Status: In Progress

The Short Life of Calico Flynn


"Are we there yet?"

"Dude we've been here for like...a long time."


Time was warped. I was too junked up to realize how much white I had snorted. I could still feel a burning sensation in my sinuses and I kept pressing my beer against my nose. I was beginning to get a little scared, but the feeling quickly passed. My whole body felt heavy and I found myself in the kitchen. I really had no idea how I had gotten in there. I had no memory of leaving the couch in the living room. I leaned over the sink, the muscles in my back tightening to steady myself. I could hear people saying my name but I didn't make the connection in my brain that they were talking to me. This was bad; very bad.

I slumped to the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees and leaning my head back. This wasn't suppose to fucking happen. I wanted to close my eyes and never open them again. In that moment I felt very fragile, as if even the slightest movement would cause my body to shatter into cracked glass. Everything stood still, and then nothing. My mind went blank. Even now in death I can't seem to remember what happened. I've tried countless times to put the pieces together but they always fall apart at the last second.

The darkness was blissfully peaceful and I was content to drift in the cradle of my mind forever. But someone woke me, thrusting me into reality with a bitter harshness. I choked, the cold water sending streaks of shock down my spine. I shielded my eyes from the light as tiny gasps leaked from my lips. The outline of a person appeared above me, their face shrouded by shadow.

"Come on, Cal. Its time to get up."

"It's you..."

"Yes, it's me." She lifted me up gently and guided me to a large, comfortable bed. I melted into the sheets, my body beginning to slip into slumber once again. The once gentle hands turned rough as they seized my shoulders.

"Don't fucking fall asleep. Ya' got that?" I stared at her, bloodshot eyes wide, but not necessarily alert. I nodded, managing to understand.

Why was she here?

Where was here?
