The Neighbour.

The Beginning.

I saw the couple a few times around town, but they were always happy. and in love. I remember as a little girl i saw them, in love, never apart, since they were teenagers. It's very rare you stay with your first love forever, but although i never got to experience it, I've watched a simple couple experience it. Belinda and Anderson Jaime, my role models. My love mentor. My next dor neighbours. I've heard some of the worst fights you could ever imagine, and even though they've broken eachothers hearts a million imes over, they always find a way to be patient, and love eachother again. Somehting I would never had imagined. I watched them laugh, and love, when slowly they began to fight, but only a small one.
"Why did you give that old bag our number Andy! Dear god, now she'll call like a stray cat you fed once, and kept coming ack for more! FUCK." Belinda yelled out. It's funny 'cause as christian as her family is, she swears and curses all the time. I sat there and tried not to giggle. I looked in my bag and saw my family portrait of my mother, father, brother and me. My mother, Amelia Devon, was so beautiful and alive, up until the death of my father.. As much as my father pissed me off, i loved him, pureply because he made my mother live, and happy. My father, Broderick Devon, was very handsome, but was a player, even just before he died, he was still having one nght stands and cheating on mum, I remember i had a fist fight with him on our front lawn. As well as my brother too scared to knock the slut he was with lights out. But I wasn't. Oh my brother, Dalton Devon, even though he's 5 years older than me at 21, he seems like he's 5 years younger. I saw me as a young girl. only 4 years old. Even then i was starting to realise my father was a dumbass manwhore fuck knuckle. but i was too young to know the full story. I got up to leave the cafe', when i saw Alexander behind me. 'Fuck!' I mummured. I start to speed walk and keep my head down when.
"Amelia? Oh my god hey! I haven't seen you in like a week! Aha, whats up?" Alexander puffed out.
"Oh.. Alex, hey.." I replied.
"Amelia Devon?"
"Yes, Alexander Parker?" I smurked.
"Wanna come and get a few drinks?"
"I'm still under age, Alex. 16, I don't turn 17 untill the 5th of Feburary, its December 23rd."
"And? Are ou or are you not the girl who knocked out my bestfriend 5 months ago?"
"I am, but I nearly got caught, and I'm having that risk, my other would be devostated." He glared at me, and shook his head. Waved, and ran across the road. I sighed. So maybe it was a really bad idea to date him last year.
"Look, i know this awkward, but can you try to make it work for me? please!"
"No! Look at this from my view. I dumped you 5 months ago, i had to knock out your bestfriend because i wouldn't take you back, and now you act like things are all peachy? I don't get it. I don't like you! I caught you flirting with other girls, and thats inexcusable! so just fucking leave me alone."
He glared at me. he gave a long tight hug, and walked off.

About half an hour later i had to change my pad, so i went to the ladies room at the mall. I searched through my bag and couldn't find them, and it'd only take a few minutes before i'd had to get rid of the one i had on now. I rushed out and saw Alex at the shop accross from the ladies, holding my pack of pads, smiling. I tried to rush over before he did something, but when i got there he threw them into a rubbish bin. I walked up to him so my pink lips were barely touching his.
"You little smart ass. What, i said no for once and now your going to make waste a couple minutes going and getting new pads? I bet you think this just oh so funny. Well, two can play this game. Bring it bitch." as i leaned back i heard a little girl.'
"Mummy! that girls bum is bleeding! we have to help her!" i turned and realised everyone was looking at my leak. I glared at Alex, and ran to the mall chemist to get some pads, they let me use their bathroom. i had to go into Supre' and buy a cheap pair of shorts, because my favourite skirt had blood stains on the back. As i left all the rushing people running in for their new stock, i felt like i was being watched. Slowly i turned to see Alex, only a few feet away, leaning on the poles. He lifted himself up, and cam over to me. He placed his arm around my waist and suddenly pulled me close to him, so close, that i could feel his sweating stomach, underneath his top.
"Oh baby. This is just the beginning." he chuckled.
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first story on hereee, i know its really bad but if you could inbox me some tips on the story hat'd be fantastic! i have an idea of what i want to happen, so i don't need dramatic twists. thank yoou :)