Status: right now my ideas are everywhere and real random so it might suck now but when i figure out what to do it will be AWESOME!!! just be patient humans?! the way these pic in the layout DO NOT belong to me they are pics i found on photobucket

Demons and Angels: An Un-Found Origin

Can You Stop The Fire?

“Where were you? I called an hour ago!!” yelled Angel Boy as I shuffled through the door fixing my dress around my shoulders.

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch angel boy.” I said sitting at the almost broken kitchen counter, “I can’t believe this whore did this to my kitchen.”

“Look this was what I had to tell you! I found some stuff…somewhere.” He dropped a huge box of books in front of me.

“Well what did you find out?”

“Um I found out what the purple skin is.”

When he didn’t say anything for a few seconds I guessed, “An STD?”

“No! They’re vampires but…they have purple skin, red eyes--”

I made a ‘get to the point’ motion with my hands, “Like I don’t know this crap!! Get to the point!”

He sighed and I was lost in my thoughts for a second. Then I remembered something that the Anessa the Whore told me when she left me to die.
Angel Boy started to explain, “They are this rare type of vampire called the--”

“Vampenese.” I finished, “She told me that….another thing she did was drip her blood into me and it kind of burned. What was that crap all about?”

He picked up one of the leather books and flipped to a page. After skimming for a few minutes he asked, “Have you ever heard of Vervain?”

I nodded my head slowly, “Yeah, it’s harmful to us but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Well apparently it’s fused with their blood, hence the purple skin. The red eyes are because the head is the only part of the body that doesn’t contain Vervain. The skin is much harder and…basically they are just vampires on steroids.” He explained

“Where did you get these books?” I asked picking them up and looking at them.

They were in a language that I had never seen before. It looked like a combination of Japanese and Arabic.

“What the heck is this?”

Angel Boy snatched the book out of my hand and threw it back in the box.

I hissed at him.

This crap was really starting to scare me…I knew that Joshua and the Vampenese were connected somehow…there was just no way that he could be Vampenese.

Then something that Caleb told me that night he was drunk came back to me.

Sunlight. When I met Joshua, the sunlight was pouring in and he looked normal.

“It’s all connected.” I whispered

“What?” Angel boy looked up from the book he had his nose in

“Joshua, Anessa, and Caleb’s visitor!! It’s all connected….that was how Joshua and Anessa knew where I lived, they were watching me!”

“They had to have been watching you through Caleb then.” Suggested Elijah

An undead lump formed in my throat.

Then another thought came to me.

“Wait, doesn’t he know that Caleb lied about me?” I asked


“So what’s going to happen to him?” I asked

“Well according to this,” he opened a random book and flipped to a page, “Oh, crap.”


He looked at me and didn’t say anything.

He didn’t have to, I sped to the door, “Let’s go!” I yelled

“Where are we going?” he asked running beside me.

My answer was the destination we stopped at.

I couldn’t believe that I forgot about what Joshua said! I love Caleb and I wasn’t going to lose him to some Vampenese douche bag or whore. I felt like I had to protect Angel boy but Caleb came first…always.

We were at his house in almost no time. I barely noticed Angel boy at my heels.

I put a finger to his lips and shushed him, just in case they were still there.

Lifting my hand, I knocked on the door nervously.

“Caleb? It’s me, Dem?”

No answer.

I knocked harder, “Caleb!”

I heard something fall then two whips of wind.

I couldn’t take the suspense, I pushed the door open and broke the lock.

“The door was locked,” I said stepping in, “He never locks his door.”

I looked around and sniffed the air.

“I smell blood.” Said Elijah

I put my hand up, silencing.

There was another smell in the air but my senses couldn’t figure out what it was.

I listened so hard it felt like my ear drums were falling out of my ear.

It sounded like labored breathing.

I sped to Caleb’s room.

“Oh god!! Caleb!” I said kneeling down beside him.

He had a silver dagger shoved in his chest. It was way too close to where his heart was supposed to be.

My eyes scanned other parts of his body that were covered in scratches and markings.

As he bled furiously from…well pretty much everywhere, I saw that his blood was getting darker and darker.

I wrapped my hand around the blade and attempted to pull it out pain seared through my hand and shot up my arm.

I pulled away, hissing.

“Ver….vain.” Caleb breathed out

“Elijah pull the thing out!” I screamed frantically, knowing that I couldn’t do it. Trying to take that blade out would weaken me and that was the last thing that I needed.

He nodded gravely and wrapped his hands around the blade.

He counted to three and snatched the dagger out faster than I would’ve.

Caleb grunted and cried out in agony. It hurt every part of me to see the tears slide out of the corners of his eyes. I wiped them away.

“The Vervain is soaking into his bloodstream.” Said Elijah staring at the blood.

He was right…that was why his blood was getting darker and darker and now it was a purplish-red color.

Dropping the blade, he looked at Caleb, “His body won’t be able to handle.”

“Dem…” Caleb wrapped his hand around mine, “I should’ve told you. I’m sorry I kept it from you.”

“It’s cool dude.” I chuckled lightly, trying to remain calm.

I wanted to rip something apart. Kill someone and make them suffer for the hurt that I was feeling right now.

“This is it.” He mumbled, staring at the ceiling.

“No…we just started our relationship and I know you well enough to know that you didn’t go through all that just to die.” I turned to Elijah, “I know that there’s something that we can do!”

He sighed, “It would take a lot of human blood to flush his system entirely,” he put his hands to Caleb’s wound causing him to hiss, “It would take about four to six humans a day for…two weeks? Maybe to flush his system and even then, the Vervain won’t be out entirely.”

“That’s what we’ll have to do.” I said

I picked Caleb up and slung one arm around my shoulder.

We started to slump but Elijah caught his other side and pulled us up.

“Don’t worry Caleb, everything’s gonna be cool.” I said as we sped through the night with Caleb struggling to stay conscious
♠ ♠ ♠
what can i say? some people were mad at me for this but....Everybody's Gotta Die Sometime!!

title credits: Evanescence's Missing