

It was a cold April night. The night sky was a dark blue and was not interrupted by tiny stars. It displeased me - stars were far more romantic. I shook my head. I shouldn't have been thinking like this. He had a girlfriend and I was merely a friend. I just couldn't help but think that this was something more, for the both of us. Surely I wasn't the only one feeling this overwhelming electricity... It gave me the urge to move, the urge to more closer to him. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sit still next to him.

We had been sitting on this wall for a while now. It was slightly damp but I was too consumed in my thoughts to care. We were sitting in silence throwing small stones down the empty road that lay before us. I noticed that he turned to look at me every so often. I never turned around to look back, scared that if I did... I'd never be able to look away. I picked up a larger stone and played with it between my fingers and threw it as hard as I could down the road. It landed only a few metres in front of us. He let out a short laugh. It was then I turned around to look at him for the first time that night. He was still smiling, a smile that touched his eyes. His hair was blowing in the wind and his gaze was fixed on the road before us. He was thinking about something. I wanted to ask what, but I didn't want to be the one to break the silence. It was then he looked to me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.

I laughed to myself and stood up. I began walking down the road, paying no attention to where I was going or what my final destination was. I felt something sharp hit my back - he had thrown a stone at me. I kept walking down the road. Eventually I heard the heavy footsteps of someone behind me. My heart began to thud so loudly that I was sure he would be able to hear it as well. I felt someone grab at my jacket and violently pull me backwards. He put his arm around me and began to laugh.
"You really are tiny," he said as we carried on walking down the road , with no destination ahead of us.