Status: comments=updates always<3

Red Snow


Just like he promised, Luca was waiting at my locker for me at the end of the day. I bit my lip and smiled just a small bit.

I turned to Nora, whose locker was very close to mine and told her what was going on.

‹‹I'm going home with Luca today I'll tell you if plans change or something OK?››

Nora nodded and smiled at me. "I'm glad you're finally coming out of your shell Snow. I'll be sure to tell Mom and Dad. Now go have fun sweetie!" She gently pushed me in Luca's direction and I walked toward him. I wasn't one to mess with the laws of Sir Newton.

Luca gathered me gently in his arms and chuckled quietly. I blushed a little. I do that too much around him.

"We are this way." He said and I followed him toward where his friends were.

We arrived at a small car with three people standing outside of it. Two girls and a boy who was almost as tall as Luca. Which was very impressive. Luca was a freaking giant!

"Snow leibling, this is Alex." Luca said, pointing to the boy. "Then the girl with the many colors hair is Ashleigh, and the one with only rose color is Amber." I nodded and waved shyly at them, leaning heavily into Luca's protective form.

"Lets all get in now! We've been standing around for for-fuckinkg-ever!" Amber grouched. I looked at the small car and realized that there weren't enough seats for us to sit without being squished very close together. I trembled at the though of having to touch these people I had just met.

"I am to sit in the back with Snow." Luca said in a very commanding voice. Alex just nodded and Amber took the passenger side, scooting her chair all the way up so Luca would have room for his long and muscular legs.

As Ashleigh was also on the taller side she took the seat behind Alex. This left me with the middle, and this meant I would have to touch Ashleigh. I'm sure she is a very nice girl and all, but I do not want to touch her. I froze outside the car, Luca standing behind me.

"Was stauchen sie, liebling?" I turned around and buried my face in his chest more like his stomach and a tear escaped from my eye. Luca held me and rocked back and fourth gently.

"Is it better for you to sit on me I think, yes?" He asked quietly. I nodded and he slipped into the car and pulled my small frame onto his lanky one. I leaned into him and Luca wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Bitte. It is fine now." Amber smiled kindly from the front seat and Alex put the car in drive, speeding off to somewhere.

That somewhere turned out to be a park. I got out quickly and pulled Luca with me to the swings. I sat down on one, pulling the sleeves of my white long-sleeve shirt over my hands to avoid touching the cold chain. I pumped my feet a little, not going very high. Luca laughed sexily at me.

"I can...move you taller..." He trailed off as he forgot English words and I nodded, my snowy white hair flopping in time with my head.

Luca came up behind me and grabbed the chains by my waist, pulling me as far back as he could. Which was very far. Then he let go and I flew forward, a smile on my face.

We played on the swings a little longer before I jumped off, beating Luca by a few feet. I then ran to the play-set, climbing up to the top of a wall thing and sitting there. Luca started up after me and I jumped down to the other side, hiding in a fold of the wall. He found me quickly though.

Luca smiled at me and I looked down and blushed. Suddenly he was much closer. My breath caught in my throat as he bent down to my level, backing me into the wall.

"It is not smart to hide from me. I will always find you." He whispered, his voice dropping to a beautifully low octave. I nodded and felt his breath on my neck. It made the butterflies in my stomach jump and twirl.

Ever so softly I could feel his lips graze my neck. It made me blush a deeper red and something I hadn't truly felt before stirred in me.

Luca stood back up and lifted my face with a finger under my chin. He gently brushed my hair from my eyes. I shut them, terrified of what his reaction to my ugly face would be. I felt his lips my forehead.

"Sie sind schön." He murmured. I have no idea what that means....but it doesn't sound bad. It sounds like a compliment.

"We will most likely need to go back now." Luca's voice was kind as took my frail hand in his own and guided me toward the bench where his friends were. I smelled weed but I don't have anything against it.

We sat down and Luca pulled me into his side, keeping me warm. Then he reached across the table and grabbed a joint, pulling a lighter from his skin tight jeans they were very attractive on him.

He lit up and exhaled slowly, clearly enjoying himself.

"Snow, do you want" Luca asked me.

I guess it seems that I would be a very innocent boy, and I am to an extent. My cousin Lizabet is a bit of a problem child, and she will sometimes drag me out of the house with her when I'm especially down.

I pulled my arm from Luca's side and slipped what he was offering to me from between his fingers. I had a few short pulls before taking in a long drag and exhaling it in smoke rings like Lizabet's friend June had taught me to. Maybe I was showing off a little to impress Luca too.

Luca took the joint from me and laughed quietly.

"This is not your first time." A smile in his voice. I shook my head and spent the next few hours getting a little more than buzzed.


Alex gave Luca a look and Luca gave him one back. What're they sayin'?

"I gotta go home now." Alex said. "And Amber, you gotta be home for dinner too." Both girls nodded and we got back into Alex's car. I sat on Luca's lap again, still not wanting to touch anyone but him.

First Amber and Ashleigh were dropped off; a kiss exchanged between Amber and Alex. I almost fell asleep while Alex was driving to my house after giving him directions. Luca made me feel so safe.

When we arrived at my house Luca walked me to the door and held me in a tight hug for a long moment. He kissed my forehead and brushed my hair from my face, kissing the ghastly scar that started on my forehead.

"Sie sind perfekt" I barely heard him mumble. I was glad that it was dark out, my face was very warm. I assumed that meant I was blushing brightly.

Luca kissed my head one more time and I let myself inside, my fingers trailing along his until the last second.

Inside, I decided to have dinner later and rushed up to my room. I pulled my IPod from my backpack and put music on. All the while smiling like a three year old.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sie sind schön-you are beautiful
Sie sind perfekt-you are perfect.-really hope you figured that one out on your own!

thanks to Flowers

You guys! I really appreciate that you're commenting so much, but you're killing me with all this updating! I finally posted a chapter last night and BAM two more comments-meaning two more chapters.

It's getting difficult to keep up!

Oh well, I guess I don't have anything to complain about really.
