The Neighbour.

You smell nice when you're asleep.

'Dear Diary. (Tuesday; 25th of January 2011.)
I just got home from mall, i didn't bother to find Steph, i was to overwhelmed from Alex. I already checked my shoe box, and there was an apple core. But that means he had to ave eaten in in my room, while i slept. Unconscious, unaware. He could have done anything to me, or my room. I checked my on suite, and there was a towel missing, and i asked mum if she took any of towels out, and she didn't. This is really starting to freak me out.. I thought the pads was a just a joke, a harmless joke. But he's starting to seriously scare me. Don't get me wrong, it probably was a bit harsh telling him to fuck off and what not, but, he's taking it just a bit far. Anyways, off this subject, my friend Baileigh, went on a date with this really cute guy, he's about 6"4, with long, spiked up chocolate coloured hair. He's perfect for Baileigh, Cole (the cute guy), is really sweet, last Monday, somebody said she was easy, and thanks to Cole, he won't be able to smell for the next month, and his arm is broken. Well my phones ringing, later diary. :)'
I slowly shut my light purple diary, and picked up my Nokia X5.
"you look nice."

I was standing there frozen for about 10 minutes, thinking about those 3 words, from the corner of my eye, i could see something move in the window. I turned my head slowly, and saw Alex looking at me through the other window. How did he get into Belinda and Anderson Jaime's house? I ran over and closed my blind. I raced downstairs, to see mum crying at the kitchen table.
"Mum? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Why is Alex over at Belinda and Anderson Jaime's house? They hate him and his family?" I started blurring out the words.
"Honey.." she paused "Anderson died this morning, and Belinda had to go into a nursing home."
"what? oh my god." i sat down taking in this new information "then what the fuck is Alex is doing there?"
"His family had the bes deal on the house, so she sold it to them."
"WHAT? This is fucking horrible! I have to change rooms with you mum, I have to!" i screamed.
"What about the spare room, your fathers old office through that door, its a big bigger and on the opposite part of the house."
"Yes! Of course, I'll move everything into there! Could you help me?" I was having a massive sugar rush and was saying everything so fast.
"No, but do you have any guy friends that could help?" she questioned.
"Of course, I'll ask Baileigh to ask Cole if he wants to!" I rushed up to my room and used speed dial to call Baileigh.
"uh, stop! hahah, Hello?" she giggled.
"Bai! Its Lea! Are you with Cole?" I asked.
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Can I talk to him for a sec?"
"Sure, here."
"Thanks Bai."
"Hello?" Cole's stern voice was every girls dream.
"Cole! As soon as you can, would you be able to help me move my furniture down to a different room?" I asked, oping he would say yes.
"Uh sure, I'll be there an about an hour, but, why are you changing rooms?"
"Alex moved in next door after Andy dies and Belinda went to a nursing home, and he's turned crazy, he came over one night stole my perfume and an old cell phone, I'll explain it all when i see you, okay?"
"Uh, Alex? I don't like that guy."
"Well what the fuck is he doing i your room stealing your stuff?"
"I have no idea, he's stalking me or something..." I said shaking.
"See you soon"
"Yeap." for once I hung up.
I peeked through my blinds and saw Alex spraying himself with my perfume. His hair was wet, probably sweat from this 45◦C weather. He took his top off to show he was in shape. He didn't have abs, but he wasn't fat. He waxed his chest, so there wasn't one hair on his tanned abdomen. I was so tired, so I flopped onto my bed and drifted to sleep.

The next morning there was a note on my desk. I got up and read it.
'You smell nice when you sleep babe. x'
♠ ♠ ♠
So third chapter, it isn't very good but it is perfect grammar! Just as i promsed! Any comments and/or tips? :D