Status: Completed!

A Hard (Love) Life

Grade 11

Sigh, I remember it like it was yesterday, I was the most popular girl in 11th grade.
I was always one of the most popular girls.
But grade 11, so when I was 16, was a different year, I wasn't just one of the most popular girls, I was the most popular girl in school, I am a sweet kind caring 16 year old girl,
I'm not slutty or snobby.
Grade 11 was definitely the best but worst grade of school. In the first term, I was dating
a guy who wasn't popular, but of course how it is, the guy became popular because he was dating me.
In our second term, I dumped him, I told him it was because "I wasn't feeling anymore".
The truth? I was in love with his best friend, well one of them, I know horrible me!
Soon after , he wasn't popular anymore and was a loser again, I felt bad for him.
Soon after that, came the worst part and the best.
First of all, I was raped. Soon after I wasn't popular any more, I don't know why.
When I was with the losers, which if you can believe it only was of three guys, Nathan (16), Zachary (18) (my ex) and Cameron (17) (my crush) ! We started hanging out, and each day we became closer and I fell more in love with Cam, I think Cam was falling in love with me. Cam had never had a girlfriend before. But the reason I think he was falling in love with me was because when ever we are at my house, when Zach and Nate leave, Cam always stays behind for a few seconds and just stands there looking at me likes he wants to say something also he always smiling at me (but then again he never stops smiling) and he always giving me hugs and is always tugging my hair playfully . Was I was raped, I did become pregnant, which I hate. I still think of when I was popular and all my friends (who were only girls) called me Annie, But now my new friends who are the guys ( my only friends are 3 boys) call me Joey. You see, my name is Jo-Ann Garden, So girls and boys call me Annie (adding ie to the end of Ann) And my 3 friends call me Joey (adding ey to the end of Jo) I have 1 older sister, she is 18 her name is Jo-Jo (every one calls her Jo), and I think she has a crush on Zach...
The boys are in a band they call "Allstar", There is a Drummer in the band but he goes to another school, I have never meant him but the guys say I would like him (I believe them, like I always do). Zach is the Lead Singer, while Nate plays Guitar and does Back Up Vocals, and Cam plays Base, the best Bass player I know! I've never heard them before, but Cam's teaching me to play bass, my fave instrument. I can also Sing, play Guitar and Drums, the guys are amazed! I just never had time to learn to play Bass cause my parents always wanted me to learn how to play Guitar and Drums, I also took singing lessons for a month, it would have been longer, but i was so great at singing already, I didn't need to!

"Ms. Garden, please pay attention in math!"
"Huh? Oh! I must have been day dreaming about my life again!" I think in my head.
"Sorry, Mr. Brush." I say out loud, the popular girls laughing at me, I turn around and give them a quick glare, then smile at Nate who was giving them the evil eye, he nods and smiles back, I face the front again just as Mr. Brush our math teacher says:
"Just pay more attention next time!"
"Yes, Mr. Brush".
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Hey! Did you guys like the first chapter? Let me know what you think! I hope you guys like it! :) :-)