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Red Snow

Head kisses.

I rubbed my eyes in the middle of class, doing my best to stay awake. Every night this week had been filled with nightmares.

I had barely gotten any sleep because every time I drifted off, my father was there to greet me. After reliving the horrors of my birthday I would wake up in a cold sweat, having to remind myself that the man was in jail, not next to me.

A single tear trickled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away so no one would see. The scar on my face was aching today and I just wanted to go home and curl up with a good book that I could get lost in. It was Friday, so everyone was anxious to leave the building. Unfortunately, it was only the class before lunch, and there were a few hours left.

Finally the bell rang, and I hurried out from the dull room. At lunch, I sat with Nora as always. Luca still sat with us, even though his new friends pestered him to sit with them everyday.

It's been a few weeks since Luca started here. Even though communication is difficult for us, I fell like were are very close already. I even let him touch me, and it doesn't make me shake and cry.

I don't know why I feel such a connection to that boy. And like I said before, opposites never work. Even though I want this specific pairing to.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the boy I had been thinking about plopped down in the seat next to me.

"Hallo Schnee liebling." He murmured, kissing the top of my head. Luca was very affectionate. I enjoy it though I'll never be able to tell him.

I frowned at this thought and leaned into him slightly.

"Do not be sad please." He said in his constantly thinning German accent. I think that Luca will always have at least a small accent. I hope so.

Luca shifted and took the paper and pen he always carried around for me out of his pocket. I smiled and bit my lip slightly.

I grabbed it and started writing.

--Did you have a good morning?--

"It was very uninteresting."

--Well, it is school. Are you doing anything after? It's Friday!--

"Ja, I am spending time with Alex and Amber and Ashleigh."

I began to write, but Luca interrupted me.

"Snow, I have a question to ask of you." The way he phrases things is just adorable


"Alex and Ashleigh and Amber have said they are wanting I do not know how to say this. scheiße! They are wishing to, to see you." Luca looked frustrated and muttered something under his breath that I think was German.

--were you looking for the word meet?--

"Yes! This is the word for which I am looking." He leaned over and kissed the top of my head again.

"Bitte liebling. They are wanting to meet you. Alex wished for me to asked you to know if you wanted to come with us after school." He looked very proud of himself for constructing a good sentence on his own. I wasn't going to tell him that it was odd sounding-his proud face was much to cute for that.

--I would like that very much. Thank you:]-- I looked up at the tall boy's looming figure and smiled shyly, making sure to flip hair into my face so he wouldn't see my ugly face.

"This is fantastic. I will speak to Alex and Amber and Ashleigh." I noticed the big word in his sentence and raised my eye brows, realizing immediately that he couldn't see the action.

"I learned that word the other day. Fantastic. I think that it is a very nice English word. In German, it is fantastisch. Very close in noise." He smiled proud of himself and I blushed slightly, thinking of how close I was to Luca.

"I will usually use the word toll though. Or gut. They are smaller words with same meanings."

--I think all those words are good. The German one's are interesting sounding. I like it.--

As Luca slowly read what I had written a smile spread across his face.

"I am happy that you like my words."

--I am glad that I make you smile. It's almost time for the next class now though. Shall we walk together?--

"Yes I think that is good." He got up from the table and I signed goodbye to Nora and Lisabet, then hurried to catch up with Luca. His strides are very long, and I almost have to jog to keep up with him when he's walking quickly.

We arrived in art just in time and the time passed quickly. Too soon, it was time to leave. I was a little disappointed, because I didn't have the next period with Luca.

Outside the classroom, Luca pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed the top of my head. he does that a lot. I like it.a lot

"I will come and acquire you from you final class, yes?"

I nodded into his chest and inhaled his scent. He smelled very nice-clean, but also a bit smokey. It fit him perfectly.

He kissed the top of my head one more time and sighed. Then Luca let go and we parted ways to our respective classes.

I was very nervous to meet Luca's other friends. But for some reason, I felt that if he was by my side, it would all be alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
Schnee liebling (Shnayy leebling)- a term of affection that translates oddly


I'm so bad, teaching you german swear words and all;]
