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Red Snow

Schule Erneut

Snow's fragile hand gripped my own. Only slightly more forceful than was typical. I knew he was nervous to start a new school.

More people that he would have meet, to judge him and have to justify himself too. That would make me nervous too. But I was here to help him. Mom and I had arraigned it so Snow had the exact same scheduled as me.

It would be okay, he would be okay.

"Hey baby."

I turned and saw one of my old fuck buddies, Sabin. He had tanned skin and coffee colored hair. He was gorgeous though when compared to Snow, he was similar to a pile of mud.

"Fuck off pig. I'm not interested." The boy looked at me, hurt. His green eyes glaring accusingly through thick lashes. Sabin fell into step with us, in line with Snow.

"Who's this? Are you dating someone?" Disbelief coated his words like syrup, dripping off. I pulled Snow tightly to my side.

"Yes. This is Snow." I stared down at Sabin, eyes steely. He knew from my face that he shouldn't push me more. He could tell it would be dangerous to push. Sabin disregarded the warning painted clearly on my face. He pushed more.

"Come on baby," he whined, looking miene leibling over slowly. "There is no way this little slut is better than me." I set my jaw, gently pushed Snow out of the way and slipped my hand from his. Snow knew what was coming and looked down.

Standing close to Sabin, we almost touched. I didn't even look at his face before I step forward, slamming down on his foot with my own boot covered one. I dressed assuming this would happen.

I was much bigger than Sabin and he squeaked, tried to step back. I didn't let him run though. I was going to remind these filthy swine who they were messing with.

Turning subtly I threw my elbow into his ribs, following quickly with my fist slammed into his jaw. Next another punch to his lungs, winding him.

His back hit the lockers first, spine crunching as it rolled against the metal. Sabin's head quickly followed his torso, making the empty containers echo from the impact.

I stared into his eyes, daring him. His eyes watered but he stared back for a few gasps, then looked down. I pressed him against the locker for a moment more, then suddenly turned away. Sabin sunk to the floor.

I looked, found Snow standing away from the crowd that had formed. They parted as I passed.

My love was looking down so I gently brushed my thumb along his sleek jaw line, skilfully teasing his face up. I looked into his soft eyes, bent down to rest my forehead on his.

"Bitte" I murmured, running a hand through his hair. Snow shivered and smoothly moved his head, pressed our lips together, moving slowly.

After a few moments we pulled apart. Snow looked into my eyes and I understood what he was communicating. He told me it was okay, what I had done. He said that he didn't like when I hit people for him, but understood it was part of who I was.

I smiled and kissed his nose, lead him toward our first class. Our day continued with less excitement. I had to glare at a few of my old... friends. One came up and tried to shove past Snow, angry that they no longer had any of my attention.

I had stopped Snow from falling and dealt with the boy.

Not all of my friends had turned into jealous and immature creatures while I was away. Some of the people I used to talk to I realized could be very good friends. I think with this semi-new entrance into this school I will try to be kind.

At lunch, we sat with some of the people I used to drink with. There was Moon Iris and Calla, triplets whose parents owned a flower shop. They did almost everything together, but not in a weird twin way, just a very close friend way.

There were also two boys I used to have sex with, Alvaro and Kasper. Alvaro was average height with narrow shoulders but extremely built. Every bit of him was sinewy and exacting. He had hazel brown eyes and long lashes that sat evenly on his defined face.

Kasper was tall and lanky like me but a bit shorter, making him roughly 190 centimeters, as I was around 200.

And another set of twins I had been relatively good friends with before. Like Snow, they were from America. Unlike him, they had lived here since they were three. Their names were Kishi and Kachina. They were Native American and both fit their names well.

Kishi meant night, she was the darker of the two with black hair and smooth dark skin. She wore almost only black, and was very striking. Kachina meant spirit and that was just what she was. Kachina was an albino, soft and paler than Snow. She ghosted behind her sister in flowing white dresses like a spirit.

I watched in amazement as Kachina and Snow communicated silently. She spoke, but immediately understood that he didn't. They spoke the same way Snow and I do. With almost invisible movements. It was fascinating to watch.

Small flickering smiles and darting eyes. I think they're going to be good friends

Soon we had to leave lunch, in stead of hugging Snow, Kachina gently rested a hand on his and and smiled. It amazed me how much she understood about him already.

At the end of the day, Snow and I collapsed on the couch.

"There is no way in hell I'm doing homework." I groaned. Snow nodded and laid his head in my lap, soon falling asleep. I carefully leaned over and grabbed my Ds. As always, the Pokemon game was in and I resumed my battle with the third of the Elite four.
♠ ♠ ♠
Where are all the comments guys? :(



Iris ps: This is just a bit more red than my natural hair color!





I love looking at pictures of people. But holy crap why aren't I as lovely as all of these other people? That shit innit fair man!
