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Red Snow

five more hours

I leaned into Luca. He took his head away from where it was resting on mine and kissed my hair. I let out a silent sigh and watched as Luca clicked "Purchase Tickets" on the computer screen.


"You should sleep, this is a long flight." I knew that Luca was speaking in German, but I understood it perfectly. I was still translating in my head to English, but translations was simple and immediate.

I shivered, the cool air radiating from the plane giving me chills. He noticed, and pulled his sweater out. I looked down, embarrassed. I already have my own sweater on.

"It is OK leibling." Luca murmured, gently slipping his sweater over my head. I searched the sweater, found the arm holes and pushed my arms through. I looked down in confusion, it appears I have lost my hands.

I wiggled my fingers, they were still there. I brought my hands up, realized that Luca's sweater was so big on me, the arms continued far past where mine ended.

Luca had noticed, biting his low lip, doing a very poor job of hiding a massive grin. I looked at him with big brown eyes, biting my lip too. Unable to hold in the giggles building inside him, Luca let go of his lip and laughing held me to his chest.

"You are so fucking adorable baby." he laughed, kissing the top of my head over and over again. I giggled quietly, balling fists of the fabric in my palms and wrapping my arms around his neck.

I stretched so my lips were next to his ear. Luca let out a controlled breath, I knew I was teasing. But teasing is fun sometimes all the time.

"Sie sind perfekt" I whispered, lips brushing his ear. Luca hummed quietly and worked the hem of my sweater up. He skimmed the line of my hipbones with his thumb nail, grazing lower with his other fingers.

I trembled and let out a controlled and heavy breath of my own. Luca chuckled and nudged me back into my seat. Keeping my eyes focused on him, I bit my lip and looked up. I knew he understood what I meant.

Luca leaned in close again and kissed my forehead. "Later" he told me, winking. Looking accusingly at him I crossed my arms and huffed.

Struggling, I pushed up the sleeve of Luca's sweater to look at my watch. I groaned silently. Five more hours to go.

I don't know if I can wait that long.
♠ ♠ ♠
Y'all are killing me with all these comments!

Smut on the plane;P
