The Neighbour.

Ring Ring.

I layed on my bed, thinking about what happened yesterday at the mall. about Alex..
i mean.. what had gotten into him? i know, stealing my pads, is silly. but the look in his eyes, said more anger than id ever seen him perform in my life. i could remember him, with that evil smirk. those words. 'Oh baby. This is just the beginning.', followed by that chuckle. I had never seen him so angry, so crazed.. The look in his eyes was like the look on someone who was about to kill somebody else in horror movies. There was a knock on the door.
"Hun, can i come in?" my mother called.
"yeah mum."
"Did you want some subway for lunch?"
"Yeah, just the usual."
"Cool, im stopping at the mall on the way to get some new bed sheets, and birthday presents for the Campbell triplets, did you want me to get anything specific for them?"
"yeah, Jenny said she wanted this big screen t.v. its only $100, for clearance at Big W, i only have $70, because then i have another $70 each for Hailey and Caitlin. promise ill give you the $30 when i get paid next." i smiled.
"Oh honey, i need you to quit your job."
"what! why? how else will we pay for the groceries?"
"because, i found you a great university, where you can study to become what ever you want!"
"but mum, I'm only year 11, i still have to complete year 12."
"so! they accept people like you!"
"no." i muttered. how could i leave my mother? she has nobody except for me and my brother, and my brother doesn't even live here on the gold coast! he lives in
Perth. so what use is he?
"Sweetie. I have a man who im going out with, we've been great friends for a while and both of our spouse's have passed on. We're both thinking about remarrying and we've fallen in love."
"Oh.. so you want me to leave for a while, just while you try to forget about dad? well i think thats a great idea, im happy to do it: i grinned.
"no, just no. im not forgetting him."
"well i am." mum got up and left.

about an hour later after having a shower and getting dressed into my creamy coloured button up, frilly singlet, and baby blue, high waisted shorts, with khaki coloured zip up, ankle high thongs. I did my medium length, light blonde hair, and poofed it up, just a bit. I looked at my make-up and realised that it had been over 2 months since I last used it, so I threw it in the trash, there wasn't that much left anyway. As i was tidying my room i heard my phone ring. 'I know you tryna get hiiigh, type of shit that have ya leanin' side ways!' i let my ring tone, Kush, by Dr Dre, ft. Akon and Snoop Dogg play, just for a couple of extra seconds, before i picked up.
"Amelia! Oh my gosh! I just saw Cole Hunter! And guess what! He totally checked me out!"
"Baileigh? Is that you?"
"well duh!"
"what happened to you?"
"hahah, sorry, thought you'd get the joke."
"oh yeah, joke right.. um, so did he say anything to you? about your date?"
"Nah, just that he wanted to see me again."
"oh. well thats not a bad thing."
"oh shit, gotta go, love ya"

I kept cleaning up my room, putting my clothes in my drawers, dirty things in the laundry basket, and making my bed. When i noticed that one of my perfumes was missing. weird, huh. I saw a piece of paper on my desk. it read:
'Hey honey, your not up and im going out, one of your friends, Alex dropped by last night, i took him up to your room, he said that you were asleep and that one of your perfumes was empty so he'd take it out to the trash, hes so sweet. Love you x'
I didn't have any empty perfumes.. That bastard had came to my house, fooled my mother, and stolen my favourite perfume! I went down to tell my mother when i heard her talking to someone, and it wasn't on the phone because the phone was still on the line. I peeked into the kitchen to see Alex's mother, when the phone rang.

It was Alex.

"Hi." I answered sharply.
"oh hello baby. theres an apple core still in your room, i left it there last night, its in your shoe box."
"you are a sick basta-"

I grabbed my bag and ran outside, I was already on my p's so I drove our Ford Fiesta Cabrio down to the mall, I needed to meet up with my bestfriend Stephanie, and I knew she was going to be at ICE getting a new top. I stopped at the food court to get a drink when I turned and saw Alex holding an old mobile I had when I was bout 12 that i kept in a spare draw in my room.
"It's just a matter of time before you call me again." he said.
"No its not, i will never call, love, like, text you again." I said sharply.
He chuckled. "Ring ring."
The person behind me tapped my shoulder and asked for some change, I gave it to him, turned around, and Alex was gone. I didn't see him again in the mall that day.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know theres some slang grammar, but its only on the word 'im' so i hope you's all like, and next chapter I'm promising perfect grammar! Comments pleasee? :D