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Red Snow


I walked into the school with a frown stuck on my face. A group of girls watched as I walked past, trying to get my attention. I laughed quietly to myself and pulled open the door to the office.

“Hallo, I am the new, um, student.” I told the young woman sitting behind the desk. She smiled at me and looked through the papers stacked on her desk. She handed me a piece of bright yellow paper.

It said on the sheet that I was in many classes I had already been in. I pointed to them and the woman explained that because I was coming in after school had started, they had put me in some lower classes. They had also done this because the office was told my English wasn't the best.

So instead of graduating this year, I was stuck with another year of high school after this. Things just keep getting better and better don't they?

Science was first period. I nodded and walked out, looking at the map. Thankfully, I managed to find the science classroom without getting lost. It looked just like the classrooms back in Germany.

I sat down at a table I glared at the front of the classroom. There was some boring stuff on the board that looked fairly familiar, but I wasn’t sure.

“Ok, today we’re doing more with chemical reactions.” She paused and looked around the room, noticing me for the first time.

“Are you the new student?” She asked. I decided to answer since she was looking directly at me.

“Ja.” I said, forgetting to use English. It must have sounded like English slang for yes or something, because she nodded.

“How about you introduce yourself before we start the lesson today.” What’s introduce ?

“Umm, what is the meaning of introduce?” I asked, my face flushing as some girl made a cooing sound and some boys laughed. Don’t they realize that it’s rude to laugh at me? I just don’t speak this stupid language very well!

“Oh, umm, it means to say some thing about yourself, but just general things.” I nodded and thought about what I would say.

“I am Luca. I come from Germany. I just traveled here.” I don’t like speaking in English. It sounds so strange compared to German. Though there are many words that sound similar.

Another giggling fit started in a group of girls and I rolled my eyes.

“Ok, Luca. Is there anyone who doesn’t have a partner already?” A girl raised her hand.

“Mrs. Dale! Zander is gone today, I could help him catch up?” The teacher nodded and smiled lightly.

“Thanks Nora.” Then she passed out a sheet of paper with stuff printed on it and set us off to work. This Nora girl skipped over to me and smiled. Her hair was short and orange. She was a little shorter than a normal height and was wearing a bright green shirt with a monster on it.

“Kay, so we’re doing stuff with different chemicals! Yesterday we put pennies in some sort of acid after filing the sides and now the insides should be gone!” She seemed extremely excited about this whole thing.

“What is filing?” I asked. I had a feeling I was going to be doing allot of that today.

After we looked at the pennies and she explained what ‘filing’ was we just talked. Or rather, she talked and I tried to get better at following fast English. She was actually a pretty nice person.

I hadn’t really had many friends in Germany; I guess that was because I was an ass to everybody and didn’t really care what they thought of me. But I think I might try and be nice to a few people here, since one has tried to be nice to me.

While we talked I learned that Nora had a twin sister, Lisbeth. She also had a cousin named Snow who didn’t talk and lived with them. There was also two other siblings in their group named

Zander and Sandra, who was a year older. They all sounded really nice, so I decided to sit with them at lunch. Well, that and Nora promised she would hurt me if I didn’t.
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this is for Chuku thank her