiled and leaned down to press their lips together as Pete slid his arms around Patrick’s waist, he trailed his fingers along Pete’s sides to make him hum. Pete arms tightened and Patrick's hips pushed forward.
Something in Pete shuddered and the humming changed pitch, Patrick pulled back to see what was wrong only to be forcefully drug back into the kiss, not that he minded. Patrick’s hips shifted forward again and something in his stomach tightened, struggling to turn his head and break the kiss. He managed a breathy, “Stop.”

And just like that Pete let go, stopped kissing, the humming dying down. Patrick sat up properly, staring at how perfect Pete still looked, wondering how messed up his hair must be or how sweaty he felt. Patrick ducked his head down, blushing. Even more so when he saw the rise in Pete’s jeans, eyes flickering back up. Pete just looked blank, waiting for a command and Patrick almost felt sick, like he was taking advantage of Pete. But Patrick pressed on, reaching down with shaking hands to pop the button on Pete's jeans, as he was sliding the zipper lower a quiet hum started up again and Patrick bit his lip. He couldn’t shake the way it felt like playing with a doll, like Pete wasn’t even real at all.

“You do something.” Patrick mumbled to the quiet, and Pete sat up, keeping Patrick in his lap. Pete tilted Patrick’s chin up to look at him properly and show off his smile. Patrick swallowed thickly in his dry throat, unable to shift his gaze from Pete’s, “Do something else.”

Pete laughed lightly and tugged Patrick’s shirt up until it caught under his arms, “Off?”

Patrick took a deep breath and nodded raising his arms, waiting for Pete to remove the shirt completely. It’s the last thing Patrick wanted but if it meant that Pete was doing something he preferred, then that was fine by Patrick. He needed to be able to pretend.

Patrick kept his eyes closed even after the material had been pulled free. He lowered his arms, nervous, until he felt Pete nuzzle his neck and mumble, “Pretty.”

His blush crept further at Pete’s words, shivering as he felt Pete mouthe over his neck. There was a knock at Patrick’s door and he felt Pete freeze just as he had.

“Mom?” Patrick winced at how his voice squeaked and broke off the end of the simple word.

Patricia answered, muffled by the door, “I was going to wait for you to come and tell me what that man was doing here but I’m late for work. I’m expecting a good explanation when I get back.” Patrick nodded before realizing his mother couldn’t see.

“Okay, Mom!” He managed back, ending up surprised as Pete decided to shift beneath him.

“Well..alright then!” Patricia mock-yelled back, “Are you okay?”

“Fine, mom just go.” Patrick held his breath waiting to hear his mom walk away and hoping that Pete wouldn’t move against him again, not yet at least. He finally heard a huff and almost a full minute after the front door opening and closing. Patrick shifted his gaze away from the door to find Pete avidly staring.

Patrick didn’t say anything to Pete’s expression, not audibly, but Pete started touching him. Slow and soft, running the pads of his fingers lightly along Patrick’s lips, delighting in the way each quick puff of breath Patrick exhaled ghosted along his sensory connections.
“Is this okay?”

Patrick’s eyes flutter open, he hadn’t even noticed them slip shut, but he nodded to Pete. Pete smiled back and continued to dance his fingers along Patrick’s neck and shoulders, stopping and processing. Their eyes caught each other’s gaze and Pete shifted against Patrick again. Patrick gasped, the sensation egged on by seeing Pete’s reaction of quiet shock.

Pete slipped his hands to hold at Patrick’s soft hips before pushing his own back up. Patrick moaned quietly, eyes closing again, a small smirk sliding into place as he heard the quiet humming again. Patrick kept his eyes closed, waiting for the next move.

A sudden woosh of air had Patrick flailing, thinking he was falling. He opened his eyes to find himself pinned beneath Pete, still safely on the bed. Patrick blinked, eyes wide to Pete’s casual smile, “How di-”

Pete laughed lightly and pushed his hips against Patrick’s. The humming in Pete’s chest grew louder for a moment as Patrick moaned again, writhing beneath him. “Do you not like this position? It’s more dynamically favorable for us.”

