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Red Snow

lunch time

At lunch I followed closely behind Nora and sat down at our usual corner table. I always bring my own lunch, and today all I had was a sandwich. It had cucumbers, cream cheese and was on whole-wheat bread. I really dislike foods that have too much flavor to them. I hate anything spicy and I don't like garlic much either.

As I took small bites out of my sandwich I grimaced slightly. Whenever I eat, I can feel a thick scar on the inside of my mouth that was carved there by my father. Not particularly pleasant.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Nora was waving someone over to our table. I really don't like strangers much either. It's hard for me to trust people, and most of them think I'm a freak anyway. Being covered in scars and a mute is really not a good way to get people to like you.

I shrank into my seat and tried to be invisible as a very tall boy with jet black hair and two lip piercings stalked toward us. He looked angry, and just glared when a girl called out to him. Even though she was clearly beautiful.

When he arrived at our table, Nora smiled and pointed to the seat across from me. The boy sat down and glared at me from under his hair. I shrank back more and tried not to look at him, even though he was very clearly attractive.

Gosh. I have no idea how someone so beautiful could be so angry. If I looked like him, I'd be happy. And I wouldn't have any scars.

Nora greeted him and I tugged on her shirt sleeve.

‹‹who is that?›› I asked her.

"This is Luca. He moved here from Germany. Say hello."

I looked at Luca from the corner of my eye and blushed as I noticed him staring at me with an expressionless face.

I rolled my lips together and nodded in his direction.

Luca's face softened slightly and he nodded back. I blushed a bit more and looked away again. New people make me nervous. And so do pretty people. So he just made me a little ball of nerves.

To make it seem like I wasn't embarrassed, I took another bite of my sandwich.

"Why does he not talk. But speak to him." I jumped in my seat at the sound of Luca's voice. It was deep and smooth. Like dark chocolate.

"That's not something for me to tell you, I'm sorry." Nora replied in her light and happy tone.

"He can hear me, yes?" Luca asked, sounding very confused. I blushed and looked down at my lap. It's always uncomfortable when people are trying to figure out why I don't talk.

"Yep. You can talk to him if you want." But I don't have a notebook with me...

I tugged on Nora's sleeve again to get her attention, and then singed that I didn't have anything to write with or on.

"Oh. There's nothing to write with. Luca, do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?" After Nora explained what paper and pencil were he pulled out a crumpled scheduled and a red sharpie from a pocket in his rather tight jeans. Luca held them out to me and I blushed-again-while taking them.

"What is your name?" He asked.


"Schnee." Luca dragged out the syllable of what I'm assuming means snow in German. I like that word. "That is is 'a not normal thing' said?"


"yes. your name is unusual. But it is nice." He smiled and I pursed my lips and smiled a little. The way he had pronounced unusual was cute. Instead of saying it 'uhn-yoo-shoo-al' Luca had pronounced it 'oon-yoo-soo-all' I guess that's how you would say it according to German phonetic rules.

Luca and I spent the last ten minutes of lunch period asking each other useless questions. Even though I usually hate small-talk, I really enjoyed speaking with him. As difficult as it was.

As it turns out, conversations between a mute and a non-native English speaker are slow.

-It's almost time for the next class to start. Do you know what yours is?-

"Bitte" Luca mumbled as he took the paper from me and flipped it over. He pointed to the class he had next.

I hesitantly pulled the sheet of paper toward me and read what he was pointing to.

It said:


I smiled shyly and flipped the paper back over.

-That's my next class too. I'll walk you there. If that's OK with you?-

"I would like that very much." Luca said, his voice still deep and smooth, but happier now.

I turned and tapped Nora's shoulder so I could tell her what was going on. I know she'd worry about me if I just left. Nora looked at me and I signed quickly to tell her where I was going.

‹‹I'm walking Luca to his next class It's the same as mine I'll see you later››

Nora nodded and smiled at me before turning back to talk to her sister.

I looked back at Luca and when he was almost behind me I started off toward the art classrooms. Luca following a bit closer than normal, but a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Deutsche words:
Bitte-bihtah- in this case it means sorry/ excuse me

hey lovelies! I'm guna start writing this again:]
