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Red Snow


He kissed me. My Snow kissed me...

To be truthful, it was only my face. I think that this still counts though. I think that this means I am permissioned to kiss him. On his lips to be clear. Schnee's lips are a perfect light pink this matches perfectly with the rest of his white body, and they look so soft and just a small amount swelled.

I know that he bites his lips a lot, but I also know that Snow has strawberry smelling lip balm. I want to taste him.

"Luca!" Alex grabbed me from my thinking and poked my cheek. "Ich habbe eine frage!"

"Wie redest du in Deutsch?" I responded back. "Weißt du was du sagst?" His pronunciation was awful, so I am thinking that he does not speak my language.

"Man, I got no idea what you're sayin'! I was just using my phone." Alex held up his fancy phone, showing me the screen which had a translation app open in this.

"Bescheuert" I rolled my eyes.

"Luca baby," Alex made the E sound long, "What did you just say?"

"I am calling you stupid." He made his lower lip stick out and his eyes go big.

"That's not very nice. I think I need a kiss!" I rolled my eyes at the boy but leaned over in my desk and kissed his lips quickly anyway.

"What is your frage?" I asked as I settled back into my seat.

"Do you like Snow." He did not truly ask this. It was more of a statement.

I narrowed my eyes and reached across the row with a long arm, hitting the back side of his head.

"Owie! Dumb fuck! That ain't nice." Alex yelled.

"Mr. Panza!" An angry voice came from the front of the room. "Paying attention is a good idea."

"Aye man. I'm half Spanish. I got this shit down." Alex called to the front of the room.

The teacher rolled his eyes and continued to teach the class.

"You never gave me an answer!" Alex spoke in a quiet voice.

"Das ist nicht deine Sache" I glared and growled at him.

"Geeze. Fine! I'm taking that as a yes." I really am fond of Snow. Not that I will ever tell Alex this.

Soon, it was time for my classes with Schnee. I hit Alex on his nice ass before hurrying to the room where I knew Snow would be leaving from.

I waited outside the door and more or less jumped on the tiny boy as he left. The smallest of noises, an intake of breath, I heard because I startled him.

I wrapped him into me for a fast hug and kissed his head. Snow put his frail arms around me and I think that he squeezed as much as he could. This caused me to laugh quietly into his soft hair.

"Du bist sehr süß" I said softly. Snow looked up at me and begun to pull us toward our class. It seemed that he was asking what I had spoken meant.

"You're very cute." I half smiled down at him and let the adorable boy take my hand and take me to class.

When we got there, Snow stuck his hand in my pocket, startling me and turning me on just a small amount. He took his pen and paper that I carried around for him from my very tight pant's pocket and I leaned over his desk as I waited for him to finish speaking.

-I'm happy you think I'm cute:]...-

"what are these dot dot dots for?" I asked. I later found out these dot dot dots are called ellipses. I like this word.

-I wasn't sure you would want to hear what I want to say.-

"I will always want to know what you are thinking liebling." he is so cute. I lovelike that he is always so shy.

-I think you're very attractive.- As he wrote this, Snow's face changed from typical porcelain color to a rose one. This was very cute as well. I leaned down so that my face was very near to his.

"I think that you are beautiful liebling." I whispered, Snow looking at me with larger dark green eyes than typical. I kissed his flushed cheek and sat in my desk, half smiling and looking at my doll-like boy with my eyes that made all men blush.

As this day finished, I walked Snow to his home. It was beginning to become cooler in the air, and I believe that Schnee does not have a warm jacket. I will keep him warm.


Three weeks have gone by now. Today the weather is snowing. I am correct in thinking that Snow does not have a warm jacket, but I do not let this bother me too much. He looks adorable in these over sized cardigans that he wears to keep warm.

In this three weeks, I have fucked Alex many times. I cannot help that I am a very sexual man. I feel small amounts of guilty for liking Snow, but having sex with Alex. But I think that Snow knows I am fond of him.

Today Snow and I are going on what I think is a date. I am going to take him to a park this is near a café. I think this will be good. I have become more kind to my sister and her family. Katharina's children adore me, and I truly like children.

I have began to be more nice to her husband as well. They trust me more. Katharina spoke with me about what to do for Snow. She thinks that all I have told her about Snow is perfect. She keeping insisting that I ask him to have dinner. But I am unsure if he will be comfortable with that.

But today I plan to ask him to be my boyfriend. I know that he is fond of me. And I know that I am fond of him. Alex will not be happy, but I do not let this matter to me. I have spoken to Alex with this subject as well. He has helped me plan things. I truly am grateful of all this helping.

Snow is becoming good friends with Amber, Ashleigh and Alex as well. They appear to care for him much. I think that while it is sad, Snow's aunt, uncle and twin cousins are grateful that he is less their responsibility now. I believe that they care for Snow, but that he has been a burden for them, and from this is resentment.

I though will now move to the talking of how our date is going.

After school Snow and I walked to the park that I had been told about. There was still a light snowing from the sky, and Schnee looked the most beautiful I had ever seen him. I will never say this outside my head, but Snow literally took my breaths away and made my heart pump quickly.

After I pushed miene liebling on the swings for a while, we ended up sitting on a platform that was a piece of the play equipment. I leaned against the up and down bars and pulled Snow to in between my legs.

He leaned into me, pulling the ends of his sweater down to cover his hands. I took a long breath in and slowly exhaled, hoping that this would help to slow my heart. It did not.

"Snow?" I asked, I think that my voice appeared normal. I very much hope that it did.

Snow turned slightly and looked into my eyes. I think that he knew what I was going to ask. His lips were lightly parted, cheeks reddened from the crisp air. His intense green eyes staring into my own.

I realized in this moment that we were inconceivably connected to one another. Without his pen and paper, Snow truly no way to say anything to me. Even through this, I could understand what he wanted to say. Simply by looking at him.

With his eyes, Snow was asking; what?

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked in a hushed voice.

I could see in Snow's eyes that he was happy. I could understand without words that he was saying yes.

Snow fully turned around and brought his forehead to mine, a meeting of opposites. Our lips were whispers apart, and gently. This space was closed.

Our kiss was soft, without lust. It was communication. Snow and I, we did not need our words. We could speak through silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wie redest du in Deutsch-how are you talking in German

weißt du was du sagst-do you know what you're saying

Das ist nicht deine Sache-that's none of your business

Guys! This is my favorite chapter. I feel like the imagery at the bottom is just lovely. What do ya'll think??