Status: In Progress

The Short Life of Calico Flynn

Tell Me About Your Secret Life

"You really did outdo yourself Cal."

I was annoyed. I really had no right to be, considering the current situation. A part of me was ecstatic; here she was, the girl with the comforting gray eyes. After more than a year we had finally met again. At the same time during those many months I had also changed quite dramatically. My shyness had been obliterated and saying exactly what was on my mind had become a habit. Unfortunately, now was no exception. I gnawed on my bottom lip, ignoring the blood that leaked from the ripped skin.

"I haven't seen you in more than a year, and you're trying to lecture me?" I said, eyes narrowed from the growing hostility in my chest. I still felt like shit, but it was a sensation I was used too. After many hangovers and pill-popping parties, I practically felt terrible all the time. Sophie gazed at me from her perch on the carpet, mouth drawn into a tight line.

"This is the second time I've had to save your lame ass." She said. This is where my patience was burning on fumes. I stood up abruptly, my hands balling into fists.

"I didn't ask you to help me, did I? Sure, you helped me, good for fucking you, but maybe you shouldn't go getting into shit that isn't your fucking business!" I stopped when I realized I was yelling. She stared at me with cold eyes, and for a moment I thought she would cry -- but she didn't.

She stood up as well, the top of her head barely reaching my chin. She had to crane her neck to look at me. I really didn't get why this was all happening. I didn't even know this girl, and she didn't know me. And yet here she was, crash-landing into my life yet again. We stared at each other for a few moments, the silence almost deafening. Finally she spoke.

"Everything happens for a reason, Cal." The phrase was so simple and somehow it slammed straight into my chest. I sat down slowly on the floor, running a hand through my hair and wringing my wrists. I was still shaky from the drugs and sweat glistened on my brow. I blinked rapidly, feeling a sick vertigo wash over me.

"Fuck, I don't...damnit." I pressed my face into my hands, my stomach dropping to the earth. I sensed her sit next to me, a hand resting on my shoulder. I glanced up and I was greeted by those gray eyes; they reminded me of the sky, right before the sun came up. It had been a long time since I had found anything beautiful.

"Hey, its okay. You should stay here for awhile." She handed me a glass of water and I accepted it gratefully.

"What...happened, exactly?" I ventured. I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to the answer, but I might as well. I had to own up to my shit sooner or later, right?