Status: In Progress

The Short Life of Calico Flynn

Remember Me?

I had been about to make a flustered break for the front door, but when I turned and my face smacked against someone and we both collapsed to the floor. Warm beer spilled down the front of my shirt, my right eye throbbing uncontrollably. I could practically feel the bruise beginning to form. The girl swore softly and pulled me roughly to my feet, one hand on my shoulder.

“Hey! Watch it!” There was a stiff pause. “…don’t I know you?”

I managed to open my eyes which were swelling with hot tears. I shrugged her hand off and wiped impatiently at my face, which only caused me to wince and make tiny mewls of pain.

Whoever she was actually laughed at me, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“Yeah! I remember you.” She said. “Ash, right?”

“Calico,” I corrected instantly, cradling my right eye in the palm of my hand. “Err…Cal.”

“Your parents must have been strung out when they named you.”

Her tone was more teasing than anything, but I still cringed in defense. I took a moment to examine her features, and was surprised to find a sense of familiarity. She was short, with small shoulders and pointed features. Her eyes were wide and gray; she was pleasantly average looking, if you ignored the fact that her short wavy hair was dyed a bright tiger lily orange. I blinked rapidly in an attempt to gain more focus.

"I don't think I know you," I said, letting my arms fall pathetically at my sides. The girl smiled slowly and rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand.

"Don't worry. You will."

Before I had time to talk she began guiding me through the house, pushing past people with an air of authority. I followed obediently, too nervous and panicked to protest. She stopped when we reached the back yard. People were laying in the yard and passed out in chairs. Pushing me gently against a wall, the girl patted my chest.

"Wait here a minute."

I did as I was told without a word, glancing around with wide, worried eyes. I still hadn't seen Max or Jack. I hoped they were alright, because I certainly wasn't. Anxiety was bubbling in my gut and crawling up my throat. I let my eyes latch onto to the girl and I watched her every movement, finding comfort in seeing a somewhat familiar face. She went across the yard to where a group of people were sitting around a small fire. She grabbed the hands of a girl who was slumped over, her blue hair curly and messy. Lifting her up, the girl wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist and guided her back to where I stood.

"Come on Calico."

Nodding, I followed her back through the house and out the front door, down the sidewalk and to a little black car across the street. She shoved the blue haired girl into the back, grumbling under her breath before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Get in."