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Red Snow


As the months pass, it becomes warmer outside. But not disgustingly hot. The school year is very nearly over now. In the next fall, Snow and I will have the starting of our last year in what is called high school.

It has been explained to me that after high school, mutter is willing to have me come home. But now I am unsure if that is what I want. I know that I want to be where Snow is.

If Snow decides to go to secondary schooling in America, I will stay here with him. I will get a job, or maybe go to secondary schooling myself. But this is unlikely, this schooling is not for me. I am unsure what I will do.

I simply want to stay with Snow

There is much testings at the end of the school year, and for my love I am doing as best as I am able on them. Even reviewing and learning things that I did not listen to in classes.

I have just finished my last test, and I am going walking to Snow's home now. He was able to leave early because he did not have more tests on this day.

Snow, Amber and Ashleigh are at his home. I think that his cousins are there as well, but this I do not know positively. I had not gotten to know either of them well.

It was warm out this day, and I was wearing only a tightly fitting light black tank-top. On the front there is a repeating image of an eye with a triangle surrounding it. This is the same on the back. This picture is drawn in a light purple.

On my legs, I have my typical skin-tight pants. Today though, I also have a set of handcuffs in the belt hooks. I am hoping Snow enjoys what I am wearing.

I arrive at Snow's home and see two letters stucking from the door. I try the knob and the door flips open.

Remembering to grab the letters I walk into the home and up to the second floor, where Snow's room is. I open this door and see that they are playing a card game. Sliding onto the ground I bring Snow to my lap and hand him the mail.

He looks at to who it is addressed and wrinkles his face, confused. Then he sets the letter's down and returns to the game.

I look at the box and see that it is called "Cards Against Humanity".

"It's played like Apples-to-Apples except playing this ensures your spot in Hell!" I look and see that Nora is speaking to me. I also see that next to her is Lizabet, and that Lizabet is curled onto Ashleigh.

Maybe something is happening between these two.

As Amber reads the cards submitted for the question, which is "What is that sound?", everyone starts laughing.

"What is the answer?"

"The cards are: Praying the gay away, the Chinese gymnastics team, masturbation, Teenage pregnancy and Pac-man uncontrollably guzzling cum"

Everyone is laughing now.

"What is gymnastics?" I ask, which only causes everyone to laugh even more. Now Snow is laughing as well. I hide my face in his hair and watch them continue to play the game.


I am pulled from sleep by someone hitting my closed door. I growl and sit up.

"Was wollt?" I ask.

Katharina opens my door and I see a fragile figure behind her that I would realize any place.

"Warum ist Schnee heir?" I hope that nothing has happened to him. I will never forgive who did this if it is true.

Behind her, Snow sniffs and whimpers quietly. I rush out of bed toward him and Katharina steps back.

"Er braucht Sie" my sister whispers before disappearing.

I drag Snow gently into my room and put on the light before putting us on the bed.

Snow's eyes are red and swollen, his face crumpled and his whole body shaking.

"What is not good Snow?" I ask quietly. He hands me two crumpled papers.

"One..." He gasps. "is notifying me about..." Snow wipes his eye and his voice beings to be hurt, he only speaks around me and even then this is not common.

"My father's release..."

Snow has told me small parts of this before. I know that Snow's father is the reason he is like this. I do not know all that happened at that time, but I do not think I could bare to know all of it. I am grateful that Snow has never felt the need to tell me all this.

"What is on the second paper Leibe?"

With shaking hands Snow gives this to me. I look at it and see that it is a letter from his father. I do not see anything that is wrong with this. It does not seem to be threatening my Schnee.

I do not know if it is me or all people, but this letter does not make any sense. It is what I think is random words, I cannot tell what is bad about this.

"I do not understand..." I trail off, hoping I do not sound stupid.

Snow put the sheet on my bed and takes his pen and paper from my small bed table.

-Before my father went...crazy he taught me how to read a code he had made up. He's a smart man, I don't know how this passed through their inspections, but it sure as hell doesn't say what it looks like it does.-

Then he writes how to read the letter, and slowly I find what Snow's father is truly saying.

You fucking freak of a son. I can't believe I wanted you as my child. You're a worthless piece of shit. I'm getting out of this place soon, and don't expect me to let you be. I will be watching, and if you've disobeyed me, I will keep my promise. Understand?

I read these words as Snow trembles next to me. Then I throw the letters on the ground and hold miene leibe.

"I will not let him hurt you. And I am thinking you will want to stay with me this night, yes?" I say this quietly so to not scare him.

He nods and I lay down with my back on my bed. Snow lays on top of me, I think that he is hearing my heart. Soon, Snow's breaths become slow and I know he is sleeping now.

When I know this, my eyes begin to fall closed. I can feel Snow's breath on my necked chest, his heart thumping near my own.

This is how I wish to sleep for the rest of my nights
♠ ♠ ♠
was wollt-what do you want?

Warum ist Schnee heir-why is Snow here?

Er braucht Sie-He needs you

für Chuku.

I'm not sure if you guys realize this, but when I use words that are similar to real one's or put on odd sounding endings, it's because that's how I think Luca would say that word. I promise that I know how to write in proper English!

"cards against humanity' is a ligit games guys!! Oh gosh it's too freaking funny!! I don't even care that I'm going to Hell for thinking it's the funniest thing ever. If you have the chance ever, PLAY IT! ps- those are are real cards:)