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Red Snow


I feel bad for touching Snow. He is such a fragile perfect boy and I believe I scared him today. In the classes I have with him I tried to seem un-threatening, but each time I tried, he looked down and his cheeks turned a cute pink in his face.

I looked that word up, it's called blushing. I think that this is a good word for that action. Especially the way Schnee blushes. Blush is a very soft word, and his blushes are very soft. All of Snow is very soft though.

That boy is absolutely perfect.

The German word or blushing is erröten. I think that this sounds like the action as well, but more how I would blush. Not how Snow does.

It is after school now through. I am not at home today. During my free class, an attractive boy came over and started talking to me.

He looks a bit like me. He is almost as tall, which is very surprising. I look down on everyone. His hair is a dark blond and his ears are stretched too. But they are not disgustingly big.

I could smell cigarettes and pot on his sweater, so I talked to him. He told me his name was Alex, and asked if I wanted to hang out with him after school. He is a very forward person. I said yes, and after school followed him to his car.

Alex said that we had to wait for his two other friends, who would be coming with us as well. While we waited we smoked three cigarettes. Sharing the first because I was unsure if it would be rude to ask for one or not.

Finally two girls with very bright hair arrived.

"Luca this is Ashleigh and Amber." Alex told me, smiling and bending down to kiss the one with bright pink hair. "This is Amber, and this is Ashleigh." He pointed first to the pink one, and then to the girl with rainbow hair.

I nodded nicely at both of them and then we all got into Alex's car. He drove to a park that was void of play-equipment and I followed the three of them to a pick-nick table that was enclosed by trees.

Alex pulled a number of beautifully rolled blunts from somewhere on his person. I had been staring at his bum and did not know exactly where they came from.

"I got bored when I skipped school this morning." He shrugged. Amber giggled and Ashleigh rolled her eyes but smiled.

Uncomfortably I looked through all my pockets for my lighter but realized I hadn't taken it with me when I left to school in the morning.

"I don't have my...feuerzeug." At the time I couldn't remember the correct English word. Alex laughed and pulled what I was thinking of from his pocket.

"It's cool man. You can use mine." He gave me a look. The kind that says he is open to flirt. I love seeing that look in a boy's eye for the first time. The game has began.

After lighting up we sat around and talked. I had a good evening even though I wasn't stoned out of my head.

A long time after the sun had set, we were all coming down from our highs and Ashleigh said that Alex could drop her and Amber off at Ashleigh's house. Alex was almost completely sober and so her drove first to Ashleigh's house.

Going there both girls were sitting in the backseat. When I looked behind me, I saw them all over each other.

Anstößig mädchen. Niemand will sehen dass!

I made a face and Alex must have noticed. He laughed as I leaned back in my seat.

"They fuck around all the time. No biggie."

"Die problem ist nicht dass. Es ist dass sie mädchen." I growled under my breath. Alex laughed again.

"English would be nice. Just sayin'! Girlies, were here!" He said at me and then called to the back seat.

The two females unstuck themselves from each other and moved out of the car. Amber gave Alex a short kiss before she hurried up to the door with Ashleigh. They disappeared inside and Alex drove off.

"You want me to drop you off at your place or do you wanna come see my bedroom?" He asked me, a half-smile on his lips.

"Yours" I replied, making my voice a little lower.

We ended up getting each other off and after smoking more.

"What about Amber?" I asked him after everything. He smiled and explained that since she messed around with her best friend, he was allowed to do what he wanted with guys.

"Turns out I'm a lot less straight than I thought." He said chuckling. I smiled back at him and we spent more time talking before he took me home.

Getting back to my sisters house was an ordeal because I had no idea where it was. I am completely lost in this city.

"See you tomorrow babe." Alex said and kissed me before I got out. I smiled and walked into the house.

"Where have you been Luca?" Katharina's husband asked me. They were all sitting down for what I am guessing was a late dinner. I shrugged and went into the kitchen to find my own things to eat.

I took what I wanted and went up to my room. If they wanted to see me, they were capable of walking the stairs and opening the door to my room.

After eating I laid down on my small bed and thought about what I had done with Alex today. For the first time I felt uncomfortable in my stomach thinking of things that these.


I fell asleep coming to the conclusion that I might like my Schnee a bit more than I will admit to.

I am already using possessive pro-nouns. What have I gotten myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠



Anstößig mädchen. Niemand will sehen dass!-Disgusting (lewd vulgar unsavory) girls. No one wants to see that!

OH MY GOD I LOVE THE INTERNETS MAGIC. I accidentally closed the tab this was in and it brought it back. OH THank you mibba gods.

I've got lots planned for this story in my head! Subscibe if ja want more:)