Patrick pulled in a deep breath and looked directly at Pete, smiling, “Stop talking and just...-”

“It would also work better if we took our pants off, hypothetically.”


“Okay?” Pete asked back.

“Okay.” Patrick replied, slightly confused as to why he was repeating himself until he felt a tugging and Looked down in time to see his recently donned jeans be slid off. Patrick couldn’t fight the blushing anymore, not while Pete stayed kneeling over him, eyes raking over Patrick’s body. He wanted to cover up again, but Pete would probably compliment him again and make it worse. There was a lull in action until Patrick got the nerve to reach out with shaking hands and push down at Pete’s jeans, his hands eventually got taken over by Pete’s swift and precise ones and just as soon as Pete had pulled away he was back, pressed firmly against Patrick.

Pete’s head tilted to press his mouth to Patrick’s neck again, a soft suction building up just at the crease of Patrick’s shoulder. Patrick let his head lean away to give Pete room, insistently pushing his hips up, trying to meet Pete’s again. Pete make a quiet thoughtful noise and brought his hips crashing against Patrick’s finally. Patrick to shuddered and reached up to Pete’s hips. Gripping tightly for something to hold onto. The contact spurned Pete to thrust against Patrick again, wanting to hear every noise he could make, eventually pulling away from Patrick’s neck to watch his expressions too. Pete liked the way he felt sliding against Patrick, but decided it wasn’t probably as intense as it was for Patrick. It didn’t bother him, because he was making Patrick feel the intensity and he looked, “So pretty.”

Pete watched as Patrick‘s eyes flickered open at his words, the crimson of his complexion darkening in turn. Pete kept his hips in perfect time to the beat of a song he’d heard on the radio, he didn’t know the name, but he’d tried several rhythms and this one made Patrick make the most faces and the best noises, so he stuck with it.

Pete had to duck his head down again, pressing his lips against Patrick’s bite swollen ones, biting them lightly himself. His fans were working in overtime, his drivers overheating, but he pressed on. He didn’t ever want Patrick to stop being this way. Pete snapped his hips forward faster, his whole frame starting to vibrate with the effort and Patrick gasped beneath him, shuddering violently and whimpering, “Petepetepete.”

Pete stopped suddenly, worrying and looking down at Patrick’s mostly blank expression. Watching a smile curl into place and Pete couldn’t stop himself from taking 5 frames per second photos as Patrick’s eyes fluttered open. “Did I hurt you? Did I shock you again?”
Patrick bit his lip, a deep flush already set in place as his shook his head, “ didn’t hu-..I just...uhm” Patrick’s gazed shifted around helplessly before looking down between them.

“Oh, you achieved an orgasm. Awesome.” Pete grinned even as Patrick slugged his shoulder. Everything was perfect in a strange way, until something about Pete twitched. A split second and barely noticeable, only, Patrick did notice. He swallowed thickly before asking.

“Are you alright?” Pete smiled and nodded.

“Of course...” Patrick tried to keep his mood light, letting himself get pulled down into the denial that everthing was perfect. He sighed and bit his lip, looking up at Pete.

“Should I...are you-um...” He gestured down between Pete and himself. Pete tilted his head to the side.

“Do you want me to clean you up?” Patrick flushed for the umpteenth time that day and shook his head no.

"No, I you want me to-"

"Oh, no...unless that's what you want?" Patrick shrugged and didn't meet Pete's gaze. He was caught off guard as Pete shifted and lay down next to him, leaning forward to kiss Patrick's cheek. He made sure to stay close, hand trailing over Patrick's chest, "Is this okay?"

Patrick smiled and nodded, and wished that he could honestly say it was, "Perfect." But all he could do was imagine the slow tick, tick, tick of a timer counting down.